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Here is what you will find on this website!

The Life of Jesus - Birth - Ministry - Death - Ressurection(under construction)
Jesus loves the Children
Fun Page for the Kids
Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
The Messiah's Qualifications
Titles and Offices of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The Messiah revealed in the Holy Scriptures
Biblical names and meanings (coming soon)
Prayer Requests and Praise Report Forum
Prayers from the Bible
Poems of Inspiration
Stories of Inspiration
Remember the Martyrs
Devotionals and Bible Studies online
My testimony(coming soon)
My writings and research(coming soon)
Links to more Christian sites (more to come )
Links for homeschoolers
Help the Poor and the Hungry

Daily Memory Verse

But Jesus said "Let the children come to me.
Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven
belongs to ones such as these." And he put his
hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.
Matthew 19:14,15

Prayer requests - click here

I would like to thank Danny Hahlbohm
for allowing me to use his artwork on my pages.

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