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Date: Wednesday May 7th, 2003
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: R.J.K. Agencies Headquarters

[The scene fades into a shot of the outside of a large stone building. There are two large bronze lion statues on each side of the oak doors and a bronze sign hanging over head. It reads "R.J.K Agencies: Your Classic Hollywood Agents since 1982". Music faintly begins to play as it slowly grows louder and louder. Before you know it the pounding bass line of "All About the Doe" by Knocturnal is heard in full boom as a 2003 Lexus GS 430 pulls up to the steps leading into the building. Out steps a man with shaggy brown hair and a pair of silver Oakley's covering his face. He is wearing a light blue dress shirt and some slacks as he hustles up the steps and into the building. He enters the doors and much like any Hollywood agency would be the place is beautiful. Marble floors, hand-carved desks and chairs. The works. The man quickly paces as a smiling young secretary approaches him. He is clutching some papers in his hand as she smiles showing a row of pearly whites.]

Secretary: Cade Stone my love!!!

[Cade looks at her with a puzzled expression on his face.]

Cade Stone: Um... do I know you?!

[The secretary seems to take this to heart but continues on...]

Secretary: Don't you remember! Last weekend! You serenaded me in the bar and we went back to your hotel room! Why haven't you called...

Cade Stone: Oooooh riiiiight... I have been extremely busy baby. Was that BEFORE or AFTER my threesome with those two crazy dutch lesbians?!

[The secretary laughs, but Cade looks at her with a curious, un phased expression.]

Secretary: You have GOT to be kidding me! You told me it was love at first sight and that you had never felt the way that you did before!

[Cade chuckles.]

Cade Stone: Listen baby, I tell a lot of girls a lot of different things. Hell I'm from Hollywood! You know all we do here is pretend!

[The secretary slaps Cade with tears welling in her eyes.]

Secretary: I'm pregnant with your baby asshole!

[Cade suddenly looks concerned as he whips out his cellphone and begins to call a number.]

Cade Stone: Hey yo Mr. Stevens it's Cade calling.


Cade Stone: Yes, it seems I have a bit of a dilemma.

[Another pause.]

Cade Stone: Yeah another one of those crazy nights indeed, there were these two fine dutch chicks and the....

[Cade looks over his shoulder to see the secretary tapping her foot.]

Cade Stone: Yeah well anyway it appears I had another little "accident".

[Cade pauses as the secretary looks disgusted.]

Cade Stone: Al right. Good to hear. Get in touch with me real soon. Bye now.

[Cade folds up his phone and puts it in his pocket.]

Cade Stone: It's not mine.

Secretary: WHAT! That is impossible!

Cade Stone: I am sorry miss but it is not mine, and if you have any problems with that you can contact Mr. Chris Stevens, attorney at law. A damn fine one at that. Him and his crack staff over there will prove to you it is not mine no matter how much you deny it. Now if you will just move your over-pounded ass a nudge so I may squeeze by, I have important business to attend to.

[Cade brushes her off with a smirk and continues on his way down the halls. He pushes the up button on the elevator and turns to the secretary.]

Cade Stone: Oh and baby.... I love you.

[Cade winks and breaks out laughing as the secretary flips him off. He steps onto the elevator and before you know it he is on the 4th floor. He walks down a few more corridors before stopping in front of a door reading Robert Dexter. He knocks once and enters. Robert Dexter, known to his clients as Robby D, is one of THEE premier agents in Hollywood. He is a short, suave man with jet black hair. Always clad in Armani from head to toe he notices Cade and signals he will be just a second. Cade sits in a large chair impatiently waiting for his beloved agent. Finally growing to impatient to wait any longer Cade walks over to his desk and clicks the receiver ending the call.]

Robby D: Jesus Christ Cade you gotta stop doing that! Those were potentially the most important twins since the Olsens!

Cade Stone: Say... they didn't have to be dutch did they?

Robby D: Well yeah, why do you ask?

[Cade chuckles under his breath.]

Cade Stone: No reason.

[Cade tosses the papers still clutched in his left hand onto the desk in front of Robby. Rob picks them up and examines them.]

Robby D: Well I see you got my fax.

Cade Stone: Your damn straight I did. The WWO?! What the hell is the WWO!

Robby D: Uh it stands for World Wrestling Organization. It has just been reopened, that is why the whole "Rebirth" thing comes into...

[Cade cuts Rob off.]

Cade Stone: Of course I know what WWO stands for man! I CAN read! It's not like I'm from Hot Lanta or anything. What I want to know is why the hell you sent me this.

Robby D: Uh well that there is a contract Cade...

Cade Stone: Let's pretend I'm not an idiot for just a moment here Robby... I know it is a contract but why the hell would I sign with some company just starting up! Let's get real here man! Why WWO!?!

[Rob just smiles and looks back at Cade.]

Robby D: Yo, it's all about the doe. Fondle it, sit on it, and hate to let it go.

[Cade laughs.]

Cade Stone: True enough... It's all about the cash, loot, money, deniro. Any form or slang of currency will do me just fine.

[Both of them laugh as Cade cuts in with a serious tone.]

Cade Stone: How much Doe are we talking about here?!

[Robby flips through the contract and points to a figure on the contract. Cade raises his eyebrows, obviously impressed.]

Robby D: President Flash saw your work on T.V. the other night and well obviously, he liked what he saw.

Cade Stone: Oh really? What was it? Pepsi? McDonalds Chicken Strips? Rightguard? Footlocker? Under Armor? Viagr...

[Rob cuts Cade off.]

Robby D: Not your advertisements Cade... WRESTLING.

Cade Stone: Oh... I knew that. Honestly I did. So you think I should sign?

Robby D: Definitely, I know Mr. Flash. We go way back. He is one egotistical, ruthless bastard. I think you two will get along just fine.

[Cade laughs.]

Cade Stone: Fair enough. Where do I sign!?

[The scene fades as Robert Dexter helps Cade sort through his contract... ]

Date: Wednesday May 7th, 2003
Time: 10:30 p.m.
Location: Room 217, Beverly Hills Hotel

[The T.V. is buzzing as newly signed WWO superstar Cade Stone is sprawled across the bed in nothing but a pair of shorts and slippers. He is clicking through the channels impatiently when finally he stops to marvel. It is one of his many commercials. This one for Campbell's Hearty Noodles. he mouths the words along with the commercial and chuckles when the phone next to his king sized bed rings. Unimpressed he answers quickly.]

Cade Stone: What do you want?!

[Cade pauses.]

Cade Stone: No, I do not know a Mr. Kent Brockman. You hotel people screw everything up. Next time I get a important call why don't you turn off the Simpsons and give me a proper name instead of some jackass cartoon character! Now think hard on this one... what did he say he was calling about.


Cade Stone: He works for the WWO?! Well put him through then dumbass! Do I gotta do everything for you! While your at it get someone to send me up a bottle of Don Perignon. Chop Chop!

[Another pause. This time slightly longer. Cade checks his watch before finally speaking up.]

Cade Stone: Hey sorry it took so long to get through. You know how hotel people are...

[The silence is broken by Cade's laughter.]

Cade Stone: I hear ya, I mean the idiots tried to tell me your name was Kent Brockman! Like honestly who would name there kid Kent Brockman!


Cade Stone: Oh it really is Kent Brockman?! That sucks!

[Cade chuckles.]

Cade Stone: You must feel like an idiot!


Cade Stone: Whatever man, calm down! Why the hell are you calling me! I was in the middle of an important script reading...


Cade Stone: An interview tomorrow afternoon? Sure why not.


Cade Stone: Dr. Jeckel? Why would we have an interview about a classic story of a good man gone wrong!?! I thought this was all about wrestling!


Cade Stone: My opponent?! I have an opponent named Jack Jeckel!

[Cade breaks out into another chorus of laughter.]

Cade Stone: Good lord what have I gotten myself into! Where did they pull that name out of? Some sort of twisted fairytale?!


Cade Stone: Whatever man, no one is as good as the future.


Cade Stone: Alright chill or your gonna pop a hemroid. Can I go to sleep now?! Meet me tomorrow at the Spago Restaurant in Beverly Hills. I know poor interviewers like yourself can't afford classy joints like that, so it's my treat. How does that sound?!

[Cade pauses.]

Cade Stone: Hello?! Helloooooo!?! The bastard hung up on me.

[Cade shrugs and slowly gets out of bed heading towards the bathroom. He knocks loudly on the door and waits several moments when two vivacious identical blondes step out in nothing but towels. They scream at the same time.]

Twins - Boom, Boom Time!

[Cade shakes his head.]

Cade Stone: No more boom, boom tonight girls. I have got a big day ahead of me tomorrow. You see tomorrow it is time for "The Future" to take center stage! Bye bye girls!

[With that said, he kicks the girls out the door in nothing but there towels and locks it. He chuckles and makes his way towards his bed.]

Watch out world! It's SHOWTIME!

[Cade turns out the lights in the room as the picture fades to black.]