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`History: Saphuer was the son of a widley known man. This man had lead many battles, battles that lead to the freedom of many and made history along them. Marrying the woman that he loved dearly he left the life of battle when he knew that his wife told him that she was pregnant. Years after Saphuer was born his father had been called back into the army as there was a growing restance to the east. Saphuer now having to work to keep him and his mother alive grew up stern and honorable. Years after his mother had died of a slowly disease eating at her. Entering the army under his father he grew up the rest of his life where he learned the ways of war and battle. Slowly he passed his father in the skill of Batlle and War. His father growing jealous of his son he made a attempt on his life one night only to be killed by the blade of his own son. The event making Saphuer grow unstable he left the army, even though he was the most skilled general of all the army. Know he travels, alone.

`Appareal: He wears the toughest leather armor of Nine Hells. His battle armor exsist of a hard aburn colored leather under vest that straps together down the middle of the chest, 6 inches from his chin down to his lower adoman. Seven horizontal straps come around his chest from his back, where they are all connected, the straps come together directly down the middle of his chest.from the lower strap, hangs a loop in which the scabard of his gladius attaches to. Upon each shoulder lies seven, one inche wide by thirteen inche long, leather plates which over lap each other. Upon his chest are two golden 2 inche wide rings that have a dark blue cape that is attached to it. The cape goes nearly to the ground. The robe looks as if it has the elegances of the Gods. Under his leather armor he wears a short sleeved dark blue shirt. upon wrist he wears leather gauntlets that have multiple of straps upon them, the forearm covered by a hardend leather plate. Coming from under the armor is a multiple studed leather three inche wide stipes that reach down to his knees. He wears a heavly studded belt that he has a short blade used for a last resort weapon or in a case where stealth is needed, also upon the belt is multiple bolts used for his crossbow. Upon his feet he wears boots covered in overlaping plates of studded leather. His battle helmet is golden, with leather straps that come down the side of his face, protecting the side of his face. Blue tasels shoot from the top of his helmet and fallow all the way down his back.

`Weapons: He wields a spear the is slightly taller than himself. With a two foot long spaded blade at the end. Where the blade and the pole of the weapon meets it is wraped in a strong leather where it runs a foot or so down the pole. He also wields a Gladius of the finest quality, a blade that is approximatly 30 inches in length and 2 inches in width, a half circle hand gaurd that is trimed in Gold, with a lion crest upon the gaurd. A the handel is made for one hand and is wraped in a strong leather. Placed at the bottom of the handel is a spere with that same crest upon it. Attached to his forearm is a crossbow that is made of the strongest steel known to the Nine Hells, also trimed in gold. The bow covers most of his forearm. The bolts used in the crossbow is made of steel, made by the finest smiths, the tips of the bolts are covered in a nerve poison that would quickly begin to disable the target. [ Example- If hit in the arm, the poison would soon disable the arm, then begin to make its way through the blood stream into other parts of the body. ] Attached at his belt is a foot long dagger that is wieghted just to be thrown, or it can be used for any other means needed. Attached to his back, underneath his cape lies a cirlcle shaped shield that is 32 inches in width. The shield has a slight hump making it so that when a blade hits it, it would easly knock the blade away. Trimed in golden also, it also has a large chrest of the lion upon it.

`Ravius: Ravius is large beast that is one of a kind. Passed down to Saphuer. Ravius is Saphuers stead, stronger than any lion, faster than any horse. His weapon is his fangs and his claws. He is completly coved in leather armor, which is covered in large steel armor, making it very hard to harm.