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My Healthy Plus for Life

Links that I find cool

Angelfire Home Pages
chat room
Bmi Calculater to calculate your wieght

Greetings All! I'm happy that you could visit healthy plus for life! I have been overweight for the past 14 years and I have tried to go on diets and other quick fix solutions that just don't seem to work . However I am gonna try something extremely different now. I am gonna talk to the general public those of you who have overweight family that you are concerned for and those of you who like myself are overweight. I know that with support from one another we can turn this battle into A victory. I am not just on a mission to cure the weight demon for myself but for my fellow support group as well . So sit back and relax and gather information as it comes along. Please leave your questions or comments about anything pertaining to weightloss. We will have information on were all that you need to lose weight. I will be putting information on the site over the next couple of days so stay tuned. Sincerely, Taylor
