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eMo iS a BeAuTiFuL tHiNg

hello all you emo kids. i got bored so i decided to make a page. its not so good but give me a while and it will be the best page you have ever seen in your life surely. well....these are my 10 favorite emo bands in no particular order. you should check them out. *i heart something corporate*

best emo bands

the bands above

taking back sundays website...includes photos merch street team tour dates and all that good stuff
the ataris is a rad band....catch them on tour, this site shows their tour dates
this site will become, the anthem of, your underground
two words, pride war
this band is so good in concert, you guys should dl a couple songs and get into them, they are true to their fans
good emo band, meaningful lyrics that you can pick up on there webpage
piano rock, very very good piano rock at that. best band in the world. join the street team to get free stuff and spread the word about soco
well....they arent emo anymore but their nothing gold can stay cd was.....heres there site
nice sound, have pics, merch, tour dates, tour things
eat your heart out