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Unabashed Illiteracy [home|people|entries]
Elaborate Breakout

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Think For Yourself

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Latest Update Information [13 Sept 2004|05:20pm]
[ mood | re[fuckin]laxed ]
[ music | POD- Will You? ]

Wouldn't that be something? Anywho - this is my "heads-up" to anyone who cares. I've started a web page. This page is going to be littered with anything I fancy; i.e. random thoughts, lyrics, images, programs, dbz relations, etc... I'm also going to open up a forum, allowing for your comments. Due to lost URL's this page has an entirely new layout. Updates should occur multiple times a week. [after the initial 2 weeks of further formatting.] I've also created a new e-mail address at which I can be reached, for anything: I also intend to gather multiple URL spaces from Angelfire to expand my webpage past their regular limits, allowing your individual visitors to have their own pages, linked within my main page;
example: would be a valid user domain.
It used to be that I didn't want anybody knowing about myself, but that opinion has recently changed. I also feel as though I know too little about myself. Perhaps when I view this sights content and the postings I make I'll be able to introspect better and therefor understand myself better. Anyways, at this point I'm not too worried about it; the site is fun, for the most part. I hope you eventually find it as entertaining to peruse as I've found it to make. Lata.

|message board coming soon|

Initial Posting [homepage] [13 Sept 2004|03:02pm]
[ mood | acediaOut of it ]
[ music | Shinedown - 45 ]

Here it is - the first post. Everything seems to be in order. Layout looks alrightl page flows properly. Color scheme is in order, as well. Table borders might need to be double layered. Feel free to critique me. I'd love to hear opinions and perhaps change things around. Page updates will occur rapidly, including; working links, updated infromation, messaging board, e-mail accounts, etc... [don't critique the avatar. that's my shit, bitch.]

|message board coming soon|

[ viewing | Update Info Page ]
[ e-mail | Kerry; Ill Earth ]