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Consider this my journal. Read it if you want to. Pictures on the right. Soon I hope to have many more things for you to see and do on this site. Til then, . . .

---(08.21.03.) "Caffeine - The New Black"
Right now I am sitting at my desk working for RFA.CC. More importantly, I just consumed two Starbucks Doubleshots and one 20 oz. Mountain Dew.I have a wide variety of super-powers. No, but I am seriously having a religious experience. I used to think that coffee and coffee impersonations for high school students were like a flimsy attempt at pretending to be in college, but I now realize that as a designer person, I have the license to drink any caffeinated beverage I please. I actually NEED this, people.

Well, I came into the office at about 8 AM, which I think is kind of ridiculous, because I'm not even alive before about noon during the summer. Which is sort of sad. I think it is time for Matt Youngblood to get serious about this website.

Okay, I have been Mr. Funny Haha so far on this page, but you will notice that with the new format, new layout, there comes a new Matt. I think that this could be a really cool and funny page, but it needs to be more than hilarious. I NEED to be more than hilarious. That said, here are my summer regrets.

Not having my license so that I could enjoy what is probably my last true summer .1

Not going on any retreats or going into NextGen .2

Not reading my Bible or having a consistent quiet time .3

Not recording more with JHarp .4

Doing the same thing I do every summer, just more of it, and in Rockford instead of Freeport this summer .5

So there it is folks. I want to do one thing, but I end up falling into another. Maybe it is because I'm a pansy who is listening to Elton John sing "Candle In the Wind" right now, but I'm getting depressed, which is hard to do when you have over 200 mg of caffeine coursing through your system.

My super powers cannot protect me from my own weakenesses.

---(08.19.03.) "Choices - Cell or Sleep?"
That's right, it's not "cell" group anymore, but I still think of it as my little cellular grouping of composited friendships. Yesterday I just went to work, but realized that without my boss around, I have very little work ethic, and all I really want to do is listen to alt-rock and emo music all of the time. Therefore, I determined that I would be hung with Jason all day, which is what I did.

We had a lovely time at Doctor Harper Birthday Bash at the Atlanta Bread Company. See, I never knew that they even served food. From the name, you'd think that they'd be strictly bakery, but oh no. There are sandwiches. Really good ones too.

After we ate we headed back to the Harper residence, where Jason's cell started with the gusto of the ages. I am currently involved in Rachel Cartlidge's small group, Zele Amor Number Something, but I really did not feel like moving from Jason's wonderful leather couches.

You know what is fun to do? Playing the battle scenes in Braveheart frame-by-frame and examining all of the gory special effects. Well, fun for some, but apparently Ho-Chunk Bingo and Casino is fun for all.

The night drew to a quick close with a match of water polo at JD Binger's house, and a huge ping-pong/ FIFA World Cup '98 tournament, in which my team (Spain) was sadly beaten by the losers Germany. Ouch. I also found out that I really need to get a ping pong table so that I can improve my skills and one day best JD.

I woke up the next morning in JD's truck... I'm pretty sure that I went to sleep there while he was at soccer practice because I was so tired from the night before. Anyway, my voice is not so good today, and I should probably get a lot of sleep tonight.

Saw Matt Born in the lab today while I was avoiding going to work, I dont know why I really didnt want to go to work, but it just seemed very retarded to me. We played Deimos Rising in the new lab, and I recommend that game to you all. It is a wonderful little shoot-em-up.

You all need to get ready for INRPCE.

---(08.18.03.) "Jamming - Destroy Florida"
I have concluded that the state of Florida is determined to suck up my friends like a state-shaped, subtropical vacuum cleaner. Honestly, JT has to go down and work off his $6000 debt, and Jason has to relax like the bourgeosie that he was destined to be. What a week to be stuck in Illinois!

Well, I still have NOT ordered or even thought about ordering my uniforms, but my mom is giving me a budget to work with, so I figure I'll probably get 5 navy shirts and 5 navy pants. That way I can look as studious and Christlike as humanly possible.

Actually, it's quite interesting... Did you know that Jesus wore uniforms? There's literal, Biblical proof, you see, in Acts 3:12, if you go to the original Greek translations, and transjuxtify the suppositories, you will find that JESUS NEVER WORE A FREAKING UNIFORM.

Wow, I really need to blow off some steam about this. I think that it would be best if I just launched into a dialogue about my life for the past 3 or 4 days or 5 days. I definitely did not go to Cross Current this week, because my mom can't ground me from drugs, so she grounds me from Jesus. I'm cool with that, because now it's extra-special when I get to go again. And I learned my lesson. Mom.

I was also slightly sick (headache, congestion, chronic internal bleeding, brain hemorraghing). . .. you try to spell "hemorrhaging" on an empty stomach. Nonetheless, I think that it would be cool if I just wrote down things that I hear as I type.

"and we got to balance those things ... i dont want anybody losing money ... I raised the price of the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ... yep, it would be to our benefit ... good job girl thanks ... i need to get out of here ... pastor, do you know how many individual pieces of literature"

What? Me? Making my personal website while at work? Never! How dare you!

Yesterday I went to Linker's and Zach and I and Jason and Linker but not JT jammed the night away ... until 10pm when I had to be home so that I could get my rest. I'm cool though. I learned my lesson.

That my song, McDong

PS- Think "Peace Memorial"... No offense. Actually I take that back. Be offended if you must.

---(08.13.03.) "Hair Etc - Lost Locks"
My head feels really light. No, I am not on drugs, prescription or otherwise, I got a serious (and I mean serious) haircut today at Hair Etc. Check it out : before and after.

Don't worry, I'm only doing the part look for today, I can change it or whatever I want. Well, I'm still good and grounded until this Saturday, but, come Sunday, look out Boylan - I mean, world.

So Drive-Rite is one class away from over, and I still haven't worked the pomade on Vampire Girl... Ahh, well, she was really dumb anyway. And slightly attractive. Not my type apparently.

Speaking of my type, let me rant for a second here. Where is my bright-eyed cheerleader? She has got to be around here somewhere, but not at Christian Life, because all of our cheerleaders despise joy and happiness. I think that I'm going to go back to Indiana and see if Kylie has figured out who Kylie Minogue is yet.

I'm getting the picture that my life relating to women has been a series of semi-tragic near-misses. Too bad. Alright Zach stop laughing. Remote desktop is pretty awesome, I agree.

Yeah here I am with the new MACS in the Graphics Lab listening to some awesome streaming techno over the iTunes network. I just used the Plug-and-Play capabilties to upload these pictures. It's too bad that Macs are an inferior product to Windows PCs, I could have spent the last hour installing device drivers. Darn.

To all readers: Peace out

---(08.11.03.) "Great America --- Vote Boylan"
Let's start this session out with a short prayer. Bow your heads with me now.

Dear Lord, please save us from the wiles and charm of the Boylan. We know that they are only out to use us and drop us like dry bones when they are finished consuming our flesh. Send angelic warriors to destroy their village and diocese. Do not let us wander from the true path of wonderfulness. Do not let us our minds wander to the horrid avenues of Cheddar's and Ashlie's house. Amen.

Very good, we may begin... So I went to Great America with my small group and met Zach and Linker there. I was there for 11 hours and I went on four rides, each costing about 8 dollars. That was great. Then I went to Jared Frantz's aunt's dog's house and had some brats and beans. That was good.

The crew intended to get back home at about 10PM and meet up with those girls that we met at Cheddar's , but we got back at about 3AM, and they were slightly sleepy. I watched Blue Crush til 5 AM, when I knew that I had to get up at 7 to go out to breakfast at the Waffle Shop with BAD, but was surprised that they actually called us at 7. In the end, I got up at 2PM, and got home late, and was grounded for a week. Mow the lawn.

Well, to continue in our fascination with Boylan, I went to Drive-Rite today and asked Nick G (the funny kid) if he knew Zach or BAD, but he only knew Danielle and Ashley. So therefore, vote for Boylan in the upcoming California recall election.

That's the deal, Tenille.

---(08.08.03.) "Drive-Rite and Cheddar's --- The Boylan Connection"
As you can see, I am busy making my own little personal website, but I thought that it might be a good idea to make a handy-dandy little weblog or journal or whatever so that there would be something to be in it. Cool as that may be, that only means that I must be doing stuff that deserves a weblog.

So maybe I actually did something today that is worth displaying to the world. Here's the scoop, Lupe: Okay, so we're trying to figure out what to do, and Zach has the bright idea of going to Cheddar's. I really don't like Cheddar's all that much, but I never get out, so I figure that this is as good a time as any to check out Rockford.

And check out we did, for lo and behold, what lay across the dining room from us than three saucy Boylan ladies. Just kidding, they weren't really that saucy. But the one called Ashley was very open concerning various experiences that she has had. They were the kind of girls that you make a funny Strongbad cartoon about.

Anyway, we chit-chatted about various Catholic nonsense, but mostly just kept it on the up and up. At least Ashley was up. Nevertheless, we gave them our numbers, so apparently after we get back from Great America, we're all going to chill and/or hang out with guitars.

That was the scoop. Im out, peace.

All content by Matt Youngblood.

This scary as heck image is the result of growing my hair out for a very
long time, coupled with me trying to take a cool picture of myself.

Another lesson for Matt: Don't part your hair when it's shortly long.

Even kids like me enjoy the sheer tastiness of a fresh Apple. And it's even got the nutrition that Moms love!

It's like zooming clouds turning into an exploding psychedelic butterfly, all in b&w.