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Pranay Home Page



   Hello , How do u do? Welcome to My Home Page. I'll begin by telling about myself. I am Pranay Jaiswal and I am from a wonderful city called Tikamgarh.

Speaking 'about Tikamgarh, It's the city of village situated in Madhya Pradesh. Tikamgarh is the fastest growing city in Madhya Pradesh and another interesting fact is that, It was named after Saugore (The Revolutionist).

'Welcome' to this wonderful city which is thriving with lots of activities and the happening place in entire India. Don't forget to Drop in Tikamgarh when U R in Madhya Pradesh.

 Tikamgarh is my town wich is is center place of mp Tikamgarh is a distic place and its area is about 20km Tikamgarh is known as a collection of historical places there are various of famous historical vilas and tample a very famous shiv tample which is stated in kundeshwer kundeshwer is 6th kilomiter far from Tikamgarh kundeshwer is a very small village which comes in tikamgarh is distic. there are 4 tehsheel in my distic pradhavipur, niwadi, jatara , valdevgarh . valdevgarh is well known tourism place which do have realy very beatiful and plesent remarkable historical vilas .

Tikamgarh is a agriculture based town it is very small but has enaugh of natural resourcees like mater electricity fertile land here we don’t have labour provlem also slowly and grdualy the government is trying to get the railway  line here. Tikamgarh is also famous for its historical monuments like sun temple markheda. Fort of orcha kundeshwar temple and etc.

The city is surrounded by beautiful mountence and decorated with lots of tree here we have four revers . people of tikamgarh live avery traditional life formars and villagers comes once in a week purchase. There daily needs thing from the markets and that system is cold hhaat now a days in the madhaya Pradesh political activities tikamgarh  has become the center of attraction deu to that the CM miss UMABHARTI is from our town and many of the local leadies of tikamgarh are on big designation in madhaya Pradesh parliament.




ORCHA is a tuorist place it is 15 km from jhansi near about 75 km from tikamgarh . ORCHA is also famous for RAM mandir and its natural beautiful sorroundings. the temple is know as RAM RAJA TEMPLE. many tourist from india and forign come to visit this place.

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