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These entries are best read from the bottom up, I suppose, in case you want them to make any sense.  Just a friendly tip.

This is the new site host.


I feel the wrath of a beater tan today.  My shoulders and neck are raw, and the slightest pressure makes me feel, well, uncomfortable.  Steve came home from Virginia at 6:30 this morning, and so everyone had to make a big deal and be loud and play the trumpet so I could not stand it any longer that I was forced to get up at 7:30.  My one day to sleep in and I am up early.

Last night Dave, Mike C, and I went to the Spot to drink cold drinks.  But after we left some guy was asking for money for insulin so we all gave him a few bucks, the scoundrel.  He played us, and Dave gave in and then so did I and then Mike too.  He didn’t even head to the drug store, the liar.  Oh well.  You win some you lose some.

Tonight starts the trash-plate marathon where Dave and I will decide who makes the best trash plate in Rochester.  So far my bet is on Empire Hots, but I will make sure to document each place just to make sure.


Today I filed a report with the police over my stolen cd player.  When I first went to the police station, I pulled opened the door and walked in.  But to my surprise the door just kept opening, after I let go.  I didn’t think I had put that much force into it, so I grabbed on and tried gently to stop it from moving forward.  But it pushed on open until it was all the way extended 90 degrees.  Then I realized it was a handicapped door with an electric motor plugged into it somewhere.  At any rate, I sat in the reception room for 20 minutes and then had to go back to work because the officer never showed up.  Then I went back after work and tried again, this time they brought me in to a little “interview room” and asked me questions and filed my report.  It was more exciting if you were there.

At work this afternoon I went inside to get a drink of water with my co-workers.  We were fine until some smart-alec teacher walks up to us and starts throwing a tantrum because we don’t have ID badges.  I guess the fact that we were wearing dirty clothes and we were covered with grass and we had been sitting in the front of the building pulling weeds for the last half hour didn’t prove to her that we worked for the school district.  I know if I saw people outside weeding my place of work, of course the first thing I would think of is that they must be doing it for kicks.  Who wouldn’t want to go around weeding and maintaining someone else’s property for fun?  Idiot.  She starts threatening to call the police and starts ranting to the secretary who let us in.  I felt it was necessary to interject at this point to inform her that I had not been hassled in any other school building I had walked into this week (probably because they were observant enough to realize that I’m just weedwhacking, not planting bombs or kidnapping children).  This is too much for her. “WELL THAT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE MY CHILDREN ARE SAFE!  REAL SAFE, REAL SAFE!  I can’t believe they are just letting strangers walk around in the school buildings like you!”  I wanted to punch her right in her squat little blonde head.  Greg was playing the peacemaker, promising them that we would get badges from our boss etc. but I wasn’t going to be nice, so it was lucky for them he was.

Fortunately for State Road school, the principal came out later on her own accord and apologized for the teacher’s “overzealous” defensiveness.  So that was nice.  But that teacher herself owes an apology and until I get it, she goes on the Chris Austin’s most disliked people list, taking the lead above President Chamberlain. 


Summer is finally upon us.

It is raining now in the suburb known as Webster, N.Y.  Raining hard.  All I can hear right now is rain hitting the top of my house.  And as soon as it began, it is now over.

Summer break officially started for me about 5 days ago, when I finished my final exam and picked up Renata in Syracuse so we could spend some of the weekend together before she went back to Chicago.  It was a good weekend.

But then, Monday came and summer became annoying.  I forgot how annoying weedwhacking can really be, when you have done nothing but weedwhack for 6-8 hours 3 days straight.  And what is worse is that there is no end in sight.  There are plenty more schools with plenty more tall grass that is out of reach of the mowers, but not out of reach of our obnoxious gas-guzzling weedwhackers.  And the grass just keeps growing.  Webster Central Schools spent a total of $162 on the weedwhacking of just one school Monday.  But I guess that’s how I get paid so I shouldn’t complain.

Today, a most unfortunate event happened.  Or I should say last night an unfortunate event happened.  I walk out to my car this morning to find the door wide open.  I had left it unlocked but not open.  So I sit down and get ready to start the car when I notice that, oh, my CD player had been jacked.  The panel was on the floor, my glove compartment opened with papers scattered, the interior light ripped out of its socket, and a rack of CD’s and my player were no longer enjoying the comfort of my Neon.

The fact is, someone came to our safe, friendly neighborhood and took my player.  And my Dad’s player.  And probably another 2,3,4,5 from the rest of our street.  If, per chance, I ran into the jerk who stole our stuff, I cannot guarantee would have a very Christian attitude about me.  I guess we will have to wait and see.

This was a bit much after days of non-stop weedwhacking.  I can only wait for what comforts tomorrow’s day of summer can bring.


The rest of these entries can be found in the ARCHIVE page.