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August 14,2003

1st Union Center



As the very first ever SmackDown event presented to you by WWE-Online comes on the air we see a video package on the Titan-Tron showing us just how this company came to be. Just as the video reaches its last segment we see a press conference with Eric Bischoff announcing the debut of WWE-Online on August 14th 2003 live from the 1st Union Center in the city of brotherly love in Philladelphia! Just then we see Eric Bischoff on the big screen here at the 1st Union Center with that sick not to mention twisted grin as the scene fades to black and the introduction for SmackDown hits.

Just then as we see the fireworks going off in the arena as well as the pyro we can plainly see that there is a full house here tonight for SmackDown and as the pyro and fireworks come to a end we head down to ringside as Michael Cole and Tazz are standing by to kick off this historical night in WWE-Online history.

Cole:Hello WWE-Online fans and welcome to SmackDown! I am your host for this historical event Michael Cole and along side me is my partner Tazz and Tazz what a night we have for these fans! 5 titles will be decided and we will know by the end of the night just who will be the next challenger for the WWE Women's Championship!

Tazz:Right you are Cole! But the big one which I am sure the fans can not wait to see is the battle we will witness here tonight for the Undisputed WWE Championship between Kevin Nash and Stone Cold Steve Austin but there is more to it then just the title! As we all know just yesterday afternoon Eric Bischoff came to a contract agreement with Debra and I am sure many are wondering will the wife of Steve Austin play a factor in this one!


Just then we see the Titan Tron coming on and we see that our camera crew is backstage and the crowd erupts as they see Trish Stratus entering the arena. As Trish enters the arena we see that Terri Runnels has caught up with the Toronto Beauty!

Terri:Hey Trish! I wanted to be the first to say just what a thrill it is going to be working with you here in WWE-Online! A women with all your success here in this company can only make the womens brand of entertainment better!

Trish:Well thank you Terri but you would not know it based on the way Eric Bischoff has treated me so far. I am a 5-Time Women's Champion and I am not even in the Women's Title Match and I'm not even in the #1 contenders match either. Well one thing is for sure Terri tonight not only the women here but the entire world will remember the name TRISH STRATUS!

WWE World Television Championship

Sting VS Booker T

Just then we head to the ring for the opening match here tonight on SmackDown and it is for the WWE World Television Championship. Just then the crowd erupts as we hear the music of Sting and as the crowd is on their feet we see The Stinger is on his way to the ring.

Sting makes his way to the ring and as he enters the ring we see Sting on the ropes posing for the fans and they are going wild. As Sting gets off the ropes we hear the crowd continuing to cheer as the music of Booker T hits and as they are chanting his name we see Booker T on his way to the ring.

Booker T makes his way to the ring as the fans are cheering him on and as he enters the ring we see a great show of sportsmanship as Sting and Booker T shake hands and just then the assigned referee for this match Nick Patrick calls for the bell and this opening match on SmackDown is underway. Sting and Booker T meet in the center of the ring and as we see them right in each others face they lock up collar and elbow right in the middle. Booker T uses his size to his advantage to back Sting into the corner and Nick calls for the clean break and he gets one from Booker T. Sting walks back to the center of the ring and they lock up once again collar and elbow and this time Sting with a nice arm drag and that kinda stunned Booker and as he gets to his feet Sting with a absolutly beautiful standing drop kick and Booker rolls to the outside to slow the pace down. Booker taking a breather here as Nick Patrick is able to keep Sting in the ring and Booker then slides back into the ring and they once again go for a collar and elbow tie up but Booker sneaks in a knee right to the ribs of Sting and then a hard forearm shot over the back of Sting and Booker has Sting stunned and Booker T with a hard right hand to the jaw of Sting in the corner and Booker shoots Sting across the ring but as Booker runs in at Sting we see The Stinger was able to move out of the way and Booker slams right into the buckle and Sting with the school boy cradle 1.....2 but Booker kicks out at 2 and Booker is right to his feet and Sting just then with a perfect arm drag right into the arm bar. Sting clamping onto that arm with the arm bar and just then Booker is able to get to his feet and he shoots Sting into the ropes but Sting with the shoulder block and Sting hits the ropes and Booker with the leap frog and as Sting hits the other side ropes we see Booker with a nice hip lock and as Sting gets back to his feet this time it is Booker with the arm drag into the arm bar. Booker then turns the arm bar into a single arm lock putting all the pressure on the tricep of Sting and just then Sting is able to roll out of it and force Booker to bring him off the mat and Sting pushes Booker into the ropes and Sting with a high leap frog right into the press slam and Booker hits the mat hard and we see Sting make a cover on Booker T and Sting has the leg hooked 1.....2 but Booker kicks out and is right back to his feet but only to be met with a clothesline by Sting. Sting then hits the ropes and leaps high in the air for the big elbow drop but Booker is able to roll out of the way and Sting lands hard on his back and as Sting makes it to his feet we see Booker trying to go for The Book End but it is countered by Sting and Sting with a floatover DDT and both men are now down. What a way to kick off SmackDown and the fans as well realize that and as both men are down out of appreciation for this effort by both men they are giving them both a standing ovation. Just then we see Sting is the 1st man to his feet and he grabs Booker T by the hair and sends him hard into the corner and we see Sting backing up and he goes for the Stinger Splash and he connects with it and Booker falls down hard on the mat and the crowd is standing as we see Sting going for the scorpion death lock but out of no where Booker with the inside cradle 1..........2.........3!

Winner And New Champion:Booker T



Just then our cameras head backstage and we now see Dawn Marie who will fight to become #1 contender for the Women's Title tonight has arrived and she is standing by with SmackDown's #1 announcer Funaki!

Funaki:Hello wrestling fans this is Funaki SmackDown's.....#1 ANNOUNCER! I am standing by with Dawn Marie who hopes to walk out of here tonight as the #1 contender for the Women's Championship now Dawn Marie you would have to agree that tonight has got to be the biggest night of your career.

Dawn Marie:Well Funaki the way I see it yes this is the biggest night of my career but not by far the hardest. You see Beulah is nothing more then Extreme Trash and tonight she is going to find out what happens when you step in the ring with someone of my get hurt!

Just then we see Dawn Marie storm away and head to her dressing room and we then see our camera crew heading to the other side of the arena and they take us inside the locker room of Stone Cold Steve Austin who is their with his wife Debra.

Debra:Steve I can not tell you how grateful I am right now that you got me in here at WWE! I swear I will not let you down and you will see all that training you gave me has really paid off.

Stone Cold:Debra I know you would never let Stone Cold down. But for tonight I have got to focus on my opponent Kevin Nash cause if I win I will become the WWE Champion and then we can head either home or the bar and raise as much hell and drink as much beer as we want to.

Cole:Well Tazz what a wild way to kick off SmackDown. It seems Trish feels she is being treated not the way she deserves and we all saw how focused Dawn Marie looks for her match with Beulah but what about Stone Cold and Debra. She sure looks happy to be here in WWE.

Tazz:She sure does Cole and it seems all those personal problems we heard a few months back between them is most definitly behind them which could spell trouble for Kevin Nash.


Before we head back to the ring for the next match our cameras head backstage and we see Kevin Nash has entered the office of Ceo Eric Bischoff and it looks as if he has something on his mind.

Bischoff:Hey Big Kev! What's up man?

Nash:Hey Eric. Listen there are a few things I wanted to go over with you about my match tonight with Stone Cold. First off what is the deal with Debra? Second off as you might have seen as of late this place is no where near big enough for both myself and Stone Cold and I am not going to mess around with him too long.

Bischoff:Well first off Kevin as far as Debra is concerned she was hired by me and she is under contract as Stone Cold's manager as well as a in ring competitor. But I understand your feelings towards Stone Cold so tonight's match for the World Title will be a loser leaves match. You are absolutly correct this place is not big enough for the both of you and we will settle it right here tonight on SmackDown.

WWE Women's Championship Match

Triple Threat Elimination

Lita VS Gail Kim VS Torrie Wilson

Just then we head to the ring and we see it is now time for the Triple Threat Elimination Match for the WWE Women's Championship! Just then we hear the music of Torrie Wilson and the crowd goes wild as the former Playboy Covergirl is on her way to the ring for this all important title match!

Torrie Wilson makes her way to the ring as the fans are cheering her on and as she climbs into the ring we see Torrie posing for the fans and just then we hear the music of the rookie sensation Gail Kim! The crowd gives her a rather mixed reaction as Gail Kim is making her way to the ring.

Gail Kim runs to the ring and steps onto the ring apron and then leaps over the top rope and into the ring. We then see Gail Kim posing for the fans as Torrie Wilson is looking on and just then we hear the music of the 3rd and final competitor in this match Lita and as the fans are going crazy for Lita we see she is on her way to the ring.

As Lita is making her way to the ring and high fiving her fans on the outside we see that the match has already started between Gail Kim and Torrie Wilson and as we see Lita sliding in the ring the assigned official for this match Brian Hebner signals for the bell and this Triple Threat Elimination Match for the title is underway. As Lita enters the ring we see Torrie Wilson with a snap suplex on Gail Kim and as Kim is down we see Lita with a jumping leg drop off of the second rope and Lita wastes no time in going for a cover 1.....2 but Torrie pulls Lita off of Gail Kim and it appears that it is Torrie that wants the pinfall on Kim. We then see a shoving match starting up between Torrie Wilson and Lita and just then Torrie kicks Lita right in the mid-section and she sends Lita into the ropes but Lita reverses it and Lita with a running clothesline that drops Torrie Wilson. Then from behind Gail Kim nails Lita and then Kim with a German Suplex right into a bridge on Lita 1.....2 but Lita kicks out after a count of 2. Gail grabs Lita by the hair and slams her hard into the top turnbuckle and by this time we see Torrie Wilson is back to her feet and Torrie and Gail Kim with a double DDT on Lita and Gail Kim makes a cover on Lita 1.....2 but Lita manages to get the right shoulder up after just a count of 2. Torrie Wilson then grabs Lita by the hair and places her on the top turnbuckle and it appears that Torrie is kinda directing traffic her and just then Gail Kim runs across the ring and leaps to the top rope and executes the top rope Dragon-Rana off the top and Lita goes crashing to the canvas and Torrie Wilson makes a cover on Lita 1.....2 but Lita kicks out after just a count of 2. Lita is pulled back to her feet and Torrie goes for the spinning neck breaker but it is countered and Lita shoves Torrie right into Gail Kim and Gail slams right into the corner and Lita with a jumping tornado DDT on Torrie Wilson and Lita makes a cover 1.....2 but Gail Kim is in there just in time to break up the count. Kim then grabs Lita by the hair and she executes a mexican arm drag and Lita gets right back up to her feet and Gail Kim runs off the ropes and tries for a jumping hurricanrana but it is countered by Lita and Lita with a spiked powerbomb. Just then Torrie Wilson is back to her feet and she dropkicks Lita right in the back and that sends Lita through the ropes and out to the floor and at that moment we see that Gail Kim is back to her feet and she embraces Torrie and thanks her for her help but just then Torrie Wilson from behind with a German Suplex and the bridge 1..........2..........3!


Torrie Wilson pulled one over on Gail Kim and the rookie sensation has been eliminated from this match. Gail Kim out of anger gets back to her feet and kicks Torrie right in the ribs and then Gail Kim with a tombstone piledriver on Torrie Wilson and Torrie appears to be out cold. We then see WWE security in the ring trying to get Gail Kim out of the ring and as they finally do so we see Lita rolling back in the ring and she makes a cover on Torrie and she has the leg hooked 1.....2.....NO KICK OUT! The crowd can not believe that Torrie was able to kick out after that vicous tombstone by Gail Kim and Torrie somehow is back to her feet and she blocks the attempt at the right hand by lita and she fires off a series of rights and lefts of her own and Lita is rocked in the corner and Torrie with a monkey flip out of the corner. Lita gets right back to her feet and she ducks the attempted clothesline and Lita with the hangmen neckbreaker on Torrie Wilson and a cover by Lita and she has both legs hooked 1.....2.....NO! Torrie once again managed to kick out just before the count of 3 and now both ladies are back to their feet and Torrie connects with a roundhouse kick right to the side of Lita's head and Lita hits the mat hard. Torrie climbing to the top rope and she leaps off with a splash but Lita got the knees up just in the nick of time and we see Torrie on the mat holding her mid-section in pain. Lita just then with a oklahoma roll on Torrie Wilson 1.....2 but Torrie kicks out and just then Lita jumps on the shoulders of Torrie and executes a twisting hurricanrana into a cradle pin 1.....2 but Torrie once again is able to kick out after a count of 2. Both ladies just then slowly are getting to their feet as fatigue is obviously starting to play a major factor in this championship encounter and Torrie with a roundhouse kick once again but this time it is ducked by Lita and Lita connects with The Twist Of Fate! Lita climbs to the top rope and she leaps off with the moonsault but Torrie moves but somehow Lita managed to land on her feet and Lita leaps in the air and locks her feet under the arms of Torrie Wilson and rolls her into a pin ala Shawn Michaels to Chris Jericho at WrestleMania XIX and the referee is down there for the cover 1..........2..........3! Lita has eliminated Torrie Wilson and she is the NEW WWE Women's Champion!

Winner And New Champion:Lita



Just then our cameras head backstage and we see the camera crew is in the hallway of the backstage area and the crowd looking at the Titan Tron erupts as The Rock enters the arena.

As the crowd cheers as The Rock makes his way into his locker room he then stops as we hear someone over the PA system clearing their throat and calling the name of The Rock and we see it his his opponent for tonight already in the ring Raven.

We then see Raven sliding out of the ring and he stands on the announce table and has a microphone as 2 of his loyal fans standing beside him and The Rock looking at the monitor from the backstage area as Raven is about to speak.

Raven:Well look who it is The Great One himself The Rock. You know Rock in all of our lives each and every day we have to make choices that can and most likely will alter the courses we take in this insane world call life. Now tonight you Rock have made a wrong choice and choice so wrong that it just might get you killed and send you down to the depths of hell. Now Rock tonight you will try to take a title that I have held dear to my heart many times that being the Hardcore Title and you want to come here and try and take that from me.....what about me? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN!!!!! So tonight Rock I not only accept this challenge for the Hardcore Championship but I will one up you. Tonight right here on SmackDown I challenge you Rock to a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match! So what do you say Rock? Why don't you step into Raven's playground!

Just then as Raven drops the microphone and slides back into the ring the crowd erupts as The Rock is making his way down the aisle and heading to the ring.

Rock slides right in the ring but Raven cuts him off and starts putting the boots to The Rock and he drags Rock to his feet and sends him into the ropes but Rock reverses the whip and he nails Raven with a thunderous clothesline sending Raven over the top rope and all the way to the floor here at the 1st Union Center. Just as Raven is about to get back in the ring we see he is being restrained by security and we see Rock in the ring telling Raven he accepts his challenge and The Rock's music plays as we head backstage!


Just then our cameras head backstage and we see Debra in the hallway grabbing a cup of coffee when she is confronted by Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie:Hey Debra we really need to talk.

Debra:Oh really Stephanie? What about?

Stephanie:Why dont you take a walk with me I have a idea that both of us could prosper from.

Just then we see Stephanie and Debra walking down the hallway and Stephanie is whispering something in the ear of Debra and we see them enter a room and the camera zooms in on the name on the door and it reads "Stone Cold"! Just then our cameras head back out to the ringside area and we hear the music of the WWE Ceo Eric Bischoff and the crowd gives out a mixture of cheers and boos as Easy E makes his way out on the stage here on SmackDown.

Easy E:Yes and I love you all just as much! What a night this has been so far and it is only going to be so much better but that is not why I came out here I came out here to give my official state of the union address regarding SummerSlam!

Just then we see Eric putting on his reading glasses and it appears he is about to read a official statement regarding that special event.

Easy E:Ladies and Gentleman the very first ever Pay-Per-View for WWE Online will indeed be titled SummerSlam and on that night you will witness a Main Event unlike any Main Event you have ever seen before. This is a idea so brillant that it could only come from the mind of Eric Bischoff cause at SummerSlam you will see 8 WWE Superstars fighting for the chance in one match to be the WWE Champion. At SummerSlam you will bare witness to the.....DEATH PENALTY!

Just then we hear the music of Eric Bischoff as he has finished his statement and as the fans are wondering just what in the hell a Death Penalty Match really is our cameras head backstage.


Just then we see a video on the Titan Tron advertising the debut of "Y2J" Chris Jericho coming up on RAW!

As the video comes to a end we see John Cena somewhere in the arena with a flaming tourch cutting a promo for his in ring debut which is scheduled to come up at RAW!

#1 Womens Contender Match

Dawn Marie VS Beulah

Just then we head back to the ring and it is now time for the #1 contenders match for the Women's Championship. Just then we hear the music of Beulah and the crowd gives her a rather mixed reaction as she is on her way to the ring.

Beulah makes her way to the ring and she appears to be in awesome physical condition. As Beulah enters the ring we see her posing for the crowd and once again getting a very mixed reponce from this rather biased Philladelphia crowd. Just then we hear Beulah scraming at the fans and yelling at them that ECW sucked and that makes them boo even more and just then we hear the music of another former ECW Diva none other then Dawn Marie and the crowd starts to cheer as Dawn Marie is on her way to the ring.

Dawn Marie makes her way into the ring and as she does she is immediately attack by Beulah and just then the assigned referee for this contest Tim White calls for the bell and this #1 contendership match is underway. Beulah wastes no time in gaining the upper hand on Dawn Marie with a series of forearm shots to the back of Dawn's head. Dawn Marie pulls herself back up to her feet however she is met with a vicious clothesline by Beulah. Beulah pulls Dawn Marie to her feet by the hair and sends her hard into the far corner and Beulah runs across the ring and goes for a clothesline in the corner however Dawn gets the boot up right into the face of Beulah and Dawn fires out of the corner with a standing drop kick and Beulah is down. Dawn Marie hits the ropes and she scores with a jumping elbow drop right to the chest of Beulah and Dawn Marie goes for a cover and she has the leg hooked 1.....2 but Beulah powers out after a count of 2. Dawn Marie grabs Beulah by the hair and sends her into the ropes but as Beulah hits the ropes we see Dawn Marie trying for a back drop but Beulah grabs the head of Dawn Marie and she executes a jumping pile driver and Beulah goes right for the cover and she has the leg hooked 1.....2 but Dawn Marie manages to kick out after a count of 2. Beulah shoves Dawn Marie into the corner and with Dawn sitting in the corner we see Beulah putting the boots to Dawn Marie and just then Beulah with a bronco buster and that brings the crowd to their feet. Dawn Marie uses the ropes to pull herself up and Beulah runs at her but Dawn with a back drop over the ropes and Beulah lands on her feet on the ring apron and grabs Dawn by the hair and yanks her down to the mat and Beulah is on the top rope but she is caught by Dawn Marie and then Dawn with a press slam off the top. As Beulah gets back to her feet Dawn Marie with a hurricanrana into a cradle pin 1.....2 but Beulah manages to kick out at 2 and as Beulah gets to her feet Dawn Marie with a sunset flip 1.....2 but once again Beulah manages to kick out at 2. Beulah gets back to her feet and as Dawn Marie grabs a hold of her we see Beulah with a poke to the eyes of Dawn Marie and Beulah goes for her version of a Evenflow DDT but Dawn Marie counters it with a back drop and Beulah goes crashing to the canvas. Dawn Marie just then with a flipping like stunner otherwise known as The Diamond Dust and Beulah is down and Dawn Marie makes a cover on Beulah 1..........2.........3! Dawn Marie has won the match! But the fight is not over as she is attacked from behind by Beulah but Dawn Marie is fighting back and she tosses Beulah out of the ring and just then we see Dawn Marie screaming at Beulah but Beulah is just laughing at her and then Dawn Marie turns around to see..........RAVEN!

EVENFLOW DDT by Raven! Just then Beulah gets back in the ring and starts kicking the holy hell out of Dawn Marie and we then see Raven and Beulah admiring the carnage they have just caused. It seems these old ECW running buddies has reunited!

Winner:Dawn Marie



Just then our cameras head backstage and we see The Coach has caught up with Raven just as he was on the way to the ring for his Hardcore Title Match with Rock.

Coach:Raven you are just moments away from your Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match with The Rock and I was wondering if we could get your thoughts just moments away from what could be the biggest match of your career.

Raven:Coach you really think this is the defining moment of my career dont you? Well your wrong because this will be the defining moment in the career of The Rock and his last!

WWE Hardcore Title

Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match

The Rock VS Raven

Just then as we head to the ring we can plainly see that it is now time for the Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match and this twisted match is for the WWE Hardcore Championship. Just then we hear the music of Raven and as the fans give out a mix of boos and cheers we see Raven is on his way to the ring.

Just then we see Raven making his way to the ring and we see Raven posing for the crowd and he is checking the chains that are hooked to the top of all 4 ring posts. As we see Raven staring at the weapons hanging from the chains we then hear the music of The Rock and the crowd comes to their feet as The Great One is on his way to the ring.

As The Rock gets halfway down the ramp we see Raven rolling to the outside of the ring and he meets The Rock on the ramp and just then the referee assigned for this match Mike Kiota calls for the bell and we are underway. Raven fires off a right hand but Rock blocks it and fires off a series of rights of his own and Raven is then sent crashing into the steel barrier. Rock then grabs a stop sign laying on the ramp and he cracks Raven right in the back of the head with it and that stunned him and Rock leads him down near the ring apron and the head of Raven is sent crashing right into the ring apron. Raven is dazed and groggy and Rock sends him into the steel steps but Raven reverses the whip and Rock is the one that is sent crashing into the steel. Raven grabs Rock by the head and rolls him into the ring and Raven follows him in and it appears as if Raven has a steel chair. Raven swings the chair but Rock ducks and kicks Raven right in the ribs and that forces Raven to drop the chair and then Rock with a picture perfect DDT onto Raven right on the chair and Rock makes a cover and he has the leg hooked 1.....2 but Raven manages to kick out after a count of 2. Raven very slowly is getting back to his feet and Rock with the whip and Rock scores with the back elbow right to the jaw of Raven and Rock reaches and grabs a kendo stick from one of the chains and just then we see Raven is fully recovered from that DDT but Rock jabs the stick right into the ribs of Raven and then Rock with a over head shot right to the back of Raven with the kendo stick. Rock with stick in hand sends Raven into the ropes but Raven ducks the stick shot and tries for the Evenflow DDT but Rock counters and drives Raven back first into the corner and Rock picks up the stick but Raven nails Rock with a hard kick right to the face of The Rock and then Raven scores with a clothesline. Raven then grabs a leather strap from one of the chains and Raven is laying into The Rock with the strap and the crowd is going nuts chanting for more violence! Raven then wraps the strap around the neck of The Rock and tosses him over the ropes and he is hanging The Rock by the throat with that leather strap. The referee is trying to get Raven to stop hanging The Rock but there is really nothing the referee can do in this type of a match but Raven finally then releases the hangman hold on The Rock and Rock is staggered on the ring apron. Raven grabs Rock by the head and tries for a suplex from the outside back in but Rock counters it and Raven is suplexed over the top rope and all the way to the arena floor. Rock drops to the floor and grabs Raven by the hair and sends Raven head first right into the steel ring post and it appears that Raven has been split wide open and he is in fact bleeding from ear to ear. Rock grabs a bloody Raven and rolls him back into the ring and Rock reaches under the ring and grabs a table and slides it into the ring and as Rock enters the ring he is nailed with a knee lift by Raven and Raven then sets up the table in the corner and grabs Rock and sends him across the ring but Rock reverses it and Raven goes crashing right through the wooden table and the crowd is on their feet after that one. Rock goes into the corner and grabs Raven but Raven pokes Rock right in the eye and Raven has a piece of the broken table and it appears he has made a spike out of it and is trying to jab it right into the head of The Rock! Rock is fighting Raven off and Rock just then with a low blow to Raven and Rock now has the spike and he lunges at Raven but Raven with a drop toe hold and Rock goes face first right into the steel chair. Raven then grabs the spike and starts digging it into the head of The Rock and the crowd does not seem very pleased with that tactic from Raven and The Rock has been split wide open as well. Raven pulls a bloody and battered Rock to his feet and he tries for a Evenflow DDT but it is countered.....ROCK BOTTOM! Rock with The Rock Bottom but he seems too spent to make a cover and as both men are down we then see Rock able to get a arm across the chest of Raven 1..........2.........NO KICK OUT! Raven somehow someway managed to get the left shoulder up just as the referee's hand was coming down for the fatal 3. Rock is back to his feet and as we see Rock using the ropes to keep his balance we see Raven is back to his feet as well and Raven tries for a right hand but Rock blocks it and Rock fires of a series of right hands to the head of Raven and then Rock sends Raven into the ropes and Rock with the spinebuster slam and it appears he is going for The People's Elbow.

Rock then tosses his elbow pad into the crowd and then hits the ropes and then hits the other rope but just then Raven is back to his feet and once again a drop toe hold into the chair by Raven and both men are down as the crowd is cheering for both men out of appreciation over the classic match they have put on for them tonight here on SmackDown. Rock is the first man to his feet and he grabs Raven by the hair and he has him all set up for The Rock Bottom but just then Raven grabs the arm of The Rock and twists him around.....EVENFLOW DDT! Raven scores with the Evenflow DDT and Raven has the cover on The Rock and the leg is hooked 1..........2..........3! Raven has defeated The Rock in The Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match to capture the WWE Hardcore Championship!

Winner And New Champion:Raven



As our cameras head backstage we see Kevin Nash about to leave his dressing room for the what could be the biggest match of his career or his last. Just as he walks out of his locker room we see Stone Cold on his way down the hallway with Debra and Stone Cold gets right in the face of Big Sexy!

We then see the 2 men that will battle in a few minutes for the World Heavyweight Championship having a war of words with each other and just as it seems like they are about to come to blows they are seperated by Eric Bischoff and he tells both men to save it for the ring. Just then we see Eric Bischoff heading back to his office to watch the Main Event and as he enters his office we see that Triple H is backstage enjoying his first night with the company.

Eric Bischoff:Triple H so glad you could make it to SmackDown! The reason I wanted you here tonight was so you could get a feel of what WWE-Online is all about and you can trust me when I say you will be wrestling in that very ring on RAW!

Triple H:Well Eric I am glad to be here tonight for SmackDown but the reason I came back here was to request a spot in The Death Penalty whatever it is!

Don't worry Hunter you will have the chance in the upcoming weeks to qualify for this historic match and as far as what it is well I will shed a little more light on that on RAW!


Loser Leaves Match

Kevin Nash VS "Stone Cold" Steve Austin W/Debra

Just then we head to the ring as we can see it is now time for the battle for the WWE Championship where someone will move onto RAW as the World Champion while another will head right into retirement and with that being said we then head down to ringside and Lilian Garcia.

Lilian Garcia:Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the beautiful 1st Union Center right here in the city of brotherly love here in Philladelphia Pennsylvania and this is our Main Event of the evening! Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is the Loser Leaves Match and it is for the Undisputed WWE Championship!

Just then we hear the crowd cheering as the music of "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash hits and as the crowd is on their feet for this 7 footer we see Kevin Nash is on his way to the ring for what could be the biggest match of his life or his last.

Just then we see Kevin Nash making his way down the aisle heading to the ring and as the crowd is on their feet for this 4-Time World Champion he steps onto the ring apron and enters the ring by walking over the top rope. Nash enters the ring and poses in the center of the ring as the pyro is going off and these fans are going crazy. As Nash stands on the second turnbuckle and raises both arms high in the air we then hear the music of Stone Cold Steve Austin and the crowd gets even louder for The Texas Rattlesnake as Stone Cold is making his way to the ring.

Steve Austin makes his way down the aisle and as we suspected he is being led to the ring by his wife Debra. As she takes her place in the corner of Stone Cold we see Steve Austin climbing into the ring and he poses on the second turnbuckle for the fans and this place is going nuts. Austin then gets off the ropes and he removes his leather vest and hands it to Debra and just then the referee assigned for this contest Earl Hebner calls for the bell and this all important World Title match is now officially underway. Austin and Nash meet in the center of the ring and they are eye to eye and nose to nose ande classic Nash fashion he has started the trash talking on Stone Cold Steve Austin. Just then we see that Nash said something to Stone Cold he found funny and shoves it and that set of Austin and like a house of fire Austin starts the match with a series of right hands under the jaw of Kevin Nash and the big man is rocked up against the ropes and Austin with the whip into the ropes and he goes for a clothesline but it is ducked by Nash and Nash answers with a clothesline of his own and that sends Austin out to the floor as he rolled under the bottom rope to slow this one down. We see Debra giving Austin some words of advise on the outside and just then Nash goes out of the ring after Stone Cold and Nash with a clothesline from the back side and that drops Austin and Nash rolls Austin back into the ring. As Nash climbs back into the ring we see Debra has a hold of Nash's ankle and as Nash tries to grab the former beauty queen he is nailed in the head by Austin with a sledge hammer like shot and that stuns Big Sexy and then Austin with the vertical suplex right into a cover 1.....2 but Nash gets the right shoulder up after a count of 2. Nash slowly gets back to his feet and Austin sends Nash into the corner and Austin is fired up as he is stomping a mudhole in the ass of Kevin Nash and walking it dry. Nash slowly makes his way to his feet and is leaning in the corner and Austin ahead of steam runs in on Nash but Big Sexy gets the boot up right in the face of Austin and Nash out of the corner hits the ropes and nails Stone Cold with a thunderous clothesline and Nash with a cover and he has the leg hooked 1.....2 but Stone Cold kicks out after a count of 2 and rolls to his gut. Nash grabs Austin by the head and face first rams him into the top turnbuckle and Nash now starting to gain a decisive advantage and he uses his boot to choke Austin in the corner and as we can see the look of concern on the face of Debra the referee starts laying a count on Nash but Nash breaks the hold after the referee reached the count of 4. Austin dazed and groggy staggers out of the corner and Nash with the irish whip and Nash scores with a major sidewalk slam right into a cover and he does have the leg hooked 1.....2 but Austin gets the left shoulder up after a count of 2. Austin crawls over to the ropes and we see Debra screaming at Austin to get back up and just then we see Nash picking Austin back up to his feet and he sends Austin into the ropes but Stone Cold ducks the big boot and a thesz press by Austin and he lays in a series of right hands to the side of Nash's head. Nash is groggy and it looks like Austin is setting him up for his Stone Cold Stunner and as Nash gets back to his feet Austin with a kick to the gut and he goes for the stunner but Nash counters and shoves Austin face first into the corner and as Austin staggers out Nash lifts Austin onto his shoulder and Kevin Nash with snake eyes in the corner and that shot sends Austin to the ropes. Austin's throat is draped over the ropes and as we see Debra trying to get Austin back up Nash hits the ropes and jumps and his right leg nails Austin in the back of the neck and that shot sends Austin onto the ring apron. Austin pulls himself back up on the ring apron and Nash tries for a suplex from the outside back in but Austin counters it and Austin with a modfied hotshot on Kevin Nash and Nash staggers out to the center of the ring holding his throat. Austin slides back in the ring and as Nash turns around Austin with a running clothesline that drops Kevin Nash and Stone Cold goes for a cover and he has the leg hooked 1..........2 but Nash gets the right shoulder up after a 2 count. Austin grabs Nash by the hair and pulls him back to his feet and Austin with a kick right to the ribs and he sends Nash into the ropes but Nash ducks the clothesline and he grabs Austin from behind and he sends Austin into the ropes and Nash scores with his big boot right to the face of Stone Cold Steve Austin and it looks like Nash is going to go for the jacknife powerbomb!

Kevin Nash pulls down the straps and he grabs Austin by the head as we can hear Debra screaming for Austin to pull himself together and Nash sets up Stone Cold but as Nash was about to go for his powerbomb we see Austin drops down to a knee and nails Nash with a low blow to save himself. Austin gets back to his feet and as he sees that Nash is still down Austin hits the ropes and he connects with a diving elbow right to the chest of Kevin Nash and Austin with a cover and this time he has the leg hooked 1.....2 but Nash manages to kick out after a count of 2. Nash appears to still have alot of fight left in him as he manages to make it to his feet and Austin goes for a right hand but that shot is blocked and Nash with a series of hard elbow shots to the head of Stone Cold and then Nash with a knee lift right to the ribs of Austin and then Nash scores with a over head elbow shot to the back of Austin's neck. Austin drops to a knee but is pulled back up by Nash and Kevin Nash again with a jumping sidewalk slam and that brings Debra onto the apron. Nash gets off of Austin and grabs Debra by the hair and pulls her into the ring over the top rope and Earl Hebner is trying to get Debra out of the ring and out of no where as Nash turns around..........STUNNER!

Stone Cold got the stunner on Kevin Nash and we see Austin with everything he has left getting on top of Kevin Nash and he has the leg hooked and just then Earl Hebner turns back around and makes the count and the crowd is counting along with the referee 1..........2..........3! That's it! Stone Cold has done and he is the New WWE Champion and the career of Kevin Nash is now history!

Winner And New Champion:Stone Cold Steve Austin


STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! Stone Cold Steve Austin is the NEW WWE CHAMPION and Kevin Nash is history! What a night this has been on the debut edition of SmackDown! Just then we see Kevin Nash in the ring getting a standing ovation from this capacity crowd!

What a night this has been for everyone involved in WWE-Online and now Kevin Nash has a much deserved retirement and as the show goes off the air we see Stone Cold leaving the arena with Debra as the New WWE Champion as Nash is still in the ring getting a unbelievable ovation!


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