Alex Toretto vs JD Lawson

JJ biggs: Both men are in the ring and we are underway. Lawson takes the early advantage with a headlock but Alex whips him into the ropes. He comes back and knocks Alex on his ass.

Dan Neil: Alex is looking up at him as Lawson begins to jump around to show him he is standing his ground.

JJ biggs: Alex shakes his head and jumps to his feet. They lock up again and Alex kicks him in the mid section. Suplex by Alex as Lawson hits the mat hard. Lawson looks up and Alex is now jumping around mocking him.

Dan Neil: Lawson shakes his head now as Alex comes walking in a bit caught with a boot to the gut. Swing neck breaker by Lawson and followed by a hard leg drop. He picks Alex up and throws him in the corner and begins to pound on him with rights and lefts.

JJ biggs: Lawson steps back as Alex comes staggering out. WHAM! Spinning heel kick on Alex as Lawson goes for the cover but only gets a two count.

Dan Neil: Lawson grabs Alex by the head and gets him in a rear chin lock. Alex jumps up quickly though and hits him with a jaw breaker. Alex shakes his head and jumps to the top rope. He comes flying off and connects with a cross body block.

JJ biggs: Cover but only gets a two count. Alex jumps up and runs off the ropes. He comes flying and hits him with a head scissors. Lawson goes flying across the ring and Alex looks to be in control.

Dan Neil: Alex runs over and nails him with a quick dropkick and knocks him through the ropes. Lawson holds on though as Alex runs off the other side of the ring. He comes flying and nails him with an elbow. But instead of flying off he falls down onto the apron. He rolls under the bottom rope and is met with a couple Alex boots.

JJ biggs: Alex jumps high in the air and drives his knee into the head of Lawson. Alex with the cover but quickly Lawson gets his foot on the rope. Alex steps back a couple steps and awaits Lawson to get to his feet. He is going for a dropkick but smartly Lawson steps aside and throws Alex hard onto the mat.

Dan Neil: Alex might have hurt his leg on that fall but he is back on his feet and looks to be moving fine. Both men meet in the middle of the ring as Alex swings and Lawson catches him with a right to the jaw. Alex on the mat and is holding his jaw.

JJ biggs: Lawson jumps on him quickly and goes for the cover, 1...2...kickout! Alex with the shoulder up in time.

Dan Neil: Alex rolls over to the ropes and begins to make his way to his feet. Lawson comes over and meets him with a couple lefts. He knocks him back on the mat but smartly Alex rolls to the outside to catch his breath.

JJ biggs: He is challenging him to come to the outside but Lawson is smartly decling as Alex slides back under the rope.

Dan Neil: Alex gets up and both men lock up again. Lawson pushes Alex into the corner and breaks the hold as the ref counts. Alex with a cheap shot though and knocks him down on the canvas. Lawson is down as Alex is taking advantage.

JJ biggs: He runs off the ropes and comes flying at Lawson but Lawson catches him and nails him with a back breaker. Alex felt that one as you can see on his face.

Dan Neil: That couldn't feel good on the back area.

JJ biggs: Lawson thinks of a cover but instead just tosses him into the corner like a rag doll and begins to kick away at him. Alex falls onto the mat and begins to get kicked kick after kick. Lawson steps back and nails him one more time in the head.

Dan Neil: He grabs Alex by the legs and drags him out of the corner. Alex with a reversal though as he kicks him hard in the face. Lawson falls onto the mat and Alex jumps onto him for the pin fall. 1...2...kickout!

JJ biggs: Alex picks up Lawson and goes right to work on him with a couple forearms to the head.

Dan Neil: Lawson takes them and shakes them off as Alex kicks him in the gut and knocks him on his back. He picks Lawson up and begins to nail him with forearms to the face area.

JJ biggs: Lawson looks to be in pain as he is trying to figure out a way to get out of it. Luckily he figures it out as he puts all his weight back and knocks Alex off of him.

Dan Neil: Alex hits the mat hard and looks to have hurt his back or pulled a muscle abd or something. He is holding it in pain. Lawson gets to his feet and grabs Alex by the hand and throws him HARD into the turnbuckle.

JJ biggs: Alex is giving it his all but his back is really beginning to hurt.

Dan Neil: Alex is looking into the crowd and looks down at a fallen Alex. Alex is trying to get up but once again is kicked down by Lawson. Lawson reaches down to get Alex but he gets him in a small package, 1...2..........kickout!!! HOW CLOSE WAS THAT????

JJ biggs: Lawson is pissed as he gets up and kicks Alex right in the back and Alex screams in pain. Wait Dan, is this it?

Dan Neil: Algophobia by Lawson....he has it on Alex and has it sinched in good.

JJ biggs: Alex is looking toward the ropes, he almost has it...

Dan Neil: Can he reach it???

JJ biggs: Lawson lets out a scream and pulls back as hard as he can and that is it!! ALEX IS TAPPING!!!

Dan Neil: Lawson with the win in this amazing match!