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SLAVES OF THE MIND (an introduction)

I am dedicating this site to try to convince some of you that you are living a lie. Our government is set up not to keep us free, but to keep us ignorant. Your thoughts and feelings are created for you by the media and what you learn in school. Its all fake. TV shows are set up to brainwash the american citizens. The news is destroying americans. All we hear is what our government wants us to. We do not here most of the opinions of what other countrys think of what we do, and most of us dont give a shit one way or another. We all hold on to what we own, our possessions mean everything to us. "Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need." What we own, ends up owning us. Big corporations influence whatever they want with the power of money. They can influence government decisions, laws, and anything that they see fit to suit them. "...when deep-space exploitation ramps up, it will probably be the megatonic corporations that discover all the new planets and map them. The IBM Stellar Sphere. The Philip Morris Galaxy. Planet Denny's. Every planet will take on the corporate identity of whoever rapes it first. Budweiser World." Propaganda makes us feel patriotc, though nazis used sawasticas to feel attached to their government. What the government doesnt want us to know, they hide from us. Everyone is against "book burning" because its afful and horrible, but we are brainwashed, the government bans books every day, whats the difference between burning them and baning them? NOTHING! We are brought up to believe that every form of government outside of democracy is horrible. We were led to believe that communism would destroy us all and we needed to put an end to it in any way. Whats the difference between segragating political beliefs and segragating race. Communism is a great philosophy, when you read this, you might have some negative thoughts running through your head because i jsut said that. Those thoughts are from you being brainwashed. You probably dont know anything about communism except that its "bad." Now im not saying that i am communist, i am only using it as an example. Communism would never work in this world of greed and curruption, and every form of government that is regarded as "communist" never really was communist. Another way to put the fact that the government hides what they dont want you to know is that they ban The communist manifesto from librarys and bookstores, and if you do get a copy of it, they can tag you and track you and keep records of you. If you cant read what its all about, then how do you know for certain that its so wrong and horrible? This hole nation is medicated... from ritalin to anti-depressants. Every negative thought that we have, doctors want to medicate it, get rid of the negative thoughts so that we are all zombies, not questioning.

Our Prison System

The United States of America, supposedly the freeist country in the world, has over 2,000,000 people in prision. One quarter of the world prison population is imprisoned in the US. We have imprisoned a larger number AND a larger percentage of our citizens than in every single other country. Most of the prisoners are there for minor drug offences, which we pay taxes to fill our prisons with. Minorities are imprisoned at large multiples of their actual incidence of criminal behavior. Does this seem fair? should we spend billions of taxpayers money to keep minor drug offenders (1/4 the prision population) locked up? Are americans just enough to see to it that minoritys dont get a bigger sentance because of their skin color or ethnicity?

  1. 74% of those in state prisons for drug offenses have no convictions for violence
  2. 27% have been convicted of simple drug possession, not for selling or even intending to sell.
  3. 58% have no history of either violence or high-level drug dealing.
  4. New York, made low-level drug offenses as serious as rape and manslaughter, good for 15 years to life.
  5. studies indicate the treatment(not prison) for drug offenders cuts the number of repeat offenders by 50% to 90%.