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28/ April NEWS:

Added Bad Management

25 / March NEWS:

New Article Soon!

Added Personal Details and Iraq back again. (Archive)

Plus another Review added.

26 / Feb NEWS:

Added Introduction.

23 / Feb NEWS:

Added Review to the Reviews section.


Introduction to the Moaning Hat click here

Bad Management

click here to read this article

28 / April 2004.


Internet Geeks

click here to read this article

14 / March 2004.




click here to read this article

13 / March 2004.



Video Shops

click here to read this article

07 / March 2004.

Michelle (Pop Idol)

click here to read this article

04 / March 2004.

Reality TV

click here to read this article

03 / March 2004.

Previous 6 Articles click here