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Self-harm is probably not something you hear or talk about often, but it is a very common problem. Depressed feelings can keep building up inside until you feel there is no possible release except hurting yourself to get them out. It becomes an addiction, a need; like a voice that you feel you must obey.
Fortunately, there is help.
This is a place for providing support for victims of all types of self-harm. If you self-harm and you want a place to go where you will not be judged or criticized, then you are welcome here. But please remember, it is unacceptable to encourage self-harm or suicide to anyone at anytime. We follow the old motto of treating others the way you would like to be treated.
The results of the self-harm survey that was recently conducted are now in! Click here to view them!

NOTE: This site is still under major construction, and it may be a long time before it is finished.

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