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My Email and Stuff

...... That would be my email address and stuff like my.... Email. And IM. And other websites I probably never finished.

Shout out's and Thank You's

...... This is just... Where I list thank you's and shout out's to friends and stuff... Some people are not my friends... Because they don't know me. But they can be my friend if they don't know me... RIGHT?

Blenders, Bondage, & Spiderman Suits

...... One of the many few un-finished fan fictions I wrote. It's pretty funny for the most part... Okay, when i say fan fiction, I mean good charlotte fan fiction. That's the only band I can write fan fiction about and it'll be funny.

The Dead Kennedys

....... One of my favorite bands. And they get a whole sectiony thing. They should feel special. Jello, If you are reading this you are special. You are special if you don't read this, but if you read it at least you know your special. Haha. That's Them... In the Background. I think all the music is getting annoying. I should change that. Yea. Later.


...... Can't have a site without links. There's not gonna be alot of those... Wait. If I list all the band official sites... I'll have 30 some. So Nevermind, I guess there should be more than that. Okay! I'm only going to put the interesting and informative ones, so.... Yea.