

Cock Block seen in many Eastern Europe Countries!!!

A peaceful trip on an island called PAG. Beaches, clubs, bars, and ample of opportunities to get laid. Sound too good to be true? I tell you it is not. I can't speak from experience. I chose to go with the one who calls himself "David Morell" Many of you have heard of the Legacy of Morell. He is also known by many other aliases.
2. "The Destroyer of JM'S"
3. Slayer of OM Power
4. "Hey Stupid"

Recently I had an encounter with Haterade. You may have seen him. He uses line like "So you like food, me too. Hey I am American. Oh ill be right back, my buddy is about to get laid. DUTY CALLS"

My advice for all who are reading this is, if you see HaterAde, run. I repeat Run. Your weak chances of getting laid will drop to none.

Not only once did he ruin my chances of getting laid, but on numerous occasions. Let start off with this scenario. Two girls surrounded by two Americans, 2 Aussies and Englishman (If HaterAde is reading this, Englishman come from England.) The two girls were Ugly, but hey I was drunk and looking to get a blowjob. But no Haterade steps in and Blocks again.

The next night Three English girls and the same group of guys. I see my target and lock on. Time to engage. I look left, then right. HaterAde is no where in sight. Things are looking good. She starts to talk to me, and Bam! HaterAde swoops in. Blocked again. He then backs out because the Aussies and English guy were about to beat his ass.

Scenario: Setting: beach, topless girls. Me and HaterAde. Score, three girls giving us the look. I back off and let Hater take lead. Hoping that if I play wingman I won't get blocked. Nope, Every time I would talk, he would step in. It didn't matter if I was alone 50 ft from Hater and he was talking to a girl. He has like a "HATER SENSE" which would tell him it time to block.

All and all, I urge you to be on the look out.

Written by the aspiring journalist: The EOD DROPOUT.