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My Report On Cloning

Cloning is a scientific method used to copy the genetic make up of a cell/organism to produce another cell/organism that identical to the original one. For example a person/organism can have some of their genetic information placed in a fertilized egg cell and there will be a result of a similar offspring. Basically cloning is asexual reproduction; nowadays it has extended and helped scientists prove that cloning is not only possible but also a great help for economy. A way that cloning is helping the economy is because there are animals that are being cloned; the more animals that are being cloned the more meats we can have to sell.

On the news a couple of years ago there were fish that are cloned and raised in bins of salt water (the breeding place was called the fish farm). Before scientists started cloning animals, plants and people cloning was taking place naturally in animals, plants and people. For instance animals cells undergo mitosis when a cell is damaged or duplicating itself; the plant cells undergo meiosis. Fission is also import in cloning; Fission is when a single celled organism splits to make two new single celled organisms.

Here is a picture of calves that were cloned from an adult cow. Some people dislike cloning because they think that it is against nature. The first animals that were cloned are sheep, cows, goats, pigs, mice and cats. I think before they scientists became successful.

I think cloning is a great benefit; for instance say if there was a plant that make a certain antibody that can control disease causing bacteria, then the plant can be cloned so there can be an abundance of the antibody. I also think that cloning plays a major part with the meats that we eat. In the picture above it shows clones of calves, if these animals were not cloned in the future the animals would shortly become extinct due to our desire for eating them.Scientists believe that animal cloning will one day advance agricultural practices and medicine, and even prevent the extinction of endangered animals. In agriculture, cloned cattle could produce a higher yield of meat or milk. The pharmaceutical industry already uses cloned animals to produce drugs for human use. For example, PPL Therapeutics in Scotland has generated sheep that produce milk containing a protein that helps in the treatment of hemophilia.

The controversy about cloning was when animals were cloned they had shorter life spans or even grew obese. Soon after the cloning of the first human embryos in 2001, the Roman Catholic Church condemned such research. Many other religions agree that human cloning should be entirely and forever banned. How did cloning come about? Laboratory cloning techniques using undifferentiated embryo cells were first developed in the late 1800s, by German zoologist Hans Dreisch when he separated a sea urchin embryo when it was just two cells, and both cells grew to adults. In the early 1900s, German embryologist Hans Spemann had extended Dreisch’s work but using the cells of salamanders.

In his experiments Spemann was determined that a nucleus from a salamander embryo cell could direct the development of a complete organism. He published his results in 1938 and proposed an experiment to produce an animal by removing the nucleus from one cell and placing it into an egg cell with its nucleus removed. In 1952 Spemann’s proposed experiment became reality when American biologists Robert Briggs and Thomas King used cell nuclear transfer to insert DNA from a frog embryo cell into an enucleated frog egg. The resulting embryo grew into an adult. These early cloning experiments using cell nuclear transfer were successful only when the donor DNA was taken from an embryonic cell.

I think that it great how these men were able to alter science and find that cloning is a great way to save our economy and us. One thing that I dislike is how the Catholic Church disapproves of cloning because it can help save endangered animals and our live by cloning the animals that we use for foods.

Information About Cloning

What is Cloning?

Cloning Poll Results

A Poll On Cloning

College Students(Paper On Cloning)

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Student 5

Student 6

Pros and Cons Of Cloning


Pros/Cons 2

People Who Support Cloning

Support 1

Support 2

Cell Cloning(Stem Cells)

Cell Cloning 1

Cell Cloning 2

Cell Cloning 3

Reproductive Cloning

Reproductive 1

Reproductive 2

Animal Cloning

Animal Cloning1

Animal Cloning 2

People Who Are Against Cloning

People Against Cloning 1

People against Cloning 2

Religions Against Cloning

Religions Against Cloning 1

Cloning 2

Cloning 3

Organizations Against Cloning

Org Against 1

Org Against 2

Organizations That Support Cloning

Org Sopport 1

Org support 2

Cloning And Politics


Cloning and Politics (Audio/Video)

Cloning and Politics 1

Cloning and Politics 2