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rain down on me
Monday, 16 June 2003
Another damn quiz.
1. Smoked? Everyday.
2. Been Drunk as hell? Once or twice.
3. Screwed someone of the opposite sex? Oh yes.
4. Screwed someone of the same sex? I'm sucha dyke.
5. Shoplifted? Got caught too :\
6. Lied? Yep.
7. Betrayed a friend? Ick. Yeah.
8. Been to jail? Not yet :D
9. Smoked weed? Yeah :\
10. Done LSD? Nope.
11. Done any other illegal drug? Nope.
12. Given oral sex? Absolutely :D
13. Received oral sex? MMMMMM
14. Screwed something not of the human race? Naw.
15. Screwed something not alive? Gross. No.
16. Cheated on someone? Worst mistake...
17. Used someone? yes
18. Paid someone for sex? I don't have to.
19. Been paid for sex? Naw.
20. Played strip poker? actually no, i dont even know how to play poker
21. Skipped school? Hell yeah. School blows!
22. Skipped school to get high/drunk? Yep.
23. Danced naked? Yes
24. Danced naked in public? At a party
25. Flashed someone? Yep.
26. Mooned someone? Haha yeah.
27. Kissed someone? Yesss.
28. Kissed someone of the same sex? Yes! Yummy!
29. Held hands? Yeah.
30. Hugged someone? Uh yeah.
31. French kissed? Mmm kisses.
32. Had sexual fantasies? Who hasn't?
33. Had gay/lesbian fantasies? All of the time.
34. Stolen money? Yes.
35. Stolen money from family? Yes, from my mother. It wasn't much and I told her afterward.
36. Stolen drugs from family? No.
37. Been convicted of a crime? Not since I've been legal :D
38. Dated someone because you heard they were ’easy’? All men are easy.
39. Had someone date you because they thought you
were easy? I'm sure.
40. Been called a whore? A few times.
41. Been called a bitch? Everyday.
42. Watched porn? Absolutely.
43. Taped porn? Yes, I wonder where that went to...
44. Watched porn you taped? Yes.
45. Kissed someone in a moving vehicle? Doing 120 mph
46. Screwed someone in a moving vehicle? A stopped one.
47. Used sex ’toys’? Definately!
48. Tried to kill yourself? Yes.
49. Tried to kill someone else? Only wanted to.
50. Told someone you hated them? A few :)
51. Told someone you loved them and didn’t mean it?Maybe.

Posted by ill/estmofo at 8:26 PM EDT
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I'm such a fool for loving him. He makes me regret it so often. What makes it so hard to stick to your word? If only I could just find someone to take my mind off of him...
He promised to call last night...after celebrating a birthday (again) with a female friend. I'm so tired of the excuses, one more I don't want to hear.
Cait and Brian want to go with me Thursday to visit him. More and more he's pushing me away though, I want to run as far away as possible in the opposite direction. His selfishness upsets me.
I'm going out tonight, but not sure where. We're supposed to stop by Will's. Who knows what's going on there...the dirty raver kids "partying", most likely. Also we'll see Shay at Steak and Shake sometime tonight. We always end up there. I love knowing everyone there. We never have to pay for soda or chili.
I know how this blog will be. This first entry is long and meaningful, the ones that follow I'm sure will be short and sweet.
And that is all for now.

Posted by ill/estmofo at 7:48 PM EDT
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