Dans la maison?




-Another casualty. Fox has shut down yet another site. This time, it's Tiny Dancer's X-Files Guide. It's even been deleted from Xoom, it's server. I'm furious. This is getting ridiculous! Like it actually makes a difference. Anyway, I'm sad to see it go, for it was the ultimate resource for information and sound files. My thanks to all of the dedications Tiny Dancer put into it so faithfully for so long. It will be sorely missed.



-Happy birthday to Chris Carter's wife, Dori. :-)

-Other than that, there's not much to say today, really. All I've got is that I've added sort of a tribute to scene 16 from "The Sixth Extinction," as it reminded me of the Sarah McLachlan song "Hold On." Check it out here. I wish I had the time to make it into a music video. Maybe I will someday.



-I have posted my "Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati" episode commentary here. Pretty soon I'll put up a page just for my commentaries, so you'll be able to read past commentaries.



-I apologize for the infrequency of updates lately. I have realized that NObody comes to my site, and that every time I make an update, like I am now, I'm talking to practically no one. Therefore, I've been working on promoting my site. You know, like joining webrings and sending people e-mails, etc. Please tell your buddies about this site. And tell your buddies to tell their buddies. And so on. Thank you. :-)

-I have started working on the Funnies section, and I think you'll like what you see so far. So check that out.

-And lastly, tonight is the conclusion of the season premiere. And as always, I'll be doing a commentary.



-I posted my "Sixth Extinction" Commentary. Read it here.

-If you haven't already, visit the official X-Files site. That place has really pulled a 360!! There are even spoilers!!!



YEAH!!! It's finally here! Whoo, yeah- I am so psyched!! But before I really loose my composure, I've got to get to the important stuff....

-I've transcripted one of the X-Files articles from last week's local paper. Chack it out here. Some spoilers, nothing big.

-This season I'll be posting a commentary on EVERY episode. I promise. So check back for those. :-)

-I've added a Links section. Soon it will have it's own flashy button on the main page.

-How do you like the new design of the main page? Are you having any trouble with it? Either way, please let me know. If you're having major difficulties, you can go to the old main page, which should work for you better. Note that this site works best when completely maximized in Internet Explorer 4.0. I'm working on a design that will work great for both Internet Explorer and Netscape, so stay tuned.

-And as I'm sure you've figured out, this whole site is under construction. I've decided not to change the name of this site....For now, anyway. But there are still gonna be some major changes around here. It's going to start looking a WHOLE lot better, and I'll soon be getting more visuals and info. up here to share with you. Check back often, as there will be minor daily changes and major weekly ones. I really do have a LOT to share with you guys. Otherwise I probably wouldn't bother with this site.




-Omigosh I'm glad it's Friday!! Whooo!

I'm going to be fixing this site up this weekend. An overhaul is WAY overdue. I've got a TON of stuff to share with you, so stay tuned.

2 more days...Can you believe we made it this far??!!



-The front and 3rd page of the entertainment section of our local newspaper features coverage of the end of the greatest show on earth. While I do not have the time, right now, to scan the pictures and transcript the articles, I've got to share this little tidbit with you. The rest, I'll get up by this weekend....I hope.

Anyway, here is the first indication that I've seen that there is a definitive [end, conclusion, whatever you wish to call it] planned for the Mulder/Scully relationship:

"I think that no one would ever predict this. I never go online to look at the fan fiction, for legal reasons, but I would place money that no one has ever imagined where they'll end up."

-Frank Spotnitz

Spotz also commented on a various number of other subjects, including going on line after episodes to observe fan reations, the projected feel of this season as opposed to last season's, and the cancelation of Harsh Realm. (Who else here is ROYALLY pissed off about that?) Some of the comments are ones that we've seen already. Most are not. So I'll try and post the rest of it by this weekend.




Older news:



-Bree Sharp, the girl who wrote and performs the "David Duchovny" song, joined the Lilith Fair lineup for the date that I'm attending! It's August 10th, in Columbus, Ohio. It will be webcast using Quicktime 4.0. I'll be the gorgeous chick in the 27th row, singing along and waving at the camera. :-) (More info. at Lilith Fair.com.) She's really getting popular fast, isn't she? Rolling Stone called her "the Cinderella story of 1999."

BTW- The official "David Duchovny" video is in the works. I baught the CD today and it's great. I especially like the first 2 or 3 tracks.


-Some general spoilers about the future of The X-Files here.



-Well, there hasn't been much to talk about lately, and I've been working on some fic, so sorry for the recent lack of updates! Pretty soon, though, I'm gonna run a little makover through this site- mostly in the Funnies section. I have some AWESOME stuff that I can't WAIT to get in here!!

Anyway, the only news I have today happens to be very interesting news. ESPECIALLY since I'm a really huge Star Wars fan! There's a rumor floating around the X-Files internet fanbase that Gillian Anderson (Scully) might be in the next Star Wars movie, playing a female Jedi.

The information came from a site called Another Universe And here's the article:

"Could the Force soon be with Agent Scully? Gillian Anderson is reportedly in talks with Lucasfilm to play a female Jedi in Episode 2. The Star Wars Realm Web site reportedly got an email from a Lucasfilm source that said The X-Files star will put down the Sig-Sauer P-220 for a light saber. --C.H.U.D."

I have no idea where the Star Wars Realm website is. I've never been there. But if you know where it is it probably couldn't hurt to pursue that lead there.

Now, mind you, this is JUST a rumor. Both you and I know that there are many, many rumors of all kinds spread at all times throughout the X-Files fanbase, and so as a Phile, you should always make sure your sources are viable. I won't believe it until we either see it or recieve a statement from Gillian's "people."

Any news on this wil most likely appear first at GAWS.

I hope it's true. Gillian has tremendous dramatic versatility, and this type of role would be great for her. If you know anything, please let me know. And may the Truth be with you. I mean, the Force is Out There....I mean...Well you know what I mean.


-Here's the picture from the David Duchovny article in July's Reader's Digest.


-Okay, this is too funny. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for my local radio station to play "David Duchovny." I call to request it and they're like, "We've never heard of it but we'll look out for it." And I'm thinking, Oh my gosh, I live in Hicksville!!! Everything gets here last. Like the sunscreen song. It was like soooo old school before it got here. I don't even know if the guys at the radio station even believed me when I told them that this song was getting popular. No, they just keep on playing the same songs over and over. If I hear "No Scrubs" one more time I swear I'm gonna walk over to that station (since I am not an insured driver yet...) and rip that CD right out of the player myself! But anyway, I do have a point. Much to my excitement, I got my People Magezine earlier today and guess what I saw. Well, first, I saw Sarah McLachlan in the Star Tracks section, which I'm sure that most of you Philes really don't care about. What you will care about is that the David Duchovny song was mentioned in the Insider section. I scanned the article here, since I was too lazy to type it out...and I got a little crayon happy with it, too...If you'd like a better version of it, just e-mail me.


-Well, we haven't heard anything about these DD rumors lately, so I'll assume that they're false. Thank God!

-Brad Pitt is in the "David Duchovny" music video!! That's just tooooo funny. My two dreamy loverboys in the SAME music video. The video is not on the internet but you can read it's description here. Observation: The video was made by David's associates, not Bree Sharp herself, so I'm not sure if it will be released to MTV or what. I'm thinking that since there are so many famous people in it, I don't know how they could resist releasing it to the public.


-I just heard a RUMOR that David Duchovny has been diagnosed with a rheumatic disease called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Since I recieved the information in a forwarded e-mail, I am not considering it to be completely valid information. This is what it said:

"I was watching the news and heard about this disease and then they showed a pic of DD. (I think I might have mentioned this before) so It turns out he has something called fibramyolgia. Its not deadly or anything, its just an inflammation of tendons. (i.e., Muscle pain!!) So, I suppose Its nothing too big. I'll keep and ear out for anything new. Thanx"

It is unclear where this information came from. Something called "Deal With It" was mentioned. I don't kow if that refers to a webpage, magazine, or T.V. show. I've never heard of it.

Here are my reasons not to believe this rumor:

-A few weeks ago, there was a rumor flying around that Nic Lea (Krycek) was dying of lung cancer, and it turned out to be entirely false.

-Two problems with the e-mail above:

1.) The word "fibromyalgia" is spelled wrong.

2.) Fibromyalgia does not involve any inflammation of the tendons whatsoever, though it was previously believed to.

-Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is diagnosed by a process of elimination, which makes it tough to detect. Also, there has to be signs of more or less conistant pain in joints/muscles/tendons for at least three months. So it could not have been recently diagnosed because David has spent the past month in Chicago, filming a movie. Might make that kinda difficult, huh? Furthermore, check out the symptoms of the disease- mainly pain and fatigue....even certain types of sleeping disorders. David is very athletic does many of his own stunts, and just directed an X-Files episode. Now think about that. With those symptoms, do you really think he'd be as energetic and in as high of spirits as he has been lately?

The only possibility I see, if it is true, is that it's a very mild case and he's possibly had it for a long time and is just now coming out with it. But based on what I know, my experience with knowing someone who has a disease which is associated with FMS, and the recent rumor about Nic Lea, I believe this to be a false rumor. I am thoroughly disgusted that anyone would make that up. Whomever it is obviously has no clue what they're talking about and no respect for David, any of us, or anyone with the disease.

Anyway, if anyone hears anything, or can tell me where, exactly, this information came from, let me know.

And remember: Trust No One!!



-Well, I've been keeping myself busy this week. Trying to prevent myself from going into withdrawal. I added an explanation about how this site got it's name. There'll be some more updates this weekend, so keep tuning in, ok?

-Oh and David is NOT done filming in Chicago yet. I was misinformed and I apologize for any inconvenience. Speaking of David, there was an incident I heard about where David was mobbed by screaming girls at his Chicago filming. Oh, come ON, people. We're X-Philes, not teeny-bopper, Leonardo DiCaprio fans. People like that just make us look bad. True Philes have more respect for David than that. Besides, neither David ir Gillian is completely comfortable with their fame, and David has even been known to say he despise it. Don't make them have to hide from us.

-Well, here's the most fun way to obsess over David! Singer/songwriter Bree Sharp happens to be a huge Phile and has written a song about her obsession with David Duchovny. David got ahold of a copy of "David Duchovny" and has reportedly played it over and over in his trailer. He must have gotten a real kick out of it! You can listen to the first minute of it in Real Audio at Bree Sharp's official website. The album will be out on June 29th.


-The season finale is finally here! Man, am I excited! But then again I'm still angsticipating the loooong summer/fall wait for the season to begin again....

-I've added a bit to the character section, so check that out. I added the Mulder and Scully pages.

-Reminder: if you like spoilers, you may want to check out the X-Files Timeline anytime after 9a.m. to read a summary of "Biogenesis."



-I just heard that David Duchovny will be finished filming this Monday.



-The PA site has been really keeping up on the Return to Me filming lately, and they've got a page set aside for it with a culmination of everything they know. They've got the first set visit account! Click here to check it out.

The big letdown with all of this is that someone found out that they're not filming on weekends, that means that a lot of us won't have a chance to visit the set. That includes me, until school gets out on the 11th. ::sigh:: At least the filming is scheduled to last through mid-July, so that gives me plenty of time to get my obsessive little bum over there!

-Season 7....and beyond!! I heard from what I HOPE (hint, hint, Laura...) is a reliable scource that:

1.) All of the seventh season will consist of either mythology, or character-driven episodes that are consistant with the mythology, but can stand alone. (i.e. "Little Green Men," "Momento Mori," or "Christmas Carol,"/"Emily.") That's consistant with what I heard last year- that they were probably going to have a lot of MOTWs this year, and they have, so that they could spend all of next year wrapping this baby up! So I guess they've stuck to that idea.

2.) The second thing I heard is that there will be a movie franchise, not just a sequel- a series of movies....AND that they will not be mythology-based, but character-driven standalones. (Note: this gives us reason to believe that, at the end of the series, all of the mythology will pretty much wrapped up. This doesn't necessarily include the Mulder/Scully relationship....sorry shippers!) The way she described these movies that they'd be a lot like the X-Files novels. That sounds like great news to me!!

-{Begin rant} Okay, y'all. I got a complaint. What is UP with these people at Fox?! I joined the fan club waaay back in like, March, and yeah- I got the magazine in April, but I JUST got the uh, what do you call it? The special fan club package thing, with my card in it and stuff. And besides the fact that this was extraordinarily late, the "Welcome to the X-Files fan club" letter said something along the lines of, "We are planning on expanding the fan club package and yadda, yadda, yadda, something about the X-Files Expos this summer..." and get this- it was dated 1998. The X-Files fan club has been given NO attention in a WHOLE YEAR!! What gives?

And what about the website? It desperately needs to be redesigned, and UPDATED more often than bimonthly. Good grief- this is the first T.V. show to THRIVE on internet fandom, and these guys can't even keep up a website! Gee, that's a nice way to say, "Thanks, fans. We really appreciate your obsessive, drooling loyalty!!" I mean, Hey Fox- I'll do it for you! PLEASE! Quit paying that bozo you call a webmaster yay amount of money to "maintain" your official website and hire me! I'll do it for free! Better yet! I'll pay YOU!! {End rant}

-Oh and guess what I found today?? There's yet another official X-Files site at Foxhome.com. It's new, I think, and it's called The Mythology Matrix.

-Y'all excited about the finale? Or nervous? You must be thinking, WHAT am I gonna do this summer, with no new X-Files episodes?!! That's a good question. Well, you keep checking back here, because I'm gonna be putting some REALLY fun stuff up on my page on a regular basis. This place will be growing and growing! I have a plethora of videos- episode clips, DD and GA interviews, bloopers, commercials, and music videos. I've also got tons of soundclips and pictures. And I want to get them "out there" so I can get them back if- heaven forbid- they every get accidentally deleted or something. So I'm gonna try and post a new one up every week. I'll also be building on the Funnies page and the PhilosoPhiles page.

My poor, little PhilosoPhiles- I'd bet you thought I was neglecting you!! I'm sorry. :-(


-Well, there were some problems with the information I posted yesterday on the Pennsylvania X-Files Site regarding the filming of David Duchovny's latest project, Return to Me (MGM). The number I gave you guys for the Illinois Film Office was correct, but apparently, they do not give locations. They gave me the number for the Chicago Film Office (312-744-6415) and when I called there I was told that they don't give locations, either.

But after some searching- many long distance calls- here's what I know, and I'm sad to say it isn't much: David IS in town, and will be there for "a while." They also said that filming will last through to sometime in July.

It's no use, really, to call any of those numbers. All it does is annoy these people, and they're not particularly friendly anyway. Nobody is allowed to give out locations. Nor are they allowed to say WHO they can give them to. So unless you are one of those "who's," then it's no use, really, to call any of those numbers.

If anyone hears anything, please let me know ASAP. I'll do the same.



- Can you guys believe that Season 6 is almost over?!

Being a HUGE Star Wars fan as well (My brother is camping out in front of the movie theatre, getting my tickets, as I type this!), I picked up the latest T.V. Guide, and there was a full-colour, glossy, 2-page add for The X-Files season finale! Also, among the Sunday listings, there was the usual, black-and-white one. I scanned the color one in here for y'all's viewing pleasure. :-) Click on the little 'un for the big 'un.

Ain't it spiffy? I am so excited, aren't you?!


-Next thing....um, oh yeah! I am making a super-cool music video. Y'all GOT to see this! It's a bunch of X-Files clips, from all 6 seasons, set to "Crossroads," from the movie soundtrack. It's all synchronized and everything! But, it'll be a while before it's finished. I'll post it when it's done. I'm also doing a season 6 compilation. I don't know which one I'll finish first. Check back in about a month.

That's it for now!