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My Humble Villa

My Humble Villa

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Ah, I see that you have decided to visit me at my personal Villa. How did you manage to find my home away from home here in the realm of the Sphinx??? Ah well, 'tis no worry, as I am glad that you have come. I hope that during your stay that you enjoy yourself, and learn a little about the Sphinx, as well as myself, as I am their God of Victory, after all. Take a seat, and stay a while, or just look around. But don't forget to sign the Villa scroll, so that I can keep a log of all the people that have visited me here. And I hope you don't mind, as I have a candle lit in every room in memory of all of those that I have been close to that have passed from this realm, and into the next.

My Java Applets. This page will give you a list of available java programs and applets I have here.

My Bulletin Board. This particular forum is were you can leave me messages, so do feel free to take advantage of it whenever possible.

The Index of Rooms. This is were you can find a constantly changing list of rooms were you can have discussions about different topics. So check it out.

My Page of Quotes. Well, the link title says it all.

Learn About the Position Known as "Dragon's Justice." For those of you who don't know anything about the position title, Dragon's Justice, and what it takes to obtain the title, as well as the benefits, do feel free to take a look. I would also like to welcome those who know a little about the position to browse this page, so that you might become a little bit more familiar with the position itself, as you might even learn a little about myself in the process.

My Page O' Links. This page is for all the links that I have found to be well worth my while. Check it out, and let me know what you think.

My Family and Friends. This page is here so that you might get to know the people that I consider to be my family and friends. Do check it out.

About Wolf of Time~God of Creation and Mercy. This page is dedicated to the god known as Wolf of Time. As he is the God of Creation and Mercy, I thought he deserved a special place here in my home. Do feel free to visit this part of my villa, and discover a little about the god many know as the Great Wolf.

Now, About Myself. Why don't you come into the main den where I can tell you a little about myself.

Let Me Tell You About the Sphinx. This page is for those of you who don't know much about the sphinx people and would like to learn. I would also like to welcome those people who have heard of the sphinx, but still feel as though they have much to learn about them, as the sphinx people are a true enigma, even to me, their very own God of Victory.

The Winged Panthers. If you wish, we can enter, and I will tell you about this remarkable breed.

The Dragon Library. This particular library section of my villa is for those of you who would like to learn about all the different kinds of dragons that known to exist in each of the realms. If you notice that a dragon is missing, then please inform me of such, and I will fix that as soon as I can. But mind you, the library is limited with what I have at the present moment. There will be new editions added almost every day. While the books may not be that thick, they are still considered books, so do browse as long as you wish.

My Atlas of Places. This particular atlas is were you can find maps of geographical locations or buildings that you might find of some interest. Do feel free to browse.

A Dedication to Agramemnon the Great. This page I have included in dedication to the greatest dragon of all times, and my dearest friend. Do take some time, and visit this memorial to Agramemnon the Great.

A Dedication to Justice Warrior Princess. This page I have included in dedication to my first wife, Justice Warrior Princess, who had given birth to my first bloodchild, Mathius Justice Draconus. This particular page may not have much yet, but do check it out, as I would like all those who knew her to pay their final respects.

Yet Another Dedication. This third dedication page is in loving memory of the late Lady Rave. May those who come here remember her for who she truely was during her life.

My Real Life Friends. This page I have decided to include so as to have a way to introduce you to all the people that I consider to be my closest friends. Do check it out.

Me, The Man Behind the Character. Well, if you really want to find out about the person behind the one known as Typhus Draconus~Sphinx God of Victory, then click on the link. Otherwise, just pass this link over.

The Awards I Have Won. The link title says it all.

As I complete further additions to my humble villa, so do feel free to drop by as often as you can, so that you can see what I have added, or changed in my humble villa. I hope that you have enjoyed your visit, and you are always welcome to come whenever you should so choose.

So you all know, I must appologize as the guestbook link isn't working at this time. So, for now, I must ask that you go to the bulliten board and leave any comments or messages for me there. If you could do this until I can get the guestbook problem fixed, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your patience and your visit.

Also note the quizlet that I have here. If you could answer the question for me, it would be very helpful for me, as I can then provide a more comfortable home.

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