Dome Problems

Big MAC!

Shitblast Underworld
Why Westmont is the way it is
Mope Symbols
Mope Community Events and Rituals
Sand Nigger Meeting Place
The face of the unknown Mope
Romeoville Community Requirements
The Oakbrook/Westmont Mope Agreement
New for '06! Fuckyaself Fuckyaself Fuckyaself!
Why Being Gay Gets You Props In Chicago
The Correlation Between Women from Wilmington and Bad Sex
Donny's House of METH
This Page is IFCE Approved
Lunchmeat's Short Story
****Hurricane Katrina's Bar and Grill***
Choclate Rain
Choclate Rain II for NES
Who is Tay Zonday?
Historical Westmont in 1910

A brief note from the Great Alinco: For all of you who Michael Bolton fans out there, there is a new sudo WNUA artist. I can picture the song Chocolate Rain playing on repeat as you are in a waiting room in the dentist office. Anyway the video who is Tay Zonaday is full of bad faces of everyone in the video.

My suggestions: 1.) Make a Tay Zonday face mask for halloween. 2.) Watch the Who is Tay Zonday link. As he is interviewed on the Jimmy Kimmel show. 3.) Play Choclate Rain II for NES 4.) Move to Darien, Illinois.

In accordance with state law and the cook county assessors office the MOPE militia is going to rock your ass and kick your dick in. This site is a joint effort to raise mope awareness and to prevent any further misrepresentation of the MOPE lifestyle. If at anytime you are offended or feel weak please contact the vendor or take a dirt nap.

SUN GOD EDITOR'S NOTE: I logged onto this site yesterday for the first time in months and surprised this nigga was still breathing! I'd like to thank all thr fucks who come here and check this shit out. I am trying to set some new stuff up today if time permits, but should be soon if I don't crash. It is 3/23/06 as of now. Oh yeah, if you don't like this site, kill yourself, motherfucker!

PS. I shit standing up motherfucker
