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By Jim Donaldson

A lot of times we who keep a few to many tanks or possible are trying our hand at breeding a certain specie of fish find ourselves with a lot of fish or fry and not enough space to accommodate them. You probably have been there some point in time well this pair’s spawn I’ll put in this tank and this pair’s I’ll put ??? Sound familiar?

Many options are available when we find ourselves in this position. I realize if you are already in a local fish club of some sorts you may have it all well in hand. Then there is fish lovers out there without a local club but never the less still enjoy fish keeping as their hobby. To those out there this is for you.

A lot of times you have friends who enjoy the hobby. They call it a hobby because you find out sooner or later you can’t get rich i.e. IRS. Ever think about doing a little trading? Your friend may be interested in trading their fish for yours. Maybe you can trade your fish for something of theirs and what you what from them isn’t even fish related. A neighbor of mine who frequents flea markets and garage sales, hey there’s an idea sell those fry at your next garage sale, wanted to know if I would trade him twelve of my Angelfish fry for a twenty gallon tank that he had purchased. He had an existing fifty five gallon tank already in his home that was a little bare on inhabitants. Knowing him he probably gave five bucks for it, but I said "sure!". Think about it I now have another tank to put more fish in which was the reasoning for traded a few away. I have traded a lot with him since then on, yes you guessed it, more tanks!

Another outlet for your unwanted fish or fish may be right where you spend a lot of money at buying food and other supplies is at your favorite pet shop. If you live in a large metropolitan area I’m sure that you can find many different pet shops in your area. If you live in a rural area you may have to travel a piece to the next town that has a pet shop or two. Many pet shop will usually take your fish in trade for merchandise that they sell and have on their shelves. All shops are different when it comes to trading some will, some will not. You have to keep in mind depending on the shops availability of tank space they can stock just so many fish at once. So if you get a no this week try next week and the answer may be yes. Also to keep in mind is that the shop may have to house your fish in tanks with other fish they may have purchased. I say this because unless the shop is familiar with you on a personal basis they have to rely on your honesty on the health and tank conditions that your fish came from. What this means is if you even suspect in the most minute way your fish isn’t perfectly healthy DO NOT trade to a shop. Do you really believe a shop would ever ever take your fish again if you diseased their fish? I think not. If a shop is willing to trade with you they will usually have a store policy to abide with, such as we will give you half the price we sell them at. Don’t forget they have to make a reasonable profit to stay in business. Where will you go if they aren’t there?.

Another good policy for yourself is if you do get to trade with a pet shop is to pick out fine specimens for them. If they see that over time that you pride yourself in what quality you bring them they will always be eager to do business with you in the future. If one day you’re rushed for time and really didn’t have time to be to picky for them, tell them this. If you bring in fish with stunted fins do you think they’ll want them? Not!

Remember most pet shops may trade with many different breeders they can’t possibly trade with everyone all the time. They have to spread it around to keep everyone happy also, they’re their customers also. Now some shops might even give you CASH instead of trade, better yet! Cash does come in handy when paying that extra large electric bill because of your hobby. My bill is at least $100 more than before the hobby, maybe I should move to a warmer climate.

If possible try to find a local fish club in your area. You can receive a great wealth of information from club members. If there isn’t a club in your area START ONE! All fish clubs was at one time or another started out with just a few friends getting together.