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I added a Page Of Quotes to the site. More updates coming soon!

Version 2.0 is now up and (Sort Of) running. E-mail me at with comments or suggestions or any errors you see... or if you are a N/S/W male between the ages of 19 and 22 who enjoys long walks on moonlit beaches, romantic dinners, and burning things.
Some of the links work, some just lead right back to the main page... whatever, I'm experimenting. Maybe I'll put pictures from Martha's Vineyard up later. I have a video of Eric trying to catch marshmallows in his mouth.

Summer is halfway through! I can't believe it! I can't wait to get back to UConn for some more kick-ass times!!! Roomming with Georgiana aka Mama Red is gonna rock (She's solar powered, baby!) Color crew all on the same floor! My favorite phrase is now "Celebratory jello". Christine, if you're reading this... where the hell are you!? I miss you! It's gonna be a little different next year, since Hillary will be living on the complete other side of campus (where will I go during fire drills!? What if I need to watch every episode of Friends ever made!?) and Marissa isn't there anymore. Who will I drink key lime soda with? "you can't become a geologist" "why not?" "because if you do, I won't be your friend anymore... I can't be seen with you!"
I have a really cool update to the main page coming, but I'm being an annoying perfectionist, so it may be a while before I put it up. It's not actually "really cool", but I'm in marketing, so I can stretch the truth a little.

Okay, I actually have an update! My Schedule for Next Year! . Notice the lack of Friday classes!

I'm working on a new look for the main page, so bear with me while I figure out how to make it work. More updates soon!


Wow, I have not updated for a while... maybe I'll bring my laptop to Cape Cod and do stuff there... I have pictures from Martha's Vineyard, and more pictures from UConn... and a new main page! Oh well.
I am watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I'm in MARTHA'S VINEYARD, baby!!!

Okay, here's what everyone who knows about it has been bugging me for... An instruction manual on how to be the worst roommate ever Maybe not the WORST, but hopefully the worst I will ever have to experience. I suppose it could have been worse.
No updates for a while, cause I'm going to Martha's Vineyard this weekend and then I start work. It's finally summer though.

It took a while, but here are all the pictures from my year at UConn Well, maybe not the whole year, but you get the idea... the times I took the camera along. Tomorrow I may put another update up, but maybe not.

Okay, it's finals time, so no more updates until I get back home in good ol' G-bury next week... but then expect two very good updates, one of them containing a crapload of pictures from my awesome year here at UConn. Wish me luck on finals!

Big Updates!
I added Flying Pictures from when Marty took me up in the fall... maybe later I'll add the ones from the winter.
I also added A Page Of Haiku cause ya'll know how much I love haiku. They were written at various times in the past year, Angie helped write the one about "krammy".
Check out You Know You're From Connecticut If..." I didn't actually write any of these, it's just a list compiled from other sources on the internet.
And finally, the last update of the day, Pictures From Saturday when I went home to Glastonbury... some of Jen making funny faces at prom pictures, some from the barbeque at Eric's house, some from Krispy Kreme.

I just added 513 Ways To Annoy The Crap Out Of Your Roommate. Don't try these at home... er... dorm.

This is the pivotal Spring Weekend Picture Megan and Hillary with a cop. Ah yes.
Remember when Christa wouldn't even let you hug her?

Okay, so I need work on the website of the day and thought of the day section, I know, I know.
Listen to WHUS 91.7 Thursdays from 2-3:30 PM to hear me... or go to to hear it over the internet.
Don't expect many updates, as it's SPRING WEEKEND, and finals are coming up. 20 days until summer officially begins for me, though. Of course, summer officially includes working full time, so maybe it's not as exciting I expect. Still, nothing beats randomly deciding to drive to Six Flags.

Added links to Happy Thought Of The Day and the Website of the Day. So check those out. Maybe later tonight I'll try and add some pictures I've taken of UConn.

Georgi, Nuance, Nita and I are living in HILLTOP SUITES next year! It's gonna kick soo much ass, I'm so damned excited!!! The rooms are air conditioned! It was built two years ago! The bedrooms are HUGE! WALK IN CLOSETS!!! (okay, so maybe they're TINY walk in closets, but you could techincally walk into them) I'm so excited! And when people ask me where Hilltop Suites are, I just love saying "on top... of the hill... hence the name". Hehe.
"I'm not DRESSED for the palm trees!" -Georgi
Georgi is going to be my roommate next year. I've got pictures of her I've got to put up, but right now I have a paper due, so that's gonna have to wait (sorry Hillary). Georgi is going to be the coolest roommate, because she's nice and considerate and not the devil (thats a big requirment with me) and fun to hang out with, and she has lots of other very good qualities but I have a paper due in two hours and no time to list them all out right now. But I will later! Expect lots of funky pictures next year.

I made things more pretty. Changes to: Things That Make Me Happy and Things That I Dislike .
I also put a new graphic at the top of Martha's Vineyard Pictures .
Monday we find out if we're living in South next year!

I added a link to some random pictures of dances in high school. If you have any more pictures of us at dances, feel free to email them to me at

Added a link to some pictures of Dan's basement over spring break, and some at Town Line. Also "The most annoying page in the world" just because I was bored over spring break.