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OMGGGG where do i start with u. we met in english class when gr.9 started and i never would have imagined we would have became this close. i mean, think about it, at 1st we didnt like each other, i thought u wanted to fight me and vise versa, and now im gettin ready to move in with u. we have been thro so much shit together and it has just mad our friendship stronger. we have so many old memz and new ones. and our sayings.. holyyy we have so many. "BEEAF!" "Get on the camal. i dont wanna get on the camal. come on squeeker dont fail me now!" "I dont like it. its burnt" and soooo many more. hun ur like one of my closest and best friends. i love u. stay solid.


I dont really know u all that well, seeing how i just met u a few months ago but ur bomb bebez. u have an amazing attitude and ur always so out going, ur so solid too, when guys look at my site and see pics of u they are all like "WHOA who is that titz broad. i would fully lace it to her" lol they love u, and why shouldnt they ur perfect. i hope that we will become good friends. ciao bella *kiss*


lol what can i say aobut u. ur pure jkz holyyy shit ur so funny. the 1st time i met u i was really shy and u befrineded me no questions asked and we have been close ever since. u and me have alot in common, and we both like it ruff ;) lololololololol "SLAP MY ASS HARD BABY!" lol we have great memez together (like the water fights at lazzo lolol the guys loved it) and i hope we will always be friends. ur a great girl and u can trust me with anything. and try not to stress over asshole guys, we both we do it. its hard ya ya i know. anyways hun dont change for no one. ur one of a kind and i fukin love u for it. stay bomb!


omg cat ur so great. ur outgoing and u gotta fit ass body. i wish i could be tiny like u are. ur the nicest girl in the whole world u would never hurt a fly. im happy u and andrew are together he seems perfect for u. take it easy hun and stay solid


at 1st i wasnt really sure about u, i mean i liked u and all but i dunno. i didnt really feel very comforitble. not anyoneeeeeeeee. lol the nite me and jacquie spend at ur house was pureeeeeeejokes omg. watching the ring in ur room. omg i was sooo fukin scared. i wanted to hide under the blankets and never come out. then playin the ouija board afterwards :| ya that was scary. but talkin to vic again was amazing. we gotta do it again sum time. ur party was fully bomb i wanna see thoses pics of us tho styll. stay bomb bebez


I know I dont know u every well but ur fully bomb. I remeber when i 1st met u i thought u were gunna be all snobby and shit but u werent. lol oh god it was pure jokes at bowl, hidding from stinky (u know who) :P ahaha. anyways ur solid and u gotta bomb personallity. we gotta chill more over the summer. ciao bebez. stay solid.


hey girlssssss. my pork chop hotties lol. we had sum good times together. like at timmies checkin out christian's ass. omggggg that is to die for, so perfect. anyways u girls need to come out to bridge more often. i like only seen u once a month or sum shit. u girls are awesome and i trust both with ma life. take it e-z ladies. ciao. stay bomb.


Hollyyyyyyyyy lol omg ur pure jkz. everything about u is so uniquie. no matter how upset i am u can always make me feel better. u really need to come back to school i dont like only seeing u at funerals or when im at the box ya know. i remeber when i started gr.9 we had math together. and we use to walk outta class everyday. omg mr. lever was so old i swear he didnt even notice we would leave. omg and when it was near the end of the year in the summer time, holyyyyyyyy u use to have so much cron. i still have the sticky flim pics of that shit. yee yee that was fully the best year, but u know how it is, things change and now its all boring without ya.


Ur so nice and u have ur own style to everyone. ur one of a kind and im happy we are good friends. when i move i will never forget u, and we have sooo many mems together. lol remember walkin up to alica's house in the frezzin cold to talk our lil arguement out only to find she wasnt even home. holyy we fukin froze that day. it was nutz. anyways hun i love ya ciao.


holy fuk where to start with u. i have only known ur for like my whole life, well since gr 2. we have been thro a whole shit load of, well, shit. when i move who are u gunna walk thro the summer road to meet. omg the memz we have just chillin it up like hicks. omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg the GHETTO BIKE! we still gotta take that shit out for halloween and u gotta be the witch and i will be the broad with the dog lol omg i remember trying to ride that fukin rusted thing up the road. pure jkz. bet ur laughing just reading this. lol and remeber whrn zane was gunna drive us to my house if we smoked up him and he couldnt even take a shoot, he coughed so much he was so high lol. man we had so much good times im gunna miss it. ciao hun. stay pure jkz.


okay 1st all of all, all i can say is EWWWWWW (u know who im talking about. ya that kaylie broad) that girl is so hurting. anyways i know i just met u this semester but u got pretty close. ur bomb. i hope things end up working out with u and shawn. and if they dont, fuk him he dun deserve u anyways :D lol. u gotta come viste me when i move its gunna be pure jkz. ciao hun.


I only just met u this year, and we because so close right off the bat. u still think u should have come to school more so we couldhave chilled but the weekends were still fully bomb. we have alot of good times to look back on and hopefully more to come. omg remeber the cheese cake. that was so good and the fatties that we are, we like inhaled that. i hope to see u more often in the summer when im out and about. u gotta come chill with me in the summer for at lest a week. i know we will still have a great time together. and u have to take me up to ashley's trail park cottage thingy this summer. it sounds like pure jkz up there. ciao hun


omg where do i start with u. the min i met u we became friends. i swear u have to be one of the funnest girls at banting. everyone about u makes me laugh, not insulting u or anything. i think ur great, u have changed alot over the past year and ur even better then before. we are really good friends and i hope to stay that way for a long time with u. i will never ever forget u when i move no lies. lol we have good memes together too. like at ur family birthday party and ur lil cuz franki like tried to molest me lol horny lil kid i swear i have never in a million years seen a kid more fuked up then that kid lol. stay bomb hun


I dont really know u all that well but what i know i like. ur a sweet and great guy. i hope that we can get to know each other better when i move down there. ur fully solid bebez. no wonder ur leadin on the polls on my pic site. everyone loves u off. my friend up here are all like "Whoa that mattie guy. dammmmn he fine" lol but ya know, u wouldnt be into any of the broads up here, ask jessie he knows what its like from workin at the 400 market. its scaryyyy. im kinda surprised im not all "Kill ur mother kill ur father." anyways hun ur so great ur one of the best guys out there, and stay sexi hunni


Bebez ur so hot omg and u have an amazing personality, a lil on the concided side but thats okay, u dont mean to me. we have a few good mems together, like at bowl "mattie is mad because i took his moms virginity away" lol omg that was so funny. i trust u with alot and i hope that u trust me too. when i move down there i hope that we can become better friends :D and omg that tounge ring u got. holyyy i dont see why u yamm, according to him girls he doesnt need to, he pleasures in other ways lol. anyways bebez ur bomb i luv ya. ciao hunni *Kiss*


holy shit bebez ur so jokes. there is just something about u that makes me laugh so hard. we have sum realy good memz like "Meow mix meow mix" omg ur just so cute i wanna squeze u lol. ur pure jokes and i luv u so much bebez. ur solid and a great guy, any broad is lucky to get with u. take care and dont change for no one *kiss kiss* ciao hunni


omg bebez ur so fukin solid i would lace it to u so hard. ur lips are just so omg. lola nd besides the fact that ur so hot ur personalitly wins everyone over, ur the sweet guy in the whole world and did i say that ur solid? lol we fully have to meet up sum time, i mean, ive talked to u almost everyday for months now and still i have never met u in person lol. anyways bebez u have an awesome personality and the looks to match, go easy on the broads. im sure u will brea sum hearts lol. stay solid. *kiss*


bebez ur such a great guy. ur easy to talk to and u are sweet to the core. u are so caring and its so cutw how much u are into mattie's cousin (sorry i dont remember her name) anwyays i have a feelin u two will be together for a longgggg as time. anyways ive only ever seen u at lazzo but u look good in person. ur solid hun. stay that way. luv ya *kiss*


awwww fab ur so cute i just wanna squeeze u. i see u like every weekend at bowl and ur just so cute. lol no offence u kinda look like a cartoon. i mean, ur so big, like u got big hands, and hugeeee hair. lol i dunno ur bomb bebez. ever since i added u to msn u have always been so nice and easy to talk to and i love that the most about u. ciao hun. see ya at bowl ;)


UR SO SOLID! i just wanna rape u. omg ur lips drive me crazy. besides ur awesome body and amazing looks u gotta bomb personallity. ur sweet and funny and all that other good shit. and ur so sweet and innocent and all virginish i love it lol. bebez im fully crazy about u, i love u off to no end. ciao hunni *Mwah* stay solid.


Omgggg AJ lol ur pure fukin jokes. u gotta be one of the funniest guys outta our friends at shit whole banting, and ur ital go figure lol we have alot of mems together. the best by fair is that party u had for the weekend ur parents went away. omg that was s fun we gotta do that again. ciao hun


we have been thro alot also. ur a close friend of mine, and normally that doesnt happen seein how we went out. im happy we are close tho. ur a great guy and i hope u and diomand stay together for a while. u two are so cute together. keep outta trouble bre-bruin


oh god ive known u for a while. i remeber the 1st time i met u we were like 12 and u were beatin up sum lil red head kid, the same basturday that bit me once. god i hate that little kid. anyways, since u transfered me and u have become pretty good freinds. ur great to chill with and ur pure jkz. u can be a pain in the ass sum times but its all good. ur a great guy


awwwww my lil chris-ta-fur. lol u have grown up alot since i met u in gr 9 when u were seeing donna. i honestly thought u two would never break up. u were so cutw together. oh well nothing is forever. i was suprised when i were dealin with melinda i always pictured u with girls like donna. oh well. anyways hun ur a really sweet guy and u derseve a girl who will repect u and treat u right. ur jokes when u wanna be and ur really easy to talk to. i trust u with my life and over the past 3 years we have become prtty good friends. i wont forget u


ehy budddddy wat u saying. u and me have been tight for a while. ur bomb and i love u off. ur pure jokes and a good friend of mine. i know u always try to gimmie advice and i never listen .. then like a about a week later im like damn i should have listened to jonathan. bebez u need to calm the hormons down a bit tho for real .. ur like a lil dog i use to have that every time i walked by it he would try to hump ur legg. lol im jokin bebez u know u love me. anyways stay solid

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