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JimmyDark's Outwar Guide Version 1.0

Welcome to my outwar guide this is not my method this is just a my free guide to help newbies, if you want my method it's 10 points or you can sign up as my underling and get 50 thugs and you get it for free.


One of the main purposes of outwar is to make as much money as you can in the shortest amount of time. Especially if you are in the role playing league and you are on attacking spree so you can get that $500 million to buy the infamous Gold Trophy. Well one good way of making as much money as possible from attacking is to look for people who have over 4 million unbanked and out in the open. Because then everytime you attack them with 10 attacks you will get at least $400,000 if you win.

Another good method for getting more money from an attack is to use bank robbery and attack everyone with over 20 million in the bank, but instead of using 10 attacks every time you attack someone you only attack with 1 because apparently the amount of attacks you use doesnt effect the percentage of money that you take from someones bank using the bank robbery skill. This could come in handy when you are going for gold and trying to use the least amount of attacks as possible but we will talk about the methods for gold later on in the guide for now we will just concerntrate on Attacking.

My Suggestion to every player in outwar would be purchase X-Ray goggles from the weapons shop these goggles are worth $250,000 but pay for themselves after about your 3rd attack on someone. What these goggles do is they tell if the person you are about to fight will be a Easy Fight, Fairly Easy Fight, Moderate Fight, Close Fight, Tough Fight Risky Fight or A Very Hard Fight. This means that you will know who to attack i always tell people to attack anyone where it either says easy, fairly easy or moderate. This means that 90% of the time you will the attack against that particular player unless they have the skills empower and/or stealth on, in this case on the profile it might still say easy fight but you have more of a chance of losing because these skills increase the players power rating by a percentage which makes them stronger. My suggestion when this happens is to find another player to attack because there are plenty more outwar players to attack and there isnt much point in casting empower and stealth on yourself if you are saving attacks because it costs 16 attacks to use these skills when they are at level 8, but if you really want to hit that player then do it put your skills on they will help you in any attacks make from that point on after you have cast the skill.

A Method for launching a large amount of attacks in a short time is to use a program called an Auto Attacker there is one which is available to be downloaded in the programs section of this guide site


I dont really have many tips for defense because you really cant stop people from attacking you unless you are a gangster and you use the skill illusion but most people use that as an offence weapon when they go on sprees so that they can keep attacking and not worry about how much money they have out in the open or banking that money, they just hit as many people as they can and hope they end up with what they were aiming for and there arent many ways for anyone to protect themselves from being attacked on an illusion spree. But there are a few ways to minimize that damage that is done and money which is taken, one thing you can do is after you have done all your attacking for the day or night is bank, do this also when you are signing off for the day and not returning to outwar till the next day, this will make sure that when you are attacked that most of your money is not taken because it is placed safely in your bank. Another thing you can do is if you have alot of weapons is to sell 1/4 or 1/2 of them so that not as much money is taken from an attack on you, or you can just keep them and bank because you hardly get any money when you sell weapons now you get 10% of what you paid for them or what they are worth after they have been damaged.

Another way of minimizing damage if you dont mind using some attacks is to cast empower and stealth on yourself because most people wont attack you because they will be unsure of the outcome of the attack because of the percentage of power that these skills add and they will be worried whether or not they will come out Victorious and most people wont attack you because they don't like to watse attacks on people when they are unsure if they can win or not. If you put this problem in their mind then half of the people wont attack you but you will still get the people who will so make sure you bank before you cast these skills.

Another method which is used to cut down incoming money is to cast a skill called Encumbrance which lowers your level on money per hour this will help if you have no weapons and banked most of your money this will make sure that people will get the least amount of money from you this works well when signing off outwar for the day and not returnng till the next day because the attacks on you will take hardly any money at all off you because you aren't earning as much money an hour, therefore you will not have as much money unbanked and open to be hit.

Free Points Offers

Every time a new month starts outwar gives out new free points offers these offers are always easy to access and easy to find the word needed to complete the offer. One problem i have found though is with the new free points offers the ones where you have to sign up to certain sites and then the word will be entered in automatically is that everyone who i have spoken to who has done this, has not recieved the points that they were suposed to recieve so my advice to everyone who does the free points offers is not to do the automatic ones. Just make sure that you do the ones where you have to enter the next word in the scentence or the secrect word, these words are always extremely easy to find and are well worth doing if you are just starting to play outwar because you can never have enough points.

one suggestion i would make to all those who each month keep signing up and downloading programs is to copy and paste the whole scentences from a site and save them in to a txt file for later use, this way every month you dont have to keep returning to the site or program you can just look it up in you txt file, this was extremely helpful and time savinfg for me anyway.

Points Store

Personal Upgrades

Point Store

Character Upgrades Duration Point Cost Purchase
1 Attack Turn This Round 1
$1,000 Cash This Round 1
1 Power This Round 2
Remove Ads Permanent 25
2 Attacks per Game Turn Permanent 50
30% Max Bank Deposit Permanent 5
2 Bank deposits per day Permanent 10
$20 Million Max bank capacity Permanent 20
10 More lines in attack log Permanent 20
1 Extra clicks per hour (Purchased points only) Permanent 75

This Round = Upgrade only applies to this round | Permanent = Upgrade lasts forever

Crew Upgrades

*Crew upgrades will be permanently applied to the CREW you are in when they are purchased. Crew upgrades will effect EVERYONE in the crew! Get your crew members to pitch in and upgrade the entire crew!

Point Store

Crew Upgrades Effect Point Cost Purchase
GPS Tracking (1) Increases chance a crew member will assist by 1% 60
Depository (1) Increases loot stolen from attacks by 1% 600

Programs For Outwar

Click Here To Download Multi Attacker

Click Here To Download Lotto Toolz

Click Here To Click Here To Download's Mutlti Tools