An excellent web site, of an even more excellent person...
*~*~*Jenn Kimmick*~*~*
(also known as Jern)

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Of course my name is Jenn Kimmick (and I'm really not that conceited, if that's the impression I gave you when i said I'm excellent. I just wanted to be truthful with you). I enjoy taking long walks on the road (taking wild-life pictures for our photo album) and electric candlelight dinners on valentines day while getting smashed (what). Right now I'm at home cause it's summer, but on August 24th, I'll be in LLC 254 at UPJ. Oh I can't wait to go back. I work at UPJ, mainly sitting at a computer, talking to people all day. At college, I'm a secondary math ed major.


Me and Een at our hotel in OC at 9am on Sunday morning.
We then proceded to go to the beach.
Yes. I was smashed.

Annie, Ash, Sheen, & I...
This is finals week, with our notorious hair extensions...
Yeah we are cooler than you.

Court, Een, Rachel, Ash, and I...
Summer '03 at a Township party.
Yes, what an awesome night with all my vagies!!

A-sheezy & I on my 20th B-day...
We drank 12 hours straight, among other things...
Definitely one of the best days of my life.

Howie, Annie, Bill, me, and Dave
Ocean City, 4th of July weekend...
And yes, that's the legendary rum which authorities could smell from 10 feet away...

My sister... Mother Goose
What an idiot.

This is a picture of Een and I in Niagara Falls.
Notice the kind of beer in my hand. Thats right.
Oh and, our hotel was all inclusive.

Ash, Sheen, Een and I are at Jim and Craig's apartment here,
drinking rum in tea cups... it only makes sense.

bone thugs -n- harmony

-:~*~:-*Labatt Blue*-:~*~:-
Pilsener-style Lager, 5.0% alc./vol.
Labatt Blue is the best selling Canadian beer in the world. Introduced in 1951 as Labatt Pilsener, it was named for the colour of its label by fans of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers football team. Blue was the first brand in Canada with a twist-off cap and won the silver medal in the International Lager category at the 1998 Brewing Industry International Awards. Labatt Blue is a well-balanced, fully matured, full flavoured beer with a fruity character and a slightly sweet after taste. Labatt Blue uses specially selected German aromatic hops and has no preservatives.

Bang Bus. From Mary Jane with her long and wonderful string of anal beads, to the classy and hot slut Rene, Bang Bus is good clean fun that helps my friends and i pass drunken time away at college and laugh at sluts who get robbed of not only their belongings, but also their reputation and respect in society. What a great thing. Download it on kazaa or go to to see what this is all about.

*~~~~***Things I Like***~~~~*

bone thugs
bankers club
bob dylan
alcohol in general
colt 45
my grand friends
going to parties
lock haven


Well I love my friends. My best friends are Ash, Court, Annie, Dod, Sheena, and Fleegs.
I don't know what I would do without these girls.

Ash (aka Rotweilla, Bob, etc.) is my sidekick up at college,
and we party a lot and drink as much rum as possible.
The album was such a success!!
This summer has been awesome. "Are you laaaughin at me?" lol, Kiara...
So many parties and meetin new people... we are the shit!!

Court is my vagi beotch from Cali, who likes to goin vienna-ing
and padding with me, and we also enjoy the Bison Corral.
Summer has been grand thus far. We need to go vienna-ing again soon...
but hopefully if u throw one in someone's window again, they won't be standing right there...

Annnnnnnayyy (aka Annie Jurr, Een, Ernie, etc) is my motivator,
and we like to play the drunk naked game with boys.
She is a kick ass fisherman as well.
The beach was soooo awesome... one of the best times of my life.
You met the legendary RODEO COWBOY!!!!!!!!! hahaha.
UPJ is gonna be insane this fall, I can't wait!!!

This is Een and I at a UPJ party, spring 2003

Dod (aka E.T.) is my insanely hilarious sister who is the next Chris Farley.
What's your damage little boy?. Chicks are for fags.
You're a reeeeal idiot... but I think I like it.
Jenn & Silent Dod fo-life... and man... the Humpback-skip is the sheezy.

Sheen is awesome, and we party very much up at UPJ.
Man how about Heidorn's party... what a crazy night lol.

Finally, Fleegs is my original beotch. We go way back, but I miss her very much...
never forget the crazy times we had.

There are lots of other great women out there.
Flanna is so awesome... she is the queen of shotties. What a great person...
I can't wait until she visits PA again... and maybe attends UPJ!!!
Carrie is my other sister (she is a midget, how sweet is that).
Chai and Stef are also awesome friends of mine. Great times partyin with ya girls!!!
Lydia is a great friend too, and she is the queen of asshole. Shimmer is the shit hahaha.
Yeah and how about the drunk naked game. lol, great times.
Shelly is brilliant and my mathletic mentor.
Missy, who is an experienced peace pipe smoker, is a grand friend of mine as well.
I can't wait to go back to UPJ!! We are gonna party so much this fall yeahyeah!!
Rachel is a wonderful Golden girl. Man when you come to
UPJ we are gonna have to party as much as possible!!
Jill is an awesome girl too, and I miss her very much.
I'm def comin to Cumbalaaand to party with ya!!
Ash Spiker is fun also, good times roomin with ya! UPJ is gonna be awesome this fall!
We better keep havin pop-rocks-dance-parties! Those were the best!!

Besides all these great women, I have lots of GREAT guy friends too.....

Puddin and I (party king and queen) go way back,
and I know he'll always be a dedicated partier just like myself.
I'm def. comin up to IUP this fall to party with you guys.

Dick is one of my best friends ever, and I know he'll always be there for me.
I will never forget our great times in Moxham and gettin all retarded lol...
Of all the people I haven't seen for awhile...
I miss you the most!!!!!!!!!!!

Barret is great too, and I love him like a brother...
You make me so proud, how great you're doing in nursing school!!
Hopefully we can chill more when your summer classes are done!!!

Matthew Bumpo and Rossitron are also very wonderful people,
and I just don't know what I will do without them living together next year.
Your room was my favorite place to go
and now what will I do???
haha you guys are so great

I must also include a "shout out" to Jake D'arc (future math club member).
You should look up to Jake, for he has mastered the art of life (what).
That night w/ u and Walsh was insane, lol.

Knoppy and Conn are also great Somerset guys...
I must say my 20th b-day was one of the craziest days of my life,
and it all happened w. Knop, Conn, and Ash.
Somerset has many awesome guys I must say.

Denny is a splendid guy. Great times at UPJ this year!!
I just hope when you and Snaggs get married that I can be the brides maid.

Thumper is one of my favorite guys in the world ever,
but I don't get to see him as often as I would like...
I miss all you Idlewild people :( . Oh yeah and...
playin the game w. Thumper and his IUP friends was great hehe.

Josh Will, Cody, Dave, Porty, and Rob are some awesome Berlin guys.
Josh I'm so glad you're coming to UPJ!!
Cody! I'll kick your ass anytime, just cause I can.
Rob you little partier you! Haha fun drunken times at school!
Porty I miss you!!!!!! And esp your back rubs!! hehe

Jim and Craig are very shaweet.
Jim and I are both midget collectors, and he loves the cane...
oh just wait until you receive your package in the mail... you're gonna love it.
Oh yeah and Jimmy you're takin me to the bar on my 21st b-day... just so ya know.

Mike is my little stoner friend...
I'll cry if you don't come back to UPJ.
At least you better visit me a lot!!!!!

Odel, Lambert, Ryry, and Whippy are some other sweet UPJ guys.
O'delly! lol, how about that widget? LOL You are great.
Lambert you little stoner you!
Ryry you know you love Ashley and I.
Good times w. ya, you and those fun bops, lol.
Whip, you and those dances, haha... fun times... "want a back rub?" lol

We also cannot forget our little Rory, who someday will lube up me and Ashley's bummies.
I miss you sooooo much. I am soooo happy you're coming back to UPJ!!!!!!!!

Boom is the shit, good times this summer...
and you know burning garbage for the fire was a good idea, just admit it.

You know DIIIIEEEVE... well yes, Dave is awesome... definitely some insane times are your house.
The beach was so awesome... now I have a new baby brother!! haha
oh yeah and how about that photo album... Herbie is the best!!

Jersh, Rern, Howie, and other Windber guys are very great,
and it's always a grand time partyin over there.

Bill, we all miss you so much already...
See you when I get there buddy

Booboo, you are awesome... haha and Kiara is hilarious...
lots of good times so far (like your room being on fire) haha...
i'm def gonna be out at IUP to party

*~~****Favorite Movie/TV Quotes****~~*

From Jay and Silent Bob:
"Admit it, youre down with this because of the fine ass pussy right?" -Jay
"I'm down with this cause I looooove animals, stupid" -Brent
--lol, Seann William Scott is awesome--

"What is your damage little boy?" -Brent

From Dumb and Dumberer:
"Chicks are for fags" -lloyd

**~:~**~:~**Quotes of My Friends and I**~:~**~:~**

"If birds can grow feathers, then why can't people?"
--Another one of my questions about life--

"Dod, I'm gonna name my first kid after you... Dodette" -me
"Jenn, I'm gonna name my first kid after you... Dogface" -Dod
--Wow, what a great sister--

"Do you have butter-rum lifesavers?...
'cause I'm in the mood to get drunk!!"

--question I will soon be asking a cashier--

"I look like mother goose."
--Dod, commenting on a great picture of herself--

"Shit, this gum tastes like fuckin beef jerky."
--About Ashley's new beef jerky flavored gum--

--Fun quote from after Somerfest, 7/19--

SMuffinSugar: u still holding it down as party queen?
kimmick16: hell yes jill, still going strong
SMuffinSugar: there is no one that will ever live up to ur platform

--Of course--

upjhanning: yeah i fell in love as soon as i saw her
kimmick16: aw, that's so sweet
upjhanning: i had to ask the people at the bar to turn the lights on so i could see her though

--Oh Jim, you and all your women--

Itwasalllladream: i have a question for you
Itwasalllladream: and i need a serious, straight, honest answer
kimmick16: okay
Itwasalllladream: do you believe in miracles?
Itwasalllladream: you sexy thang

--Mike, my little stoner--

"I shovel mulch all day... do you know what that is?"
--Um no, what the hell is mulch?--

"I told my managers that I got hit in the neck with rocks"
--A story I was telling Ashley, from Somerfest--

"Yeah Booboo is Jenn's brother"
--Ashley, lying to a little girl--

"You might as well write that down now because
you know you'll have to later anyways."

--Jake D'arc, talking sense into me... what a night--

"Hey Booboo, why does your wall say boob zero zero"
-Another one of my questions where I have to go back and think... wow, why did I say that.--

"Hey Boo, i think your room is on fire... you guys
better go up there and put it out."

--Me, to BooBoo... on a very fun night--

"Corey, if you ever have a kid, can I raise it as my own?" -me to Mack
"Noooooo wayyyyyy." -Corey
"Aw, Casey did you hear that? Corey said he wouldn't let me raise his kids." -Me to Casey
"Jenn. I wouldn't let you raise anything." -Casey
--Aren't my friends so sweet to me??--

"I was up at the house and I had to pee.
Well they were tellin me that they had a deer.
So I thought they meant like a mounted deer,
and then I went into the bathroom, and there was shit everywhere.
Yeah, they had a real deer."

--Ash tellin me a story from the CT party (lol)--

"Did you know you can actually shit out your vagina...
like, from too much butt sex"

--J. Sechler explaining an important fact to us--

"I thought he was jake... I actually made
him turn the light on to prove that he wasn't jake"

--Me, telling a great story to Ash, lol--

"Um, do these really have rum in them... 'cause I have to drive..."
--Court and I at Sheetz... asking the cashier if butter rum lifesavers actually have rum in them--

"I just have one question... where did we sleep" -Me
"We didn't sleep" -anonymous
--Proof of how dumb I am--

dr CRIME time: we should throw a party in the parking lot by the police station
--Okay, That's D'arc, and I don't think that needs any explanation--

"It's like a bouncy ball"
--Me, after the hot-dog fight with Dave, Een, & Boom--

"There's a water ball on your head.
Well, it's actually called a drop."

--Me, to Ash... give me a break, I couldn't think of the word drop, it happens--

"I wanna get on him... he might be dirty, but he is fiiiiiiine"
--Great quote from the one and only A. Pile--

--Dod, doing an impression of E.T.--

"You know that Dave kid, you know Dave"
--Great quote that started in college, and now is a legend--

"Can I use your camera?" -guy to Annie
"For what?" -Annie
"I'm gonna go lay in the fire, I need someone to take a picture of me" -guy
--Annie's birthday party... sooo funny--

"You girls are messed up...... AND PERRRRRTY....
I like you young girls"

--Annie's party, a bloody, dirty biker, talking to Ash and I--

"Did you hump him?"
--Annie to me... questioning my innocent lifestyle--

"Excuse me sir, would you like some herpes?"
--Ash's famous pick-up line--

"I take advantage of retards."
--My pick-up line--

****~~~~****Ocean City Trip****~~~~****

Well the beach was one of the best experiences of my life. Annie, Dave, Boom, Corey, Howie, and Bill-- we had an unbelievable time. Why did I buy that shirt at Hooters? Well it was 11am and I was smashed, I guess that is a good explanation. I also have a new brother from the trip-- Derv... "you are such a crackwhore... and you're my sister"... oh what a great person. I also guess going in the ocean while completely intoxicated was not the best of ideas, and when I couldn't stand up and looked up... well all my friends were bent over, hysterically laughing because I looked like a retard. Another grand thing was when Howie passed out, and Annie and I gave him hickies, lol. And the ride home with Annie was insane because well, I was still innebriated, and the vienna sausage battle was wonderful. What an unforgettable time (at least what I remember of it).

O.C. Quotes

"Did u ever wonder how many truckloads it took to get all this sand here? And of all colors, why did they make it brown? And why did they engineer it to be so hot? I mean, really."
--Me, questioning Dave's knowledge of the beach--

"Boomhower, why are you always so neat?" -Een
"Well I think he is neato." -me
--Don't know where that came from--

"Do seashells grow? And how do they reproduce? They don't appear to have vaginas."
--Another one of my questions to Derv--

"Yeah he said he was gonna stab me, so I bitch slapped him."
--Howie... hahahahaha--

"Why the fuck did i buy this shirt?"
--Me, on the ride home... wondering when and why I bought this gay-as-hell Hooters shirt--

**~~**~~**~~**Summatime with my vagerific vagies**~~**~~**~~**

Ersh, Curt, Een- summer has been so grand thus far.
Township guys are awesome, as well as Somerset, North Star, Windber, and Johnstown...
Somerfest was AWESOME...
and so were the post-somerfest activities!!

Billy (aka Stud-master-flex)
PS You're so vagerific
LOL eat-n-park with court and ash... we are insane


The album is a success Ash--
Derv:"I can't wait to show my mom" hahahahaha

"Holy Majoly!" -me
"Jeepers!" -ash
