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Mariel Castle

You are a forgotten woodlander lost in Mossflower woods. You stop by a small stream to drink the water, as you stand up you are dawned upon a majestic red castle hidden in a valley. As you walk towards the huge castle, the gates start to lower. You begin to walk a little faster and then a pretty little mousemaid looks at you. "Hello this is Mariel Castle, I am Mariel named after my great ancestor Mariel of Redwall. My ancestor, Mariel was very brave, she went questing with another Warrior named Dandin, and sadly was never seen again. Please come in, you are welcome to stay as long as you pose no threat to us." You follow Mariel into the castle. There she says, "This is Great Hall, from here you may go into any room you want to. with that the mousemaid leaves you to do to your own bidding.

As the beautiful mousemaid walks away you notice a scroll on a large oak table with the following on it:

If you would like to join Mariel's Castle,please E-mail me or put the answers on Mariel Scroll.

  1. Nickname- this is what you would be called
  2. second Nickname- in case somebody has already taken your first choice
  3. E-mail address
  4. gender
  5. Species(what type of animal you are)- mouse,squirrel,mole,bird,badger,vole,ect. ect.
That is it

PLEASE JOIN We are in a great need of members!!!!

As you turn to your left you look down upon a small table there you notice a small scroll with with wrightings scribbled on it. At the top you see Mariel Scroll. Appleberry walks up to you and says, "This is our main communication device if we are to busy to actually find the person. please feel free to leave a message."
Mariel Scroll

This is being updated and many members ar not on it. so if you have just joined don't feel bad if your name is not on the list.
Member Page

Now that I finally got this up: the Nameday page!! Thank you Appleberry for your page!

This is the poll page, BY BLYTH!!
Poll page
Okay Everybody, when you go into that please ignore the top one only use the bottom one.
Great Hall
If you would like to find your loved one of the same or different species look in this room. By: Appleberry
We have a Gatehouse Keeper!!!! Thanx Skylet!!

; The Site Fights Spirit FLowers

Email: Mail to Mariel