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My Mugging Page

This is my website dedicated to my mugging. Yes, I got mugged, and no I don't want to tell the story ever again, so here it is for you all to read at your own liesure, complete with diagrams. I've told this story so many times over the last few days, I figured it would be easiest to just tell the whole world all at once. So here goes.


The story starts at around 10:30pm, Aaron and Andy begin walking to their favorite store to pick up some drinks and a snack. Everyone was in a good mood since it was the first warm day in the Buffalo ghetto in quite some time. Little did we know that the evening was about to take a turn for the worse.

what a nice night out


As Aaron and Andy walk back to their ghetto home, they noticed a car, with some young gentlemen within, obviously attempting to woo a young lady walking down the street. Their failed attempt apparently upset the boys and they sped off in their car. Andy and Aaron continued on their journey.

I'm happy now


As the two came closer to their home, they noticed the same car mentioned previously. Aaron kindly pointed out that the car did not appear to be 100% kosher. The night became quiet, and the mood very suspenseful.

Intrepids suck


Suddenly, the three young men emerged from the car, one with a gun in hand. They demanded that Aaron and Andy give them their money. Aaron knew he could have scuffled with the antagonising boys, but did not let these thoughts take control of him because of the gun involved. The boys in the car had the upper hand. They proceeded to steal Aaron's car keys and wallet, while the polite thief who robbed Andy removed the money from his wallet and gave him his wallet back.

These guys suck as much as the car


Aaron and Andy proceeded home, with a drastically different outlook than earlier in the day. Luckily Aaron had read the culprits' license plates, while Andy was too upset over the loss of his sour cream and onion Pringles to pay attention to such details. Neither Aaron nor Andy were happy anymore.

I'm not happy anymore


Aaron and Andy proceeded to call the police when they arrived at home. They police soon caught the suspects and arrested the four young men. Aaron and Andy only wanted their belongings back, and wished the 4 gentlemen best of luck with their future robberies, and also wished them better luck with the lzadies, but the police would not have any of that. They put the 4 young men in prison and made Aaron and Andy stay up past their bed times on a school night to fill out paper work.

This sucked

Why am I in the police station for so long... I'm the victim


Don't mess with us

Cover your license plates during a robbery

People have visited this website since the mugging on 4-15-03

The images portrayed on this website are not real. The characters' faces have been changed to protect their identity, but not their names.