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I agree to electronicly sign this petition because I do agree that Nitto Racing's Admins and Moderators have been unjust in the use of their power to ban,threaten,and mis treat normal players who are not mods or admins. I have seen this abuse and/or be subjected to it at one or more time(s). Please Fill out the guest Book Entry with your first and last name along with your User ID on Nitto.Remember these names are only being used for the purpose of trying to correct the way Nitto let's it's game be handled by untrained children who should have no right to be in a position which calls for mature adult judgement.


This is not any type of scam what so ever. This is simply a list of names to send to Nitto administration in hopes that something will be done about the way the power of Moderators is used absent mindedly. I do hope that we all togther can get something accomplished and Nitto can return to normal play with out fearing having your account banned or terminated because you may accuse someone of being unfair, a poor sport, etc. etc.

Thank you for your time,

Banned one too many times.

P.S. Your names will be kept confidential and not given out except to nitto admins when this is completed and turned in. Signing this petition should not in anyway shape or form be held against you by Nitto. To do so would be extremly unfair and unprofessional on their part.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

We the creators of this petitions can not be held legally responsible for anything done with this petition other than the above mentioned use. This is soley our opinions and that of the people who signed. The people who signed have willingly done so and we are not held accountable for them. With this being said we reserve the right to give Nitto Administration a nice big up yours in the event something isn't done to the satisfaction of the players. Nitto players who have signed this should not act out against Nitto staff and or Products in any such way that may be deemed illegal, and if done so those idividuals do so of there own free will and not by any given order by us the petition makers. In the event that nothing comes of this petition another one will be started shortly after and will continue to do so until something is done.