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Welcome to the Processed Meat website.

20/04/2004 - The Meat on netspeed

Right, the move to netspeed hosting is complete. Please use this new url as it is unlikely that I will update the site on angelfire often if at all. The spelling mistke is still in the main graphic and I have to be honest, it probably will not get fixed for a while. Maybe in a month or two unless people have some huge beef with the minor mistake. Also a news post has been added and keep an eye out for some reviews. I am looking at reviewing FarCry and some movies or anime. As of yet I haven't decided whether games reviews will go under games stuff or under reviews. I will make this clear later. Untill then have a good week and that shit.

18/04/2004 - Hosting change and spelling mistake

Well my ISP set up my webspace so I will be using that from now on. Mainly because angelfire has buggy add code (also I don't like adds) and is slower than my internet connection.
I also noticed a spelling mistake in the main graphic, it should be processed not proccessed. This will be fixed when I get around to installing photoshop again (I formated recently).
Expect a news update on the move to new hosting.

12/04/2004 - Go game in randoms

Today I had a teaching game (of Go) with a 2 dan player on KGS. There are some interesting points in it about the opening in an even game. With no handicap and playing a 2d player of course I got smashed but that isn't the point. Anyway if your interested get it from the randoms page.

11/04/2004 - Content added at last

Check out the news page for general news update. I also added a rant. Woot my first content update :D

11/04/2004 - The Meat on angelfire

Processed Meat is now being hosted on angelfire. This may not be for long though. I am looking to move the site onto my isp webspace once they have it set up as I have already noticed a problem with angelfire hosting. So to anyone using mozilla or one of its variants i apologize, you may notice the garbage at the top of the page. That is not my fault, that is the add code that angelfire adds in and it doesn't seem to work with mozilla.

10/04/2004 - It has begun

Well this is my new site. My old one hadn't been updated since 97 and im not even sure if it is still sitting on the server. Anyway I have this new site mainly for something to do when I am bored. All the links at the top should be self explanitory, give it time and all those sections should have something worth reading in it. I'll post updates here if I add anything to the various portions of this site.

Don't expect perfect spelling and flawless grammer in everything. I really couldn't be stuffed proof-reading the random crap that i write.

Credit where credit is due. This site design is based off one by Victor and Alana. (check it out at I liked the design so I kind of "borrowed" it. I did of course edit it alot as you'll be able to see. But I am sure they won't mind. At least I don't try to pawn it off as all my own. This site is n00b version of theirs, min doesn't have php as my ISP hosting doesn't support php and I can't code php and too lazy to learn.