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The Freedom of Scotland

Millions of people across the world now know the story of William Wallace, Edward I (Longshanks), and Robert Bruce and their amazing story on the freedom of Scotland. The reason for this knowlage is the major motion picture: "Braveheart" which tells this story in great detail. My site is not only about the movie, but about the actual event and the tales that come with it. The facts you learn from this may help you better understand our own freedom and constitution.

The trials and tribulations the people of Scotland went through is amazing. This shows how when one group of people are united amazing things can and will happen. This country united under tyranny and overcame persecution, rape, murder, robery, and many other unspeakable acts. The Scottish where not armed, bye order of the king, no Scotish person was allowed to own anything sharper then garden tools. Nor where they allowed to bear arms if they where to become under attack. Many times English soldiers would raid the villages which they where supposed to be "guarding".

I personally believe that Scotland would not have gained their freedom without William Wallace. Now it may seem like it was their time anyways, but Wallace showed such leadership and willingness to gain his freedom, he united Scotland under one flag and led them to their freedom. Wallace did not outlive the war to see his countrymen live on to see happier days. Scotland needed one man to inspire their whole nation, not just some rambeling nobles who attempted to lead them, but settled for English riches instead.

It truly is amazing that so many Scottish men united to fight one of the greatest wars. You must remember, this was not modern civilization, did not have morphene to ease the pain of battle, nurses to meand to the wounded, hospitals where they could rest, these men would go till there was no fight left in them. That is true courage, to know you are going in dying and out-numbered. A man once said:

"Taking an enemy on the battlefield is like a hawk taking a bird. Even though it enters into a midst of thousands of them, it gives no attention to any bird other then the one it has first marked.

Imagine yourself lined up waiting to charge the enemy with only your sword and possibly a wood shield. Knowing you have no armor, and a slim chance of surviving. Looking over at your enemy seeing metal shields and full armor. What would make you risk your life by charging that line? How war would you push yourself to be free? Most people would not ask themselves that unless under extreme circumstances. In this day and age, I think we need to be more aware of the fact that we may yet again be fighting for our freedom. It is never to late to be prepared to stand and fight, and unite under one banner.

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