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To Be Determined
Home | The Band | Show Dates | Lame Pics | Projects and Articles | Links to Better Sites

Whoo! Welcome to To Be Determined, this site is about tons of stuff, like the band of the same name, the hijinks we get into (is there a hyphen in that?), and other stuff that's so whacked you'll be quoting Lil John: "WHAT?!" That's right, so batten down the hatches and raise the missenmast Mr. Stewart, cause there's storms a brewin'.

Gimme Some Sugar, Baby

February 11, 2005: Hey guys, we finally got off our asses and put some pictures from Coffee House up. Enjoy them while you can, muahaha...anyway, a lot of possible shows coming up. First, we may be playing in some kind of abandoned convenience store in Westdale sometime in March. Second, we're inquiring at the Staircase theatre to see about playing there around March as well. If we play there, we'll probably get Newspaper Taxi (Connor's brother's band) to open for us. Finally, we have two shows in June. First, there will be some kind of thing at the school, then there is some other show another band is organizing. Also, there's probably going to be another Coffee House in May like last year. So yeah, a lot of shows coming up. Plus we found a good recording studio, so we might be recording once we get some more songs done. I'll post more details about these shows in the show dates part of the site once I get them.

It's Been A While

December 29, 2004: Wow, it's been a long time since we updated eh? Well Coffee House has come and passed, and Keep the Beat raised over $10,000 for WarChild Canada, which is awesome. Thanks to everyone who bought t-shirts from us at the show, and we will likely have more in the future if there's enough interest. And this time we'll get a lot more mediums and smalls for everyone that wanted a shirt but found them way too big! As for band news, we're working on bringing up our song total to a nice even ten then we'll consider recording. Depending on how fast we can write that many songs, we may have the CD done for the Summer or so. Anyway, I'm going to put some pictures of Coffee House up as soon as I can, and hopefully James and Steve can make some time to write up profiles and get them on here. P.S. We may be playing some kind of show in February at QQ Tea House, keep your eyes on this space for more information as I get it.

Don't Make Us Kick Your Ass

November 14, 2004: Sorry for the long gap without any updates, to anyone who happens to be visiting this site (I really don't want to know who you people are). I've got more information on Coffee House for you, it's on Thursday, December 9th and starts at 6:30. Come and check it out, and remember all proceeds are going to charity! In other news we're entering a contest in which we record two original songs and submit them to a local radio station (Y108 in our case) and if we happen to win, we move on to semifinals playing in a live contest, then finals and so forth. Go to the Y108 site if you want more details, I can't be expected to remember all this. Anyway, go to show dates for more info on the Coffee House and remember, rock rock on!

Fred's Got Slacks On The Boulevard...

October 28, 2004: Happy Halloween (well, in three days). Maybe we'll put up some goofy pictures of what we decide to dress up as. Personally, I think I'm going to be "The 80s" and we may blackmail or muscle James into being Ronald McDonald. Anyway, we just heard about an event coming up at Westdale called Keep The Beat. Basically, it's a fundraiser for an organization called WarChild that helps the children of war. People are going to be collecting pledges and staying at the school for 24 hours making music, and in addition at 6:30 there will be a Coffee House type show with several great bands. This is for a great cause so I encourage everyone to go! Go to our show dates section for more information as it arrives. You can click on the link below to check out more about WarChild and Keep the Beat.

WarChild Keep The Beat

The Euroboys Ride Again

October 16, 2004: Woot, finally put up those band names, if anyone remembers what I'm talking about. Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to mention it but we played at Sir John A. MacDonald on Friday in a battle of the bands. There were five others, including a Enrique Iglesias cover band called "Euroboys", some screamo band, and this really good local band. Anyway, we didn't win anything, but it was fun. Oh yeah, here's the link to the name dealie.

The Godawful Band Naming Contest

Magic Dance

October 3, 2004: Wow, that was a crazy weekend. First of all, apologies about the band names article: mostly due to laziness it probably won't be up until like Wednesday or something. Anyway, Franz Ferdinand owns so bad it isn't even funny, not to mention The Futureheads and Delays who opened for them on Friday. So yeah, it was a pretty awesome birthday for me (Matt). Then on Saturday we watched Labyrinth, a movie from the 80s starring David Bowie as the Goblin King. Maybe we'll do a review of it sometime, because it was soooo unbelievably crazy. Basically, go see it sometime. Musically, we're taking a short break to recuperate after the show last week, but we're probably going to start writing new material really soon. On a final note, we're looking into playing at The Underground once we turn down the suck. Keep looking here for updates. Until then...kthxbai.

Burnt Urine???

September 28, 2004: Well, our little show in the caf has come and gone. Overall, it went well. It could have gone better, seeing as how we didn't get to do a soundcheck, because we spent 30 minutes looking for a little spring that makes the pedal on the bass drum go back up. Plus the stage was pretty small, and we were using our our amps. Equally important (or maybe, just equally) is that this contest to name the band is being judged as I...type this. We have our best experts hard at work selecting the highest quality name submitted by the hordes of people vying desperately for a 20 dollar HMV gift cerificate. Look at you...throwing away your dignity for 20 bucks, I bet you couldn't even buy a cd with that. Anyway, I've decided to share some of the more...'what the hell were you thinking' types with everyone, in the form of our first article! Ch-check it out.

Thinking up titles is hard.

September 19, 2004: Check show dates for date.

Commie Snipers! Behind you!

September 3, 2004: Practiced today and we actually got something done for a change, as opposed to the usual where we get distracted by chucking darts at things or getting into a huge grudge match in NHL 2004. We went to Xia's house and it is my firm belief that the floorplans are designed to confuse you when you come in, doors open out of nowhere and mirrors are everywhere. Probably a commie plot or something. Anyway, we got two ORIGINAL songs done, "Neurosurgeons" which I wrote the lyrics to, and another song the title of which we haven't decided, Connor wrote the lyrics. Things are shaping up nicely and with a few more practices we should asplode some heads when we play. As for the Lil John thing, we started on it and the first episode is gonna be Lil John vs GI Joe, but we have to work out some licensing agreements first or the commie snipers will most likely kill us in our sleep. It'll be up soon. Promise.

Lil John, Grimace, and Animal. Wtf?

August 22, 2004: Everyone's pictures are up now, some are more...hilarious than others. Go to the Band link to see them for yourself. We'll have everyone's profiles done soon. Also, I'm working on a new article: "How to Get Rich Saying Three Words", alternately titled "Why Lil' John is So Damn Cool". After this article airs, we're gonna start what we hope will become a regular and important feature of the site: "Lil' John Vs." In this audio feature, Lil' John will encounter different celebrities as only he can. Disclaimer: Lil' John Vs. is inspired by the Dave Chapelle routine "Day in the Life of Lil' John", but rest assured, it will be different. So different it's crazy. Seriously.

Saaaay whaaat?

August 20, 2004: Ok, so here's the rundown. We're gonna have info about the band, show dates if we ever get any, and basically everything you never wanted to know about five guys from Steel City, Ontario. The pictures link is pretty self-explanatory. If you don't get it, get out. I'm serious. Ongoing Projects is all the dumb crap we're trying to do, whether it be making sequels to the worst movies of all time or just breaking stuff. And finally, the links section is where you can find everyone's favourite links, from Maddox to X-E, they're all here. So come on in, or you'll be shanked with a rusty pipe!