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My Love

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Our Photos

Our Background

On the first day of school, I sat in Spanish just minding my own business, and then these this one brown girl sitting behind me asked to use my blue pen… I thought it was the weirdest thing ever, but it was her scam to see who I was…her and that guy who sat behind her…

The first time we met was when Spanish class. Mrs. Lopez gave us an assignment where we had to introduce ourselves according to our seating charts. She placed me right behind him in the back, the first thing I thought was, “how am I to see over him?” lol.

It wasn’t really a love at first site, but there definitely was an attraction towards him. He looked like someone that stood out, and stood for himself and who didn’t care of the negativities from others. I definitely wanted to get to know him much better!

As I got to know him I was very interested, his physical looks were captivating but there was something else to him that I wanted to find out about. I grew to love him through his intellect and logic, and I strongly admired him for the strengths of his beliefs and positive outlooks towards many things… except for his grades in Spanish lol.

He helped me through many things that could have been a life altering decision, decisions which I would have thought wrongly of. I will never forget how we would spend nights texting each other… When he was in the middle of puja and one of us would text each other and have a conversation. When I brought up that he was in a puja he would say, “Don’t worry havan is going on.”

On Christmas eve we were on the phone with each other till the stroke of midnight and he was the first one to give me Christmas wishes… On New Years eve he was the first one to tell me Happy New Years, and I was to give him his New Years kiss, but I was not with him at the time, so instead I saved it for him. And he said he would help me with my New Year’s Resolution too, to not date anymore jackasses.

I had promised him to go out with him all during the winter break, but for some reason the plans were changed, until one day…

I was so excited the day finally came where I got to go out on a date with him, but it wasn’t just us alone, I brought my friend because I was scared… We got dressed in the car because we were pressed for time, and we tried to be so secretive our “date”, and once we got there, I was like no other night I have ever experienced.

We went to see a scary movie, something I vowed to never do without a boyfriend. But I figured that there was something special with this relationship and it wasn’t just one of a friendship, so I took a chance. Actually… I didn’t have too much of a say, he kind of made me go, and I am happy he did. We got in the movie theater and it was sooooo cold! But I didn’t really care. Davin and I talked and talked until the movie started, while my friend started to get a bit annoyed. We only talked to get on her nerves lol. He had his arm around me, and I felt this really safe and calming feeling, one that I have never ever felt before. All throughout the movie he held me so tight, as to comfort me from the scary parts, though there was only on part that made me shake. When the movie was over I did not want to move at all, I was way to comfortable, I had never felt like that and didn’t want it to go anywhere.

After the movies we went to McDonalds to eat, or rather they went to eat and I just tagged along. And at McDonald’s it happened… our first kiss! No matter what anyone says, it was the perfect setting for us! Now McDonalds is like our home… We go there so much and it never ever seems cheap or low like many people would think.

There is always be that one special night however…That one night… O that one night… I can never forget it… That one night we talked about so much and connected with one each other on a different level… The same night that made fall completely for him…That one night that which is relived every time he says those same three words… The night he told me he loved me and I for the chills because I knew it to be true… The once night that will never ever be forgotten…

The day he asked me out, started out like any other school day, only once thing, it was very cloudy outside… He asked me to do the honors make him one of the happiest men alive, and to be his girlfriend… From the moment I said yes, it was as if the Gods drenched us with his blessings, it rained, and there was a rainbow lol.

Every second I spend with him, grows to minutes, to hours, to days, to weeks, and now months, and soon even years… I wont ever get tired of his presence, looks, voice, or him…

The feeling he has giving me is like no other, I am no longer scared me to be myself or express how I feel in front of my peers. I can talk to him and know he understands me even before I say a single word. I know that he wont ever hurt to me. And I know that he does so much for me, so much that he doesn’t have to do yet I am thankful for it. I know I love every second with him, I know I love to just be in his arms, I know I love knowing that he is there. I know that its love, I know that I love him.

Our Photos

Davin Persaud & Lorena Ragunath

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Our First Picture

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Us on the Last Day of School

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Ashna's Sweet Sixteen

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Our 5 Month Anniversary

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Us at temple on my birthday

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Sharda-D best Friend, Davin and I at Olive Garden

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Davin and I out on our 9 months anniversary about to go to Garba

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