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^One badass mother....

Beware.... You have just entered a page all about the real ultimate power.If you dont believe me, you'll get your head chopped off and then who will be laughing? Not you cause you wont have a head.....ahahaha!!

Holy Sepuku, im not kidding, its so true. Disclaimer: By accesing this wedsite, you agree to all the following terms:
1. If youre too stupid to take everything i say as the honest to god truth, and some ninja just happens to be prowling around in your backyard and casually overhears what your thinking, jumps in through your window, flips out and chops your head off, its your own fault IDIOT.
2. If you see some pimpin stuff on my site(which of course your bound to) and you attempt to put it into action ie. committing sepuku, taming an ostrich, or guzzling beer, thats not my fault either, its you being too frikin gullible,
3. Nothing that occurs because you got a hot idea in your head from my site, can result in any sort of legal conflict.
† With that said, enjoy.... †

If youve ever wondered what kinda stuff ninjas do when theyre not killing people, wonder no more. This is what they do, in order of importance: