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The White Siberian Tiger

The siberian White tiger has a remarkable attributes and substantial features that make this creature one of the most rear and valuable in all the world. The siberian White tiger has been known to be spoted in eastern Russia, northeastern China and aslo in northern North Korea. The Siberian White tiger is the biggest in the cat family. The males are know to reach up to 9-11 feet long and can weigh anywhere from 4-800 punds. The females can get up to 7-9 feet long and can weigh from 2-400 pounds. The Siberian tiger has a usall canivore diet. This consists of water buffalo,wild bore,deer,elk and even birds. The Siberian tiger hunts on a average of 6-12 miles a night. These tigers perfer to hunt alone or in small packs. These paticular speieces of tigers are endangered.What makes the tiger so vaulable is there furry white coat of fur. There are maybe 500 of these tigers in captivity and maybe 500 in the wild. These tigers are very beautifle. They have blue eyes and a pink nose.They have a creamy white color skin and they are covered in brown stripes. There average life span is about 15-20 years. We can help save these animals live. There are two main things we can do to help these animals. One is we could bread them in captivity and let them go into the wild when the get old enuff. The second thing we could do is just keep the animals in captivity.I think that is unfair to them. I think we should let these animals be free.