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aim: miisleadinq
yh: mala_riquena
designed by lex
hosted by..
my girl tata
my ashley

The current mood of iiterallypmsing@aol.com at www.imood.com
Listeing to: Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart
April 22,2003 | 7:21 am
Lately i've been going to sleep uh too damn early, now my ass is up MAD early.. I woke up about 5something am!!! Now im sitting here bored as hell and figured i would write an entry since my lazy ass hasnt been doing that on the reg. I've been seriously doing alot of thinking lately on relationship type stuff, It's crazy because its like lately mad people wanna get with me at the same time.. WTF is going on? I seriously dont even know what to say about that, so much craziness going on and I seriously dont have time to play games with no friggen guy.. Alot of nagging ass men on aol too, mad annoying, shit is totally OLD and they need to grow the fuck up.. so irritating, BLAH! I have depressing songs playing one after another and its on random.. What a coincidence, Shits making me feel a bit depressed ;| I gotta change it to some spanish reggae!! Gets me hype.. Well enough about that, I was checking out the cost of the new nokia phone, the one with the camera and video camera thing.. Uh i seriously thought that damn phone was going to cost about Hmm.. Atleast 3 or 4 hundred or something! It's only about 200.00!! which isnt bad at all, considering i want the damn phone ;) I have no clue if they have it in my area yet, But i will most likely go and check that out for real,I also need to go summer shopping. get some really cute tops and so on. I have so many things to get done, I dont even wanna think about what all i need to do.. I know for sure, I need to be working on a new layout for my new server, My lovely friend "MIKE" hooked me up.. So basically within eh maybe a month or who the hell knows.. I'll be moving my site. I was going to just move this there, But i want to start fresh. I'm learning alot more things everyday on webdesigning i'm like so proud of myself :P Because im seriously one lazy ass person when it comes to coding and so on, it isnt easy. But anyways yeah thats what i've been doing lately. Ok time to end this but before i do check MY WOMAN noochi out! ;] thank you kindly

Listeing to: Mobb Deep - Burn
April 17,2003 | 4:27 pm
I dont exactly have much to say today, I'm pretty much confused at this point in time.. So much going on its crazy, My sister is gone to have an abortion, which was needed ;/ Because in this point in time, she's too young for a kid! That alone was wearing me down, I feel like a big part of my stress has been lifted.. On the other hand, i have fucking interent people bugging the hell out, pissing me hell off!!! Some people dont seem to understand the meaning of "NO" or even "I will let u know when im ready" or something of that friggen sort.. GRRRRRR!!!!!! My damn head has been killing me off and on, This whole week! It's ridiculous i have to go through all this stress at a young age, LMAO :P I'll be alright, I'm a fighter.. I believe i can make through anything that comes my way, It's always good to have that train of thinking or whatever. I dont know, I have some serious mixed emotions going on.. I seriously despise my ex "chris" and for some odd reason on my other hand im still in love with his dumb ass, It's pissing me the fuck off!!!!! Too much shit has been said for me to even be thinking about him, I havent done nada to his ass, He made the breakup such a BIG ass thing, As if i did something wrong.. So basically his train of thinking towards me is all negative to the point where he doesnt wanna speak to me nor chill.. Eh??? Por Que?!?! Blah.. I'm just gonna leave it alone, I just don't get how u go from being friends to an relationship, Saying "i love you" and such.. Then you breakup on some dumb shit, Honestly i dont think he knows why he broke up with me.. Idiot, Damn i think i need a psychiatrist.. I have completely lost my mind! I think i have said enough for now.. Oh yeah go visit my girls ashley and tata, and last but not least mi amor fern0 mucho love to them ;) Also, i added some new pics so go check that out, i'll be adding more things to please whomever.. toodles

Listeing to: Eminem - Kim
April 14,2003 | 10:49 pm
Sick :(
Bleh.. This spring weather is killing me man!!! One day its warm/hot whatever, And another its cool/cold. Now im friggen sick! Well not all that sick, My sinuses are like messed up, I'm not exactly stuffy it's like this damn pressure and i cant breathe. I feel so miserable ;/ AHHHHHHH!!! I hate when i can't breathe ugh!! Eminem kills me with this song.. I love him dearly, He cracks me the hell up. As you can tell i have nothing interesting to talk about. My weekend.. HA it didnt even exist, I was in the house my 2 little boys and we did nothing special but chilled at home ;] I finally got them the harry potter movie, I like it, I like both actually.. ok im rambling, im gonna make this on short.. ciao :P

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kind a depressed
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