Hello WolfCampers We have received your registration for WolfCamp and expect to see you Thursday, August 5, between 9 and 11 am. Important One important difference between high school and college is that we communicate with you, the student. Please print a copy of this email and give it to your parents if your parents need to know any information contained in this email. It is your responsibility to provide this information to your parents. Check-in: 9am - 11am Will be at the Wood Residence Hall Office: http://www.ncsu.edu/campus_map/central.htm While you are on campus at Orientation take a moment to locate Wood Hall. When you arrive for camp there will be signs directing you to the check-in location. It is important that you arrive by 11 am. Meals Meals will be provided during Wolf Camp on August 5th (lunch and dinner), 6th (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and 7th (breakfast and lunch). You may wish to bring a small amount of cash if you anticipate other needs. Check out: WolfCamp will end at about 5:00 pm on Saturday, August 7. Please inform whoever will be picking you up to meet you at Wood Residence Hall where you checked in. If you are driving: You will need a parking permit. Permits are $5 per day, and are needed for weekdays only. Please call or email us no later than July 30 to request a parking permit. Payment is expected at WolfCamp check-in. You will receive your parking permit at check in. Arrive by plane, train or bus: If you are arriving or leaving by plane, train or bus, email your travel itinerary to us so we can arrange for pick up and return. Emergency Contact Information: If anyone needs to reach you in an emergency while you are at WolfCamp they should call the Wood Hall desk at 919-513-4055 between 8 am and 10 pm. After hours they may call Campus Police at 919-513-3000. If you need to stay an extra night: Please let us know by July 30th. The cost for housing is $15 per night; payable at WolfCamp check-in. Meals will be on your own during any extended stay periods. Early Move-in Privilege: WolfCamp participants may earn the privilege of moving into NC State University housing (please note: University Towers is not a university facility) on Friday August 13, by: · Arriving on time for all camp activities · Participating in all required camp activities · Wearing their nametag at all times · Observing university and camp rules (for example, do not leave campus during camp, do not bring alcohol or illegal drugs) Your Homework: · Read and be prepared to discuss the short story, "The Palace Thief" by Ethan Canin. · You can access it on Electronic Reserve in the DH Hill Library. It is listed under the course EAC 795, instructor Deborah Luckadoo. · You will need to locate the library on the Internet, find the Electronic Reserves, and login using your Unity User ID and password. · You will receive your ID and password at New Student Orientation. · Yes, there will be a quiz! WHAT TO BRING: · The rooms in Wood Hall are air conditioned, and you will be provided with sheets, pillow and blanket, towels and soap. You should bring anything else you might need. · Clothes appropriate for a Carolina summer - light and comfortable, and ready for thunderstorms. · Any medicine you need to take. · Alarm Clock. · Closed toe shoes · Toiletries · A copy of your class schedule for Fall Semester (You will need this so we can help you find your classes) · Student ID card WHAT NOT TO BRING: · Alcohol or illegal drugs · Cell phones and pagers · Pets WHAT TO EXPECT: Fun, meeting lots of people, lots of activity, coming to campus this fall and not feeling like a "new" student, and a few nice surprises! Also, some of WolfCamp takes place outdoors and just like classes, goes on rain or shine, so be prepared. I look forward to seeing you on August 5th. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have. Mike Wallace Assistant Director, Campus Activities North Carolina State University 919-513-4071 mike_wallace@ncsu.edu Deborah Felder Administrative Assistant Student Organization Resource Center 1202 Talley Student Center 515-3323
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