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DoRican's Webpage

Announcement: I don't know what I'm doing, I'm going step by step... If you have any ideas for me, just email me!

My self portrait. I know I look innocent; but it's because I am...

I am half Dominican & half Puerto Rican, that's why I chose the name DoRican, it fits both sides of my ethnicity.

A Little About My Life

*In no specific order*


I love computers with a passion, my goal is to be a webdesigner, and as you can see, I've started my learning... not bad for my first webpage don't you agree?
With computers though, comes games, and I love my games:
  • Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
  • Tribes II
  • Jedi Knight II
  • Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
  • Unreal Tournament
    *Click the links to see what the game is about.*

    Mi Gente

    My close friends; won't give names but here are some random pics to illustrate them.

    I hang out with a certain group of people. But I'm friends with a whole lot of people. I don't have biased thoughts towards anyone, because I truly believe in the Golden Rule: "Treat people the way you want to be treated." Simply because I respect people and their opinions even if they differ from mine. I usually hang out with Hispanics because being one myself I feel like they are family and understand me better than anyone else. However as I said, I do have other friends and get along just fine.
    As for my thoughts on women, well all you should know is: I respect them, and respect those who have a relationship. Something people should understand is, I won't try to get with a girl if she is dating someone simply because I wouldn't want a guy trying to get with my girl if I was dating someone.

    Which brings me to this:
  • Status: Single.

    Email me at: DoRican