Examination: Dustin Yeary

Influences: "My greatest influences that I acctually know would have to be Don Oakly, Derek Lee, and Vinnie Snar, those guys are bad ass drummers. The ones that I dont know would have to be David Silveria from Korn, Morgan Rose from Seven Dust, Vinnie Colaiuta who played the drums for the songs that Richard Gibbs and Johnathan Davis made up for the Queen of the Damned sound track, and my biggest influence would have to be John Bonham, for those deprived people who dont know who he is, he was the drummer for Led Zepplin."

Fav. Bands: "My favorite bands would have to be Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Manson, Korn, NIN, and Seven Dust."

Thanks: "I would like to thank My Mutter, My Dad [he bought me muh drum set] My Grandma, My Grandpa, and Bob who aways helped us and all ways inspired us, rest in peace man and thanks. Thanks to Naomi too, with out her I would of never been able to make this site. Even though we havnt got anywhere really we hope to be jammin around soon. Thanks everyone."

ŠThis Site is Copyrighted by Odium, site made by Dustin Yeary.