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    Typhon is the offspring of Gaia (the earth) and Tartarus (the lowest depths of the underworld). His mate is Echidna and both were so frightening that when the gods saw them they changed into animals and fled in terror. Typhon's hundred, horrible heads touched the stars, venom dripped from his evil eyes, and lava and red-hot stones poured from his gaping mouths. Hissing like a hundred snakes and roaring like a hundred lions, he tore up whole mountains and threw them at the gods. 
    Zeus soon regained his courage and turned, and when the other gods saw him taking his stand, they came back to help him fight the monster. A terrible battle raged, and hardly a living creature was left on Earth. But Zeus was fated to win, and as Typhon tore up huge Mount Aetna to hurl at the gods, Zeus struck it with a hundred well-aimed thunderbolts and the mountain fell back, pinning Typhon underneath. There the monster lies to this very day, belching fire (thus Typhoon Flames), lava and smoke through the top of the mountain. 
    Echidna, his hideous mate, escaped destruction. She cowered in a cave, protecting Typhon's offspring, and Zeus let them live as a challenge to future heroes. Echidna and Typhon's children are the Nemean Lion, Cerberus, Ladon, the Chimera, the Sphinx, and the Hydra. 
    The name Typhoon, to which Typhon is sometimes referred to as, is a less accurate and more modernized version his name.

The fact that Vash the Stampede from Trigun is known as "The Humanoid Typhoon" has nothing to do with this s/n. I hadn't even watched Trigun when this s/n was created, so there!  :-Þ
(BTW, Trigun is a kick-arse anime, it's just that I don't like people saying that I ripped it off)
