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The target of designing This site is to facilitation
the movement of my programs in everywhere and helping the beginners in computer & programming by what I can, and helping me to make a relation with every c# programmer all over the world .


About me :-I'm mohamed mostafa from egypt ,18 years old , studient in The Hight inistiute for computer science & Information systems in october 6 university at the first  year (with 85% in general secondary)and I worked at IT at Programming  under .NET  environment now by c#(csharp language) very advanced language after c++ language (that is the main reason for designing this site).

for any person havn't any knowledge about programming and want to know:-
The first time I site on and deal with computer device was in 30/9/2001 and at this time I wonderd alot...because I found computer acts filmes,songs and games this 3 things we can have by T.V set & recorder & any atary device...! ok why the computer device represent technology  controling and so important device for our live and the future????
after some weeks I begin to know and use programs that can do a wonderful things that human can't do by any way but computer can do because of alot of circuits in it that worked in a hight accurate this circuit may be programmable according to the application or instruction set that sent to it as a microcode untile this time I can't know how this programs design.... in this times I havn't take any studing in computer (I was in secondary) and I
imagining that making this programs is so so hard in the rang of all my information about computer untile date 1/9/2003 in this date I was loading some s\w & documents from afrind to me after I take a backup of this documents on my hard disk and in browesing it  I found learning to something called visual basic by learning it I found  that I can speak to computer and order it what I want it's circuit to do.. not by voice but by writing to computer and not in my language but by computer language that language that circuits can direct execute by it's millions of transistors that can't take any action more than open or close itself or in another words being on or of  hight or low 1 or 0  ones or zeroes that is the computer language so direct order to the circuit is so hard by alot of 1&0 so computer language is so difficult to us to use and writing the programms we want is so hard so some groupes of  professional programmers write one program called compiler the task of this program is to take from us what we want computer to do in an easy language and convert it into computer language that computer can understand this easy language is a new language determind and write it the programmers who design the lagnguage&compiler  and this language is called programming language and untile now their is many programming languages visual basic is one of this languages and the differences between this language is the main target that the programmer that designed this language want it in his language for example wanting programming language have more controling in hardware(direct access to H\W) like c++, another language building more applications with a hight quality interface and esay,atractive for both user and programmers like visual basic and by passing the time any thing have any relation with technology either replace or updating..... this rule likewise applied on programming languages for example basic to visual basic to visual basic.NET & c to c++ to c# or visual c#.NET the latest version of this two language (c#.NET & VB.NET) have abig difference between them and previous versions we can say that this 2 language is a new generation of programming languages microsoft specializied  about 80% of it's budget for it & mr: bell getes spend about 3000 million dollers from it's private mony for .NET also.... More about .NET .(and you can search for more information about .NET in the down of the page)
Now I want to say  not say but prove that learning programming is so easy for who want.
proving:- now I will give an example to simple VB & c++ programs the first program I write after 2 days of learnig VB and the second by c++ the first program relying on the 4 operational (+,-,*, /) the second depend on if statement (if(condition) {statement}) at the first place.... in very easy way...see them now
                                                                                                       Download this
The code is what you write by prgramming language in the compiler then the compiler translate to machine language (o s and 1 s ).
Note: I don't browsing any .NET (c#) programs because .NET application want one of 3 things for runing.
1-.NET framworks.           2-Microsoft Visual Studio.NET     3-windows.NET
Any one have any tools of previous sent me his e:mail to sent my c# program to it.      
Now if you want to be programmer I will do my best to help you (by sending you books for free, contact you with advanced programmer in the language you will choose (I'm programmer with c#),if you havn't determind any language I will help you to choose the best language,.......)  but if you (click to know) .


                    Any c# programmer visit this site please contact me 


And any visitor have any question or suggestion or comment please contact me Now               

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