Welcome To Charmz Pimpin' Page!!! While You Are Here Be A Pimp, And Sign My Guestbook!! Da Updating Has Resumed, And I Hope You All Enjoy It!! Peace... ~Charmz

Well before I go on..I have another page. It's just page I'll link on this main page. It's not all that important, it's just my thoughts of the moment. If you wanna peep out what tha fuck is wrong with my brain, in other words...what I have to see check it out here and see what I have to say. Might I remind's sometimes long.

It's been nearly 5 months since I last updated this muthafucker!! I think this will be one of the final updates to this page, EVER!! I may update the awards, bitch, webpage of the week pages, but that's probably about it. I also got rid of the frames on the side. No, not becuz I wanted to..just cuz server problems fucked up. So I waz like FUCK FRAMES..EVERYONE'S GOT DEM FUCKIN' FRAMES!! a later update, I'll probably put them damn frames back up there, but not at this current moment in time. Not as long as I'm molesting my cat, huh?? What!?!...well anywayz, I'm goin' to leave it how its. If you wanna go to a different page..I have a thing near the bottom where you can check out what I have to look at.

You know what?? I really love the attention, and bull-shit I get from people that hate me because of my "Pimp" page. The shit fuckin' blows my mind!! But I'm stepping down as a pimp though. You really wanna know why, cuz I ain't no fuckin' pimp!! I'm juz a poser...well sorta.

I updated my "Webpage of the Week" and the page is da fuckin' atom bomb!! Go check it out, it's definetly a nut jiggler!! Also..please tell them I sent ya when ya sign their guestbook!!

I have decided on my own "Bitch of the Week" this time. Of course, most of you know who the winner will be, but you have to be patient, cuz I wanna get a picture of dis greasy fuck!! Ha ha ha... Also, I erased my Adam Sandler site. I know, I did put a lot of time on it..but I just figured this. There was WAY TOO much to update with it, and there is already like 449,000,000 Adam Sandler Sites up there, and all of them were better than mine. So I just quit..

This page hasn't really been a priority as of late. I have a few other sites I'd rather work on though. Like my CORPORATE CIRCUS Page that I've been workin' on for awhile. I update it pretty much everyday, so dat's the page that takes up most my time.
Another page I sometimes update..well more often than this one is my CALVIN 'N' CHARMZ Page!! It's a pretty cool page, but is in desperate need of updating!!
I have a few other pages on the side, but a lot of them aren't that important, and I've kinda forgotten them.

Aight...if you all wanna chat, I do have a chat room but it blows!! I think I'll schedule dates for when people can all meet up and chill out and just talk. Also..I'll be sending newzletterz out again. If you want on the list, and you aren't on the list...then please email me and get on my mailing list. But you'll probably want removed right away!!

I think I may start a page where I just speak of what ever is on my mind, or shit that is happening to me. I think I may just put it on a text file kinda thing, and just have you all download it then read it. That saves me having to start a new page and shit. Trust me..some of you all may wanna see what's really wrong with me!!

LAST UPDATED - 8/27/99
1. My ICP Page...
2. My Links Page...
3. My Awards Page...
4. My Webpage of the Week Page...
5. My Chris Farley Page...
6. My Bitch Page...
7. My Pimp Page...
8. My Text on Main Page...

I only have a few more pages to update, and the only reason why they are left is because I have to scan pics...becuz they consist of putting new pics on there. The remaing three pages that need updated are my: "Friends," "About Me," and "Personal Picture" pages!!!

Charmz's Pimpin' Page Copyright ©
[Whitt H.] All Rights Reserved 1999.