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To The Joshua Generation...
Rev. Armand P. Cudia
Senior Pastor
Know that perilous times will come, but know that God promises to slip His hands under every burden that they bring. Your burdens will be light, because you have learned to cast them on Him!

As you minister, winning souls for the glory of God, trouble may be all around you, but it will never get in you! You shall be an oasis of peace, a refreshing river of contentment that many will drink from!

Go, Joshua Generation, and do the work that God has called you to do. The time is now. As you have prepared the way in your spirit, soul, and body for God, to do mighty work in you, know that He has already prepared the way for you to go into the world and preach the gospel to every living creature.

Go, Joshua Generation, and preach everywhere God has called you to go, and He will work with you confirming His Word with signs that will follow.

You are not alove in your ministry; together we will do what God has called us to do.

Have confidence in this, that God will never leave you! Yea, though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil for He is with you! His rod and His staff, they are there to comfort you!

He has prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies. He has annointed you heads with oil. Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This is the promise of God if you keep your eyes on Him! Don't look to the right, nor to the left! Keep your eyes fixed on Him and His Word, and you will see success. You will become overcomers!

No Shame, trust in Him, because He is the guarantor of your ministry. He is your God, your protector. When you call on Him, He will answer. He will not leave you alone. He will be with you in trouble. He will rescue you! He will satisfy you with a full life, because you love Him and keeps His commandments!

In Christ,

Armand P. Cudia

Armand P. Cudia
Senior Pastor
Neil Makaveskis
Youth Pastor
Dave Barrido
Youth Leader
Teyh Viray
Youth Leader
Frank Diola
Youth Leader