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Updated: 10.20.2003 Best Viewed At: 1152x864 & Up Name: Yeng Yang DOB: 09.04.1983 Music: BoA - Discovery (Valenti) For More Info - Note Me


Hah!? :::10-08-2003::: Yea, Finally put up a new layout. School so boring...doing the same thing day in day out...AHHHHHH. Oh well might get out of it and just go do that PC Productivity thing...they got nice comercials. Heheheh...Yup the comercial gets ya. And some colleges and what not got some dumb comercials. Like that checks cashed comercial...I think its this comercial. Where this guy is in a hot tub with a girl...then 2 more comes and then the girl that he was with first is like ... "Hey, but I saw him first." You guys know what I`m talking about right. Oh well, thats a dumb comercial. "Hey, But I saw him first" Ahhhahahahaha. :::10-02-2003::: Hmmmm, guess I didn`t get a good score on my midterm...oh well. Guess things just isn`t going my way...that`s weak. College just don`t seem like its for me...people say it`s the best experience you`ll ever have...but I prefer just doing other things. But I`ll still be going to college...maybe I`ll find something I want to study...maybe not...cause you study too many things just for one thing. Really not my style. :::9-19-2003::: Hahahaha yeah, Just bought Twins Effect...this movie is pretty good. Fun to watch and it got some funny scenes in it also. Pretty good fight scenes too. :::Before the date above::: So boring, college is so is like speed schooling. All they do is talk for a couple of hours then give you homework. Then you`re like what homework I don`t even know what you were talking about for the past hour. How could you give me homework...Oh well, just do it. *Sniff* now I`m 20 so sad...but hey I can still have fun. One more year then I`m drinking age...but hey I don`t drink. But man I still gotta go to school....ahhh school, school, school. Stupid college...why don`t we just go train to do just what we want like if you wanna just be one of those car making poeple. The only have some equations to work with...not all. So all you`ll need to know is just those equations heck yea. SHOO! Haaaaaaaa, What is it with Johnsonville sausages...they are just so `figgin` good. Whaaa then there`s KFC boneless wings...ummmmm finger lickin good heheheh lol. But some food is just way hard to the nasty ones shoooo. Damn forgot all the others I had on my old aa-page`s friend list...AHHHHHH. Hmmmm guess I`ll have to find them again.


Fear You look back, there`s nothing there, It`s all black, is there something to fear, It`s clear black, fear`s stacked, where`s little Zach, That boy, you went hiking with, now you feel stiff, Think to yourself, he went ahead, you say to yourself, You walk ahead, you slip, you feel around, It`s a small body, is it him, is it Zach, Head falls into your lap, blood slaps, You in the face, You cry and scream, Then a voice talks to you, "It`s ok, you`ll due time," Chimes and wind, sounds in your ear, You stand, you look down, you frown, tears run down, `You`re already dead` Paranoia A guy stares outside his window, Looking outside with his eye twitching, And his old lady`s b1tching at him, Screamin and hollarin at him cause he won`t stop lookin, He polishes his shotgun, still staring outside the window, His eyes are getting red, he screams, he sees a man, Outside walking and talking, he pushes the window open, The man screams out `watch this` he grabs his old lady, The man dodgesthe glass, looks up, A woman falls down, a man falls after,the man smiles, Laughter slips out of the mans mouth, A hole is blasted through, she screams, Nothing is heard but blood is felt, As it drips from her body, the fallin man, Turns the gun on himself, blood splaters the wall, Bodies hits thesidewalk, blood turns into a fountain, The smiling man walks away, `What made him do it` Dream Floors move, doors too, music is heard, butnothing is heard, by others, you start to shiver, Roll in a ball, it`s dark now, you start to frown, See a clown, holdin ballons, smilin at you, Wavin hello, sayin come here, you cover your head he disappears, You feel relieved, but still scared, what was that, Youstart to cry, tears down your face, Friends laugh, screamin at you, `what the fuck you cryin for,` But in a blur, they disappear, blood is felt but not heard, You scream, cry agian, then you wake up, Looked at yourself, Your friends are dead, there`s only you left, You`re holdin ballons, you`re the one laughin now, You walk away with the ballons, Ballons representin the ones that laughed at you, The faces drawn on, smile come on, One of many, this was a dream Picked On No More People don`t wanna listen, and now they`re missin, Where`d they go, I don`t know, move along this ain`t a show, Just listen and you`ll know, why they went missin, 2 months ago they were dissin me, pushing me, Hittin me, cursin at me, then I took a stand, I would never be pushed around any more, I took a knife and I tore his flesh, turned it into mesh, Others ran, I screamed and cried, `F*** no you ain`t gettin away,` Hahahah, traps were set, this was it, no turning back, My anger was stacked, They were trapped, 1 by 1, Trapped in my net, bet they didn`t bet that, Smile came across my face, when I saw fear in thier eyes, Same fear I once had, Awwww to bad, seems they all goin to die, I sighed then laughed, cut one down, took him by the head, One stab through the neck, and he was dead, The rest screamed, it seemed they knew what was comin, killed them off 1 by 1, stuned whenI was done, What have I done, hands were all red, everyone was dead, But hey I wasn`t, so f*** you
Thanks for visiting my page it isn't much though...but it should get better.