Ain't, I the coolest cat that you eva seen?

"Trevor Wrath..."

"With my absence from NEW, I use to witness his matches via sattelite.
I didn't like him... He always thought the goodness of life
could only be served to him from a silver platter.
Who knew his life would change for the better?"

He was fired from NEW by Rufus Frost to see how life is without
people handing you things instead of you earning them, I thought.
That's when I saw the better side of him. When his life changed, his
attitude was altered as well, I think for the better."

"With him now facing the struggles, needs, and wants in life,
just as Andrew and I are, he joins us in the quest to seek success.
It was certainly a great idea to revive 'The Infinite' to a greater
class than it's previous state in version one of NEW.
Maybe now it will make it easier for us to make our-- well my, dream
a reality..."

"Reign of Power...
A challenge for bragging rights as to see who will actually be the greatest
of all wrestling organizations. A tournament for fame, for respect,
something which is desired most by none other than myself."

"What a great way to show those fools what respect, I deserve.
It's only more of an advantage to have my old rival from XWW, Timothy Ashton
with us, as well as my best friend, Andrew, David Strife, Kinkade, Corey Ashton,
and my upcoming opponent at the next Breakout, the more than attractive, Morgana."

"By winning this tournament for NEW, only pushes me closer to waking up and making
my dream for fame a reality. I must win... I... Have to."

"Speaking of Morgana... What a better way to beat the Champion to gain respect.
She's teaming up with Adam Cameron to go against Andrew and me. Hah.
Well, Frost, I guess we did have a reason to jump him - An advantage for victory."


time | 8:43 P.M. reign of power closes in.

"And one and two and one and two and... That's it, you've got it!!~!"

'The fuck? The voice of Richard Simmons came out of nowhere as the scene slowly began to come through. Inside David Lunar's apartment home, Lunar was seen in the living room of the house, bent over, trying to touch his left foot with his right hand without bending his knees. Puddles of sweat was seen on his his grey shirt that he wore along with black sweat shorts (the legs are just cut out of the original sweat pants), grey tube socks, and some black flip flops. More and more sweat began to drip off the face of David Lunar as he continues trying to touch his left foot while, on the television, Richard Simmons is heard doing a completely different stretch, indicating that he's much farther than the out of shape/nervous Lunar.

He had just come out of a win at Uprising against Kyle Rayner at a 2/3 falls match and is now going against Adam Cameron and Morgana along with Andrew Ashton. As cocky as he was to defeat Kyle Rayner at Uprising, he couldn't be too confident as he was facing an NEW Legend, Adam Cameron, and the NEW World Champion, Morgana, two more than great superstars. His goal was set - to train harder than he could ever train. Although it really is normal from the past XWW days, that when an important match like this comes up, he's more than nervous, but focused.

"Damnit!~! I always get stuck on this stretch!" Lunar said, still trying to bend himself as far as he could without bending his knees. He quickly rose up after about another three seconds of trying to touch his foot. "Fuck that, onto the next one..."

"And now, pull your right leg over you head like so... See? You can do it!! YAY!" was heard from Richard Simmons on the television as Lunar's eyes popped open in surprise.

David looked at his right leg, and without even trying, shook his head. "Oh, no. Fuck that..." he said with not a bit of doubt. He took the remote which sat behind him on his sofa. Pointing the remote towards the TV and pressing one of the buttons, the tape was fast forwarded to another exercise. David smiled and put the remote back down on the sofa. "Now here's where it's at. Typical jumping jacks."

It was clear that David was focused on winning his next match with Andrew. He couldn't be the one fucking up their Tag Team record for them. Performing jumping jacks, he went with the pace of the beat, which was an old techno song played from the Richard Simmons video tape.

Suddenly the door of his apartment opened and in came Andrew Ashton with a cheerful expression all over his face. Noticing Andrew from the corner of his eye, David couldn't let his best friend see that he was exercising to an old Richard Simmons tape and quickly stopped in mid-air to run over to the television to turn it off. "AH! ANDREW, uh... What a pleasent surprise, ahh..." Lunar said trying to stall Andrew from noticing anything weird.

"SUP DAVID! READY FOR A NICE JOG OUT--" Andrew said, stopping himself from saying anything else when he looked over at the television to see what Lunar was watching. "... What're are you watching?"

DAMNIT!!~! This dumbass tape won't stop, David thought with more sweat coming down his face, making his shirt even more darker with stains. "Uhhh... Uhh..." Lunar stuttered, pushing every button to try and turn the damn thing off. "No-nothing... Just... AHH! DAMN THIS THING!"

"Are you watchin Richard--" Andrew questioned as he paced closer toward the television.

"NO!! NO! I'M WATCHING..." Suddenly a quick idea came to the slow mind of David Lunar. He quickly pushed the channel button on the television to the Playboy channel and sighed in relief afterwards. "I-I'm watching porn. That's it... Porn..." Lunar backed away from the television with an innocent smile on his face.

"Is that right..." Andrew said with a now suspicious look on his face. He finally got infront of the television where Lunar was standing and innocently smiling.

"Sure is... I gotta' get right, you know?" Lunar said before chuckling sarcastically.
Andrew took his eyes away from the television to put them on Lunar who stood 'innocent'. "Wow... You sure look worn out with all that sweat. You sure it didn't fall off?" Andrew said laughing.

"What? Oh-- HAH! AHAHAHAHA!!" David Lunar loosened up the collar of his shirt, now sweating even harder as he gulped. "Funny..."

"Yeah..." Andrew said, looking over at the remote that layed on the sofa. He walked towards it as Lunar watched on helplessly. "Let me take a look at the remote for a second."

"No, wait!!~!" Lunar yelled helpless.

But before David could stop him, Andrew had picked up the remote and hit the "Previous" button to see what he was watching last. Up came Richard Simmons squating up and down on the television as Ashton watched on with shocked eyes.

Lunar sighed and sat down on the couch. "Yeah, that's right... I was watching Richard Simmons. I figured it would--" But before Lunar could go on, however, he was cut off by the excited Andrew Ashton who was jumping up and down with joy for some odd reason.

"YOU'VE GOT RICHARD SIMMONS BEACH HOUSE EXERCISES VOLUME 3?!!?!!?~!?!" Andrew screamed toward David who had a confucked expression to his drenched-in-sweat face. "I GOT VOLUME 2!! OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!! I'VE GOT TO WRITE THESE EXERCISES DOWN!" Andrew said before being focused on the video now.

"..." Lunar watched on as Andrew began immitating the exercises Richard Simmons was doing on the television. He chuckled and quickly interrupted Andrew. "So what brings you here anyway?"

"I was hoping for a jog, but FUCK THAT! We're watching this!" Andrew said, performing the next exercise after the other.

Lunar stared at Andrew with much concern and started to shake his head. Suddenly, on the television, the tape suddenly stopped as did Andrew who was in the middle of trying to put his right leg over his head. David looked over at the paused television, and just like Andrew, wondered what happened.

"WHAT?! HEY! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR TAPE! I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A--" Andrew screamed in disappointment before he got interrupted by David.

"It probably just paused finally after I hit the button a billion-ca-jillion times." Lunar said, rising from his seated position. He walked over to the VCR and pushed 'Play' to resume the tape. Nothing happened. He pressed it again, and again, nothing happened.

Andrew gave up trying to place his right leg over his head as he couldn't perform it either. He rose up and looked over at Lunar who repeatedly pushed the 'Play' button. "Your shit's fucked up... No matter, we'll just go for that jog I was hoping for, no? I'm in the exercising mood today and we've gotta' win that match at Breakout and those matches at the Reign of Power tournament."

"True." Lunar said, giving up. He pushed the 'Power' button to turn the television off but even THAT didn't work either. He pushed it again, and still, nothing. "'The fuck? Now it won't even turn off. Something's wrong."

"Oh fuck it, come on." Andrew said, walking for the door of the apartment.

Lunar shrugged and followed him when suddenly "IT" showed on the television out of nowhere. Both, Andrew and Lunar looked over at the television to see the death-defying RING clip that is suppose to kill you after seven days.

"OOOH SHIT!!" both of them screamed. Andrew quickly looked away as fast as he could, but Lunar kept staring. It seems he never watched the movie and was now interested.

Andrew looked back to see if Lunar WAS looking, and sure enough, he was. "David! What are you doing?! Look away from the Ring! Look away!"

After about a minute of the eerie, silent clip and Lunar staring at the the television, it finally turned off as all was silent... Andrew was in one of the corners of the apartment, covering his face while Lunar was in the middle of the living room staring at the blank television. After about another minute of silence, he looked up to see nothing but a dazed Lunar in the middle of the living room. Ashton rose to his feet and sighed in relief.

"David?" Andrew asked with concern towards the dazed fellow. He walked over to him, seeing drool dripping off the bottom of his lip. "David?" he asked again, now waving his hand infront of David's face. "OH MY GOD!!~! HE'S GONE!! AND I'M NEXT!!!"

Suddenly David busted into laughter as Andrew looked at him weirdly now. Wiping the drool from his lip, Lunar pointed at Ashton, continuing to laugh hystarically. "Ohoho... I got you SO good! That look on your face was golden." David said laughing once more.

"So YOU put that 'Ring' tape in there?!" Andrew said thinking none of this is amusing what-so-ever.

David caught his breath and took a seat on the couch, looking over at Andrew who took as seat as well. "Nah, but you don't really believe in that shit right?"

"YOU DIDN'T?!!?!" Andrew screamed, fearing the most once again.

"What? What's so bad about that movie anywho?"

"David! You obviously didn't see the movie." Andrew shook his head and went on. "Whenever you see that clip of 'The Ring', you die in seven days! We still have yet to get a phone call!"

"A phone?--" David was cut off by the ringing of the phone which sat about a foot away from where David was sitting. Andrew looked on, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. Lunar looked at the phone which was ringing over and over, then looked over at Andrew who, shook his head.

"Don't, David... Don't!" Andrew whispered.

"I got to." David said, sighing. "It might be Blockbuster. I didn't bring back a video tape for almost twelve years now. It happens to be that Richard Simmons tape, and now they're going to sue me over it. If I don't pick it up, I'll... I just have to."

The phone continued ringing and ringing more. It was as if the phone was calling towards the two of them. It was as if their own fate was summoning their presence.

Finally, Lunar reached over slowly and picked up the phone. He looked over at Andrew who was trembling with fear and cautiously put the phone to his ear to listen:

"Seven days..." an eerie voice said slowly. David started to tremble as well as Andrew, fearing his life just as much as Ashton. "... UNTIL REIGN OF POWER! AREN'T YOU EXCITED?! I SURE AM!" A familar voice said with joy. David sighed, feeling much relief as he looked back up at Andrew.

"It's just Barney." David said.

Andrew sighed in relief as the conversation on the phone went on. "Yep, that's me. Man, I can't believe you're going against all those people. They're gonna' be a great challenge you know." Barney said.

"Yeah, uh... Hey, I'll call you back, alright?" David said, not needing an answer back from Barney, hanging up the phone immediatly.
"Whew, that was a close one... That really had me goin'." Andrew said as he sighed in relief as well.

Suddenly a slow, creepy knock on the door was heard just as that was said. Both men, Lunar and Ashton, looked over at the door, trembling more than ever that a creature, like they feared, would actually come to his door step. Andrew looked over at David who was shaking scarcely.

"Don't do it, David. That's the real thing, I'm sure of it." Andrew whispered again.

"Hell no I'm not opening that door." David whispered back. He looked over at the door again and continued. "Maybe it'll go away if it hears that no one's home. Or maybe it'll think it has the wrong apartment."

"I don't know David..." Andrew whispered once again, shaking his head in disagreement. "You don't see the killer from Scream robbing the wrong house in the movie."

KNOCK!! KNOCK!! KNOCK!! The door was pounded three times once again. It wasn't like your ordinary, cheerful, fast knock like friends would do, or a hard pounding like the police, no. It was the creepy, slow bang on the door that was only heard if you married an asylum lunatic or watched 'The Ring' clip.

Still Lunar and Ashton stayed as still as they could. They wouldn't move a muscle, knowing their life was on the line. Constantly they looked at each other, and then at the door when it was pounded on three times when, finally, it stopped. The knocking finally came to a hault as Lunar took a big gulp and looked over at Andrew who still stared at the door.

"Didn't I tell you?" David said with a normal tone, not whispering this time. "I knew it'd go away if it thought it had the wrong house."

"What're you, crazy?!" Andrew whispered. "Stop talking so loud, he might still be out there!" Andrew whispered again, crawling under the table while Lunar stood in the middle of the living room out in the open. "Get down! It might see you!"

"Pshhhh, I may haven't seen the movie, but by the sound of that girly knock, I could take it down with my toes if it was bold enough to show itself." David said with a cocky smirk on the side of his face.

Just then, from behind Lunar, a small unknown object hit him from behind. Quickly, Lunar screamed like a little girl and ran underneath the table with Andrew, trembling with fear. Both of them stayed underneath the table, looking out, and seeing no one. No one but the unknown object that lie in the middle of the floor.

"Wha-What was that?" Andrew whispered as softly and as quietly as he could.

"I don't know but it came from behind me. I'm ready to get out of here NOW!" David whispered just as quiet.

"You can't, it'll get you outside too, and knowing me, I'll have to ditch you."

"True." David whispered back. He nudged Andrew a little bit afterwards. "Go out there and see what that thing 'it' hit me with. Go on."

"Hell no! You go!" Andrew whispered in an angry tone. It was obvious they were being stalked by someone, but who? And what was that thing that Lunar was hit with? Someone better go out there and see damnit, this is getting good.

"Damnit, I had to pick up the phone, and I had to get hit with that... That thing. So it's only fair you go out to see what it is."

"Fine." was said by Andrew before he creeped out towards the object onto his tip toes, staying low to the floor. Finally he got to the object and picked it up. There was nothing but silence after Andrew picked it up and stared at the 'thing' that Lunar was hit with as David looked on.

"Wha--What is it, Drew?" Lunar called out to Andrew.

Utter silence...

"Drew?" Lunar called out again.

"It's..." Andrew rose up into a standing position now, turning towards David who remained under the table with the object in his hands. "It's... Your neighbor's dog... It's dead!"

David crawled out from the table and stood up as well. "You're lying to--" He was quickly cut off when Andrew threw the object towards Lunar. With instinct, David quickly caught the object, taking a closer look at it and seeing that it really and truly was his neighbor's dog. He only stared at it when silence overcame the room once again.


Just then, a hooded person in a black, dirty, torn cape walked from around the corner of David's bedroom, revealing itself as both, David and Andrew screamed helplessly like women:

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!~!!!~!" The 'it' crept closer and closer to the two, closing them into a window, with no place to go. It stopped in it's tracks when it knew David and Andrew had nowhere to go, just keeping it's head down with the hood, it wore, covered over to keep it's face unknown to their scarce eyes.

Not moving for about five seconds time, the hooded creature jumped at the two, with it's hands in the air, but stayed in the same spot as if to scare them and that is just what it did.

Both Andrew and Lunar flinched, expecting the phenom to attack. Andrew maintained his composer, but Lunar lost his balance and fell through the window they stood infront of, crashing through the glass, and falling two stories to the ground below.

"YOU BASTARD!!" Andrew said after seeing his best friend fall from the apartment. He looked back at the creature who started to lift it's hood up, but the scene soon faded out.

time | 10:02 P.M. at the hospital.

The scene came back in showing the surroundings of a light room with a bed and operating gadgets. It wasn't a lab, no. But it was a hospital in which David Lunar layed in who seemed to be unconcious from the fall from the apartment earlier. A bruise was visible above his right eye as well a cut on his left cheek. A sling was seen on his right arm, holding the pain of a sprained wrist. The view began to pan around now, showing more of the room, revealing Andrew Ashton and Trevor Wrath sitting in chairs beside the bed in which David Lunar layed in. Andrew was seen with a disgusted expression on his face while Trevor looked on with a guilty one.

Suddenly the eyes of David began to open after a few seconds as Andrew and Trevor soon noticed this. David looked around to see where he was at, and noticed Andrew and Trevor as well.

"Dave!!" Andrew yelled with excitement. "Don't worry, the doctor said you'll be alright, just a little cuts and bruises and a sprained wrist. Heh, I guess all that training worked out afterall, huh?"

"Heheh..." David began to chuckle, focused on Andrew now. "You find out who or what that thing was?"

"Yeah." Trevor interrupted, lowering his head in shame. "It was me. I figured I should loosen you guys up with all the training ya'll been doing. I didn't know it would go so far as to injure you, David."

"Eh? You?" David said with an angry expression. He smiled just after, though and went on. "Well, you certainly got us loosened up, that's for sure. No biggy. Atleast you didn't break nothing. Then I'd really be mad as hell."

Andrew laughed. "Yeah, he got me scared as hell too, but I managed to tackle him and raise a fist before he told me who he was."
"Heh." Trevor murmored, nodding.

David looked over at Trevor, quickly questioning him. "How DID you do that with the whole 'Ring' thing anyway?"

"Eh, I just recorded over the part where it showed 'The Ring' clip on the real movie and rewired some things at the main control office of your apartments and showed it there... Something like an In House kinda' thing." Trevor said. "And that whole dead dog thing..." Trevor held up the same object Lunar held that was the 'dead neighbor's dog'. "Just a doll drenched in ketchup... Creepy, huh?"

"Right, you are." David said, chuckling a bit.

"We'll just leave you alone now." Andrew interrupted, getting up from his seat just as Trevor did. "You got some much needed rest to be doing. Breakout's in ten days and Reign of Power is in seven..."

"Right, you are, Drew." David replied.

"We'll be at my house when you get well... Later." Andrew said last before going for the door of the room and opening it. He left just before Trevor gave a farewell wave to David and left as well.

David sighed and stared at the ceiling as silence, once again, broke out.

Suddenly the ringing of a phone, just beside Lunar, was heard. Lunar quickly looked over at it, fearing the worst, but then noticed that it was all just a joke before and with no fear in his eyes what-so-ever, picked up the phone.

"Hello?" David questioned the caller.

"Seven days..." A voice said as eerie as possible. "... AND 72 HOURS BEFORE THE NEXT BREAKOUT! MAN I'M EXCITED!!"

David sighed with relief and laughed. "How'd you know I was in the hospital, Barney?"

"Andrew told me just after he found out Trevor was behind it all. Yep, told me all about it. That sly boots."


"Well, get well damnit. I don't want to waste my time at Sears watching the TVs to see you not on there. You gotta' win Breakout and Reign of Power for me."

"Sure thing."


David then hung up the phone and smirked as a nurse walked into the room, the scene finally fading out completely to end the day.

[© copyright 2002-2003 david lunar and all his roleplays, all rights reserved.]