Tiny’s Page of Dzurko Quotes!

(Link to Dzurko’s Page of Quotes: http://members.verizon.net/~vze3nh3g/newquotes.html)


UPDATED: 5-31-03





SonOfaTruckload (1:12:40 AM): right now

SonOfaTruckload (1:12:46 AM): as i type this message, you beat it



SonOfaTruckload (11:57:10 PM): you feel all bad about going somewhere with [x]

SonOfaTruckload (11:57:17 PM): like "noo im betraying [y] somehow!"

SonOfaTruckload (11:57:26 PM): and you're jacking off to [z] at the same time

SonOfaTruckload (11:57:26 PM): lol

(names edited out)


SonOfaTruckload (11:54:53 PM): a waffle is just a pancake with a syrup trap

SonOfaTruckload (11:55:51 PM): i have syrup all over my hands

SonOfaTruckload (11:55:54 PM): because i ate a waffle

Tiny0388 (11:55:57 PM): BS

Tiny0388 (11:56:00 PM): that isnt syrup

SonOfaTruckload (11:56:03 PM): and the syrup trap was defective

SonOfaTruckload (11:56:17 PM): lol its definitly syrup



SonOfaTruckload (7:38:22 PM): brb i farted and have to move



SonOfaTruckload (7:29:01 PM): LOL dude her mouth is not worthy of my cock



SonOfaTruckload (4:34:21 PM): ok ill do tommy on my body and celery on my junk



SonOfaTruckload (1:22:33 PM): when she tells you to smile, think of me ;-)



SonOfaTruckload (11:36:31 PM): stop hitting on her, damnit! this is my domain now



SonOfaTruckload (11:12:30 PM): i'm busy cyber-mackin'



SonOfaTruckload (10:44:53 PM): i sohuld just be like "hey so whats your vibrators name"



Tiny0388 (12:28:33 PM): how big is Babe III?

SonOfaTruckload (12:28:49 PM): big enough

SonOfaTruckload (12:29:22 PM): i just finished cutting grass lemme go measure

SonOfaTruckload (12:30:41 PM): right now im hanging at a shade over 5

Tiny0388 (12:31:07 PM): lol limp?

SonOfaTruckload (12:31:27 PM): no i have a 5 inch boner thats sad



SonOfaTruckload (11:46:08 PM): hey does dee have a last name



SonOfaTruckload (9:42:18 PM): wait does your hip hurt

Tiny0388 (9:42:21 PM): yea

Tiny0388 (9:42:24 PM): left hip

Tiny0388 (9:42:34 PM): why?

SonOfaTruckload (9:43:23 PM): lol

SonOfaTruckload (9:43:26 PM): :-)

Tiny0388 (9:43:29 PM): what happened?

SonOfaTruckload (9:44:53 PM): muahha

Tiny0388 (9:45:01 PM): no seriously

Tiny0388 (9:45:11 PM): i wanna know if i should be like getting a tetnus shot or something

SonOfaTruckload (9:45:29 PM): when you were going "ET ET ET"

SonOfaTruckload (9:45:36 PM): i punched you there really hard



Tiny0388 (7:45:47 PM): i talked to DC last nite... "im not gonna drink anything....if i do i just wanna try beer to see what it tastes like"

SonOfaTruckload (7:46:05 PM): *fast forward 2 hours*

SonOfaTruckload (7:46:47 PM): *scene of drunken tiny with pants on head dancing with alex*



SonOfaTruckload (7:43:35 PM): LOL you imd my sister and told her to get over here you're horny



SonOfaTruckload (1:59:02 PM): im like a woman when it comes to getting ready



SonOfaTruckload (11:46:30 PM): eating is good

SonOfaTruckload (11:46:33 PM): you need to eat

SonOfaTruckload (11:46:39 PM): eat = energy = life = good



SonOfaTruckload (11:41:07 AM): nothin, i had a crazy dream though

SonOfaTruckload (11:41:15 AM): we all went to the cheap movies

SonOfaTruckload (11:41:21 AM): except amy was a bongo drum

SonOfaTruckload (11:41:24 AM): but we all knew it was amy

SonOfaTruckload (11:41:29 AM): and tiff kept playing songs on her

Tiny0388 (11:41:33 AM): u just thought that cause u wanna bang her

SonOfaTruckload (11:42:00 AM): but only tiff was banging her

SonOfaTruckload (11:42:05 AM): we were just all watching

Tiny0388 (11:42:25 AM): babe do u have lesbian fantisies af AJ and tiff?

SonOfaTruckload (11:42:41 AM): maybe in a REALLY metaphorical way



SonOfaTruckload (12:16:52 PM): i cant stop laughing at anything

Tiny0388 (12:17:05 PM): quick look in your pants!




SonOfaTruckload (10:51:54 PM): "once i gave this guy a rimjob in a walmart parking lot"



SonOfaTruckload (10:35:34 PM): OH GOD

Tiny0388 (10:35:39 PM): that brings a whole new dimension to "dirty"

SonOfaTruckload (10:35:44 PM): WHY MUST YOU DRAG ME DOWN WITH YOU




SonOfaTruckload (10:24:00 PM): WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER

SonOfaTruckload (10:25:53 PM): stab her

SonOfaTruckload (10:25:55 PM): i am going to

SonOfaTruckload (10:25:56 PM): tomorrow

SonOfaTruckload (10:26:00 PM): with a baseball bat



SonOfaTruckload (9:32:45 PM): lol its funny because bruce banner = my penis!



Tiny0388 (1:13:55 PM): talking we are

Tiny0388 (1:14:00 PM): not wanting to i am

SonOfaTruckload (1:14:49 PM): hitting her with a brick you should be instead



SonOfaTruckload (12:39:11 AM): my god man

SonOfaTruckload (12:39:13 AM): stop now

SonOfaTruckload (12:39:15 AM): while you can

SonOfaTruckload (12:39:28 AM): they'll suck you in! in to their pit of endless ignorance!

SonOfaTruckload (12:39:52 AM): the fiery demons have you within their grasp!

SonOfaTruckload (12:39:58 AM): escape man! escape!



Tiny0388 (11:12:12 PM): tiffs pimpin out her car

SonOfaTruckload (11:12:19 PM): yeah

SonOfaTruckload (11:12:24 PM): i told her to get a snow plow



SonOfaTruckload (11:00:30 PM): get a boner and a wet towel

SonOfaTruckload (11:00:36 PM): (small towel)

SonOfaTruckload (11:00:44 PM): drape the towel over your boner

SonOfaTruckload (11:00:49 PM): do little lifts

SonOfaTruckload (11:01:33 PM): how do you think i got to where i'm at? boner exercizes

SonOfaTruckload (11:03:12 PM): it's all about proportion, baby ;-)

SonOfaTruckload (11:03:58 PM): at the right angle, it looks like i stole a whale dick (and this is barred from the quotes page lol)



Tiny0388 (1:29:16 PM): i think a fast moving train might do the trick

SonOfaTruckload (1:29:31 PM): ohhh man that's harsh

SonOfaTruckload (1:29:36 PM): or a sky-diving accident



Tiny0388 (11:33:41 PM): question

SonOfaTruckload (11:33:50 PM): answer pending



SonOfaTruckload (10:31:22 PM): lol she's gonna fuck the gear stick!!!



SonOfaTruckload (7:38:01 PM): me and steimer think my dad has a secret batcave

SonOfaTruckload (7:38:09 PM): where he stores all his crazy shit for killing people

SonOfaTruckload (7:38:15 PM): because my dad is a nut



SonOfaTruckload (2:50:18 PM): im buying a hammock

SonOfaTruckload (2:50:52 PM): so i can get rid of my farmers tan in comfort



SonOfaTruckload (7:17:56 PM): brb pooping

SonOfaTruckload (7:20:46 PM): word that tp is so soft

SonOfaTruckload (7:20:52 PM): i sat there for a minute just squeezing it



SonOfaTruckload (7:46:40 PM): you're too curious



SonOfaTruckload (9:26:36 PM): KILL STAB..err sorry aobut htat



SonOfaTruckload (9:39:20 PM): take your pick, it's a treat any which way you swing



SonOfaTruckload (10:09:39 PM): my spider sense went off and it says the oven is preheated brb



SonOfaTruckload (10:12:45 PM): lol so did you dig my baby pic

SonOfaTruckload (10:13:26 PM): i had a pimpass sailor outfit on

SonOfaTruckload (10:13:30 PM): i still wear it.



SonOfaTruckload (10:07:03 PM): but people actually want to put my 6 inchers in their mouth



SonOfaTruckload (3:28:32 PM): fo rizzle

SonOfaTruckload (3:28:37 PM): thats how tiny rolls now

SonOfaTruckload (3:28:40 PM): playa play



SonOfaTruckload (3:59:38 PM): lol you will never be able to slow dance with a girl cause you'll stick a boner in her face



Tiny0388 (4:08:57 PM): now lets decode this

SonOfaTruckload (4:09:09 PM): *puts on decoder hat*



SonOfaTruckload (4:22:05 PM): and that's how you're going to die

SonOfaTruckload (4:22:13 PM): you're going to drink anti-freeze or something one day

SonOfaTruckload (4:22:23 PM): "mmm it's so sweet"



SonOfaTruckload (4:32:33 PM): just stand behind the door

SonOfaTruckload (4:32:34 PM): naked

SonOfaTruckload (4:32:40 PM): and when they come in

SonOfaTruckload (4:32:45 PM): just jump out

SonOfaTruckload (4:32:46 PM): and be like

SonOfaTruckload (4:32:50 PM): BOOGILIE BOO!



SonOfaTruckload (5:32:16 PM): amy just brought me a pie

SonOfaTruckload (5:32:19 PM): and i stole her car



SonOfaTruckload (6:29:11 PM): dont cry buttercup



SonOfaTruckload (6:33:00 PM): i am going to raid jessa snyders house for my cellphone though

SonOfaTruckload (6:33:58 PM): tiny i need your help

SonOfaTruckload (6:34:12 PM): i need you to hold the ladder for me

SonOfaTruckload (6:34:32 PM): we enter through the top floor window

SonOfaTruckload (6:34:42 PM): that'll really fuck with their brains



SonOfaTruckload (9:57:31 PM): you know wha ti did

SonOfaTruckload (9:57:40 PM): i picked some flowers from my yard

SonOfaTruckload (9:57:45 PM): and made a bouqet

SonOfaTruckload (9:57:52 PM): i made peace

SonOfaTruckload (9:57:57 PM): and i got all my stuff back



SonOfaTruckload (10:10:29 PM): ill be over in 5

SonOfaTruckload (10:11:09 PM): you can shave me



SonOfaTruckload (1:00:53 PM): i dig it though just some people might think were gay lovers or osmething



SonOfaTruckload (1:06:32 PM): you dont want to experience a john freakout

SonOfaTruckload (1:06:40 PM): everything within armlength gets pummeled



SonOfaTruckload (8:11:30 PM): no dude

SonOfaTruckload (8:11:48 PM): i am a granny/mom/under15yearsold magnet



SonOfaTruckload (9:10:43 PM): my sister told me she thinks youre cute and if youre single

SonOfaTruckload (9:10:48 PM): you have anything to do with that?



SonOfaTruckload (9:11:42 PM): i'll pull your granny any time you want

SonOfaTruckload (9:13:12 PM): then start gettin grampa'd

SonOfaTruckload (9:13:24 PM): or perhapps "papped"

SonOfaTruckload (9:14:01 PM): not before i granny you



Tiny0388 (10:49:58 PM): Xavier1399 (8:19:05 PM): i swear to god...i will not enter college a virgin

Xavier1399 (8:19:23 PM): i will, however, enter a virgin in college

Xavier1399 (8:19:37 PM): multiple virgins, i can only hope

Xavier1399 (8:19:58 PM): I will be known as the Hymenator

Xavier1399 (8:20:34 PM): "Cum with me if you want to live"

SonOfaTruckload (10:50:16 PM): lol wtf!

SonOfaTruckload (10:52:17 PM): that's link?

SonOfaTruckload (10:52:21 PM): he stands no fucking chance

SonOfaTruckload (10:52:23 PM): in hell

SonOfaTruckload (10:52:27 PM): of accomplishing any of that



Tiny0388 (10:06:03 PM): will u bust me out of jail when they get me?

SonOfaTruckload (10:06:18 PM): if im not in the slammer first

Tiny0388 (10:06:27 PM): lol indecent exposure

SonOfaTruckload (10:06:36 PM): no

SonOfaTruckload (10:06:41 PM): it's me.. so decent exposure



Tiny0388 (10:12:33 PM): dont call tiff tiffy

SonOfaTruckload (10:13:36 PM): you learn that the hard way?



SonOfaTruckload (12:15:41 AM): if she cant accept the cheesiness that comes with tiny

SonOfaTruckload (12:15:44 AM): well then thats too bad



SonOfaTruckload (12:17:16 AM): yeah i have been playing them down for years

SonOfaTruckload (12:17:50 AM): like ppeople were always like "show us the guns" and id be like nah you cant handle them

SonOfaTruckload (12:18:04 AM): and i thought well

SonOfaTruckload (12:18:10 AM): tonight is the night

SonOfaTruckload (12:18:13 AM): you're all ready for it

SonOfaTruckload (12:20:01 AM): i am disproportional/bust things out of places you wouldn't expect boy



SonOfaTruckload (12:26:54 AM): how about i played strip padiddle with them

SonOfaTruckload (12:27:04 AM): except i was the only one getting naked

SonOfaTruckload (12:27:49 AM): so i was chillin in the back

SonOfaTruckload (12:27:56 AM): with just spongebob boxers

SonOfaTruckload (12:28:07 AM): calling people and singing britney spears

SonOfaTruckload (12:28:22 AM): and then the fresh price of bel air song



SonOfaTruckload (11:27:47 AM): i was the only naked one

SonOfaTruckload (11:28:01 AM): but i like it that way so i can show off my incredibly ripped physique



SonOfaTruckload (11:44:09 AM): you'd kill someone with a 15 incher



SonOfaTruckload (5:26:07 PM): dont finger my holes, alright?



SonOfaTruckload (10:44:19 PM): am i really that funny, or does your webpage have a humor accelerater



Tiny0388 (10:49:17 PM): babe, where have u been all my life?

SonOfaTruckload (10:49:39 PM): i've been lookin for love in all the wrong places!



SonOfaTruckload (4:06:12 PM): we should buy one of those backpacks for little kids

SonOfaTruckload (4:06:15 PM): a papoose



SonOfaTruckload (4:08:00 PM): what the fuck is a binky



SonOfaTruckload (9:49:45 PM): mung is when you and a friend go to a grave yard

SonOfaTruckload (9:49:52 PM): you dig up a dead chick

SonOfaTruckload (9:49:56 PM): undress her

SonOfaTruckload (9:50:09 PM): spread her legs open and put your mouth down there

SonOfaTruckload (9:50:15 PM): hold your mouth open

SonOfaTruckload (9:50:17 PM): and your friend

SonOfaTruckload (9:50:20 PM): jumps on her stomach

SonOfaTruckload (9:50:27 PM): and you catch everything that comes out in your mouth

SonOfaTruckload (9:50:31 PM): that is mung.



SonOfaTruckload (9:56:29 PM): fappin' my tiny



SonOfaTruckload (8:28:48 PM): do it

Tiny0388 (8:28:55 PM): lol to who?

SonOfaTruckload (8:29:23 PM): anyone with a vagina that you arent related to



SonOfaTruckload (8:20:27 PM): she probably figures you have a giant dong



SonOfaTruckload (6:09:36 PM): it's a penguin

SonOfaTruckload (6:09:49 PM): with two novelty fly swatters for arms/hands

SonOfaTruckload (6:09:55 PM): and it says HI! on the hands

SonOfaTruckload (6:10:01 PM): in these felt letters i bought

SonOfaTruckload (6:10:08 PM): good way to introduce myself i think

SonOfaTruckload (6:16:48 PM): we might have to bungee it to the hood



SonOfaTruckload (6:12:59 PM): don't sweat the small stuff, big guy



SonOfaTruckload (6:14:08 PM): just don't beat off into her sock drawer or something, ok?



SonOfaTruckload (8:16:58 PM): at least she touched you! lol



SonOfaTruckload (8:21:36 PM): QMALILF

SonOfaTruckload (8:21:52 PM): quasi-middle aged lady i'd like to fuck



SonOfaTruckload (8:29:18 PM): do you know what kicks ass

SonOfaTruckload (8:29:45 PM): i can talk to people on here while lying in my bed

SonOfaTruckload (8:29:57 PM): as a matter of fact, i'm doing it right

Tiny0388 (8:31:05 PM): i bet ur typing one handed too

SonOfaTruckload (8:31:33 PM): lol nah

SonOfaTruckload (8:32:12 PM): although...

SonOfaTruckload (8:32:13 PM): lol no



SonOfaTruckload (8:35:24 PM): or else i've been measuring wrong all along and i have a 2 inch dick



SonOfaTruckload (8:59:20 PM): i'd rather be famous for something cooler

SonOfaTruckload (8:59:25 PM): like spelunking



SonOfaTruckload (9:06:06 PM): honesty is never the best policy

SonOfaTruckload (9:06:13 PM): if there's one thing i've learned, that's it

SonOfaTruckload (9:06:19 PM): you just have to be consistant with your lying



SonOfaTruckload (10:10:21 PM): weird

SonOfaTruckload (10:10:25 PM): she grew boobs

SonOfaTruckload (10:10:46 PM): they're nice

SonOfaTruckload (10:11:30 PM): i wouldn't mind touching them



Tiny0388 (11:58:03 PM): how do u meet people from other schools?

SonOfaTruckload (11:58:42 PM): go places

Tiny0388 (11:59:43 PM): im gonna go to the bathroom

Tiny0388 (11:59:51 PM): but i dont think ill find any TJ people there

SonOfaTruckload (12:00:00 AM): you might... they're lurkers



SonOfaTruckload (12:00:26 AM): just the other day

SonOfaTruckload (12:00:29 AM): i found one in the closet

SonOfaTruckload (12:00:33 AM): i opened it up

SonOfaTruckload (12:00:36 AM): and he just skittered off

SonOfaTruckload (12:00:46 AM): i think he's holed up in the baseboards



SonOfaTruckload (3:24:19 PM): next time you talk to josh wilson

SonOfaTruckload (3:24:27 PM): make sure you mention his undying love for laura jones



SonOfaTruckload (3:28:18 PM): keep the pipes clean boy

SonOfaTruckload (3:28:25 PM): or you get wet dreams



SonOfaTruckload (5:30:00 PM): lol the people at the pet store are going to put you on the black list



SonOfaTruckload (5:33:11 PM): lol you're a hug whore

SonOfaTruckload (5:33:14 PM): or a wannabe hug whore



SonOfaTruckload (3:18:38 PM): i was always fond of ishmael



SonOfaTruckload (10:00:11 PM): you arent allowed to do that unless you've been unemployed for like 10 years

SonOfaTruckload (10:00:17 PM): and your wife just left you



SonOfaTruckload (11:09:48 PM): uh oh

SonOfaTruckload (11:09:56 PM): could that be sir tinyalot



SonOfaTruckload (8:06:41 AM): good morning, sunshine!



SonOfaTruckload: thanks for the quote, candypants



Tiny0388 (12:56:45 PM): whatd u do last nite?

SonOfaTruckload (12:57:43 PM): went to krispy kreme where the manager banished me for life

SonOfaTruckload (12:57:55 PM): how about you



SonOfaTruckload (4:31:36 PM): btw im naked

SonOfaTruckload (4:32:17 PM): nm got spongebob boxers on now



Tiny0388 (11:48:57 AM): what r u up to today?

SonOfaTruckload (11:49:34 AM): chillin here in my boxers for a couple more hours, then i might get a shower



Auto response from SonOfaTruckload (11:42:09 AM): too much... krispy... kreme..



SonOfaTruckload (8:50:06 PM): why not? because it would be weird and uncomfortable?

SonOfaTruckload (8:50:11 PM): well fine then!



SonOfaTruckload (9:02:48 PM): *pets tiny*

Tiny0388 (9:03:14 PM): *arches back, snaps at babe and hisses*

SonOfaTruckload (9:03:41 PM): *recoils in shock and fear*

Tiny0388 (9:03:51 PM): *smiles and licks babe*

SonOfaTruckload (9:04:23 PM): *rolls up a newspaper*



SonOfaTruckload: im going to bleach my body hair



SonOfaTruckload: so youre making an all-babe page eh



SonOfaTruckload (7:46:55 PM): when i think about female induced bodily rubbing my boner just flies up

SonOfaTruckload (7:47:03 PM): i smacked the desk



SonOfaTruckload (9:48:00 PM): craziest bitch i ever met

SonOfaTruckload (9:49:01 PM): so if you ever see her

SonOfaTruckload (9:49:05 PM): get your cross out

SonOfaTruckload (9:49:10 PM): and point it at her

SonOfaTruckload (9:49:19 PM): be like

SonOfaTruckload (9:49:22 PM): WUSHA



SonOfaTruckload (7:49:11 PM): or you could just jack off into a jar



SonOfaTruckload (3:04:46 PM): lies! everyone likes tiny



SonOfaTruckload (11:40:55 PM): you are so hung



SonOfaTruckload (9:45:10 PM): next time you fucking see me online

SonOfaTruckload (9:45:12 PM): im me

SonOfaTruckload (9:45:13 PM): slut

SonOfaTruckload (9:45:22 PM): that is your mission



SonOfaTruckload (8:05:58 PM): i was eating beef jerky and cheese

SonOfaTruckload (8:06:03 PM): and driving in the rain

SonOfaTruckload (8:06:16 PM): i was looking at the cheese

SonOfaTruckload (8:06:21 PM): and backing down my driveway

SonOfaTruckload (8:06:25 PM): except i missed

SonOfaTruckload (8:06:28 PM): so i was like

SonOfaTruckload (8:06:35 PM): eating cheese and backing down the yard



SonOfaTruckload (9:50:37 PM): lol

SonOfaTruckload (9:50:50 PM): bison

Tiny0388 (9:53:03 PM): bison?

SonOfaTruckload (9:53:06 PM): yes

SonOfaTruckload (9:53:08 PM): fucking bison

SonOfaTruckload (9:55:17 PM): like

SonOfaTruckload (9:55:28 PM): whenever you're all walking around on the plains and shit

SonOfaTruckload (9:55:34 PM): and a bison just fucking comes out of nowhere

SonOfaTruckload (9:55:39 PM): and takes your wheels

SonOfaTruckload (9:55:46 PM): pisses me off

SonOfaTruckload (9:58:14 PM): i swear

SonOfaTruckload (9:58:20 PM): it's a good fucking thing they're endangered



SonOfaTruckload (9:58:39 PM): what

SonOfaTruckload (9:58:49 PM): im still talking about bison

SonOfaTruckload (9:58:54 PM): have we moved on?



SonOfaTruckload (3:49:32 PM): grammar + incomprehendable = incomprehensable



SonOfaTruckload (8:15:23 PM): chicks dig duct tape



SonOfaTruckload (8:13:43 PM): every time i watch fox news, i get into heated arguments with the tv



SonOfaTruckload (5:35:52 PM): guys are where it is at

Tiny0388 (5:36:14 PM): lol yes by "it" meaning penis

SonOfaTruckload (5:36:23 PM): lol exactly

SonOfaTruckload (5:37:05 PM): and by "at" meaning rectum



SonOfaTruckload (7:38:41 PM): hooo-ra! hooo-ra! vagina! vagina!

SonOfaTruckload (7:38:59 PM): lol i just heard that on tv

SonOfaTruckload (7:39:06 PM): i busted a nut laughing



SonOfaTruckload (10:06:38 PM): LOL YOUR NEW NAME IS LENNY

SonOfaTruckload (10:06:47 PM): you have to call me george

SonOfaTruckload (10:06:48 PM): ok?

SonOfaTruckload (10:10:14 PM): i am george

SonOfaTruckload (10:10:17 PM): you are lenny

SonOfaTruckload (10:10:19 PM): the end



Tiny0388 (10:24:56 PM): so its all gravy

SonOfaTruckload (10:25:09 PM): mmm gravy



(about AP History essay)

SonOfaTruckload (8:24:03 PM): whats it on

Tiny0388 (8:26:34 PM): hoover

SonOfaTruckload (8:26:48 PM): so like the depression and stuff

SonOfaTruckload (8:26:53 PM): or vacuum cleaners



SonOfaTruckload (7:51:29 PM): NO

SonOfaTruckload (7:51:35 PM): U LIE!

SonOfaTruckload (7:51:46 PM): DEAR GOD MAN

SonOfaTruckload (7:52:25 PM): AHHHH

SonOfaTruckload (7:52:26 PM): MUST

SonOfaTruckload (7:52:28 PM): REFRAIN

SonOfaTruckload (7:52:29 PM): FROM

SonOfaTruckload (7:52:33 PM): COPYING AND PASTING

SonOfaTruckload (7:52:37 PM): TO EVERYONE ON MY BUDDY LIST



SonOfaTruckload (11:01:05 PM): that's as good as saying "im going to beat it and you cant stop me"