Monica's Hide-Away
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Monica's Hide-Away


Hi and welcome to my home page. Make yourself at home. Kick back, relax, and stay a while.

Me and My Family

I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Monica, I'm 21, and I was born in a small town in Indiana that has slowly grown in size over the years. I live with my parents and my brother (when I'm not at school). We have one pet, a cute cocker spaniel named Missy. She's a psycho dog. In fact my friends call her that.

My Hobbies

Some things that I enjoy are: playing piano, acting, camping, scrapbooking, reading, anything outdoors, watching movies, and hanging out with my friends. BUT, my all-time most favorite thing to do is to take pictures. I'm majoring in photography with the hopes to someday open my own studio, or work for a Christian ministry. Below is one of the pictures I took while I was in school at Grace.

My School

I'll be a senior this next year at PU. My freshmen and sophomore years of college I was at a small private school in northern Indiana. There I was majoring in Biology, but I didn't do so hot in chemistry and biochemistry, which helped me decide what I really wanted to do, hence my transfer to PU. College has been a good experience for me both spiritually and independantly. I've learned to rely more on God. He has truly worked in my life these last three years. He has blessed me in so many ways, with lifetime friends and awesome roommates.

Click here for more.

A Special Message to my Friends:

I hope you all are having a good day or evening, whenever it is that you see this. Remember I'm always thinking about and praying for you! God bless all of you!

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Last Updated:

Saturday, May 31, 2003

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