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Trip to Tuzla Pictures 1/3/2004

Pictures of Bosnia Countryside

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My Trip in Bosnia & Herzegovina

That's Me!

Forgive me for not keeping up with the website lately. I really didn't have any time to while I was on day shift. But now I'm back on nights and should have plenty of time to catch up. I'm in the process of adding new pictures now. It will take me a few days to get them all on here. Hope you enjoy them!

Bosnia is an independant country in Eastern Europe, near Hungary and Kosovo, and East of Italy accross the Adriatic Sea (This area of the world is usually refered to as The Balkans). Six countries; Bosnia, Croatia, Slovania, Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro were once all one counry, known as Yugoslavia. They all separated and bacame thier own countries, but not without a brutal war.

And that is where the United States comes in. The United States had no real interest in this region until the war broke out. Under President Clinton's administration, American Soldiers were sent to stop the fighting that was going on in the Balkans. Without intervention, every Muslim occupant of this region (men, women, and children) would have been killed.

As of now, this peacekeeping force is not only American. It is a multi-national force consisting of aid from at least 12 countries. And that is one thing that Bosnia DOES have now.....PEACE. Things here are very peaceful. People are going on with thier lives, and the country is trying to rebuild. Cities are repairing damage from the war. The economy struggles, but continues to improve as new businesses are started each day and people continue to build more and more homes.

So, hopefully now I have given you a little insight on where Bosnia is, why the United States continues to occupy it, and why I am here. I hope you enjoy my website. I will try to add pictures as often as I can. Check back often to see what is new and if you know someone that would be interested in seeing this site, just click the "Pass it On" button and enter thier email address. Thanks and see you all soon!!!!!