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- News - Shows - Bios - Media - Links - Mission Statement - Lyrics - Contact Info -
September 14, 2004-
so yeah, a lot of stuff has happened. Robert's not in the band anymore, but we have a new drummer named Chris. He's 16, and extra spicy. David also got a haircut, and an earring. and as for me... I'm in college, now. it's crazy
May 31, 2004-
I just wanted to say happy memorial day to all of you, and to let you know that the heartbreaker's ball was a success. we had a lot of fun, and there were a lot of cute kids who showed up. we've also got some t-shirts to sell at our shows for $10.
May 2, 2004-
Friday's show was lots of fun. It seemed like we were appreciated so much more in a youth group setting than at like a regular show. it was loads of fun, and we even practiced/rocked out a bit at the coffee shop afterwards. I personally think I rocked harder there, than at the show, itself. We've also got some pins, and are working on getting some more merchendise. You know, nothing expensive enough to order, but you can at least pick something up when you come watch us. Also, Robert was elected for our Prom King!!! isn't that awesome! give him a huge hug when you see him.
Old News
wow, we have nothing booked right now
we don't have much here, yet... but this is what us boys do in the band.
David Mosley - Bass/Vocals
PJ Verkruyse - Guitar/Vocals
Chris - Drums like woah
February 28th- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
March 20th- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
April 30th- 1
May 29th- 1, 2
June 5th- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Jax Jam Fest (september 11th)- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
We also have a couple mp3s already, on our pure volume page, here
I'm also gonna make a few buddy icons... but hey, be patient.
Super Famicom PJ's acoustic stuff that he does
Taken Too Far Rockin emo band from Winchester
The Junior Varsity Rad band from this neck of the woods
Invoid A neato band made up of 4 very handsome boys from Franklin, IL
-Mission Statement-
Maybe I should ask Chris or David to write something for this, but hey... I guess I can write something. God pretty much was awesome enough to let us have this band, and bring us together... so, we figured we might as well play for Him. cause He rocks hard. We got our name from Romans Chapter 12 (december is the 12th month)... and it's all about love. and really we just want to share the love and stuff
I don't have all of the lyrics for our songs, yet... but this should work.
shoot, we don't even do half those old songs, anymore. I'll post updated lyrics, soon.
-Contact Info-
I figure if we ever want to get gigs, we should give you guys a way of getting a hold of us.
PJ Phone # 217-245-9606
AIM Screen name xfamicomx
Chris Phone # 217-589-5018
Cell Phone # 217-371-0252
David Phone # 217-370-6548
AIM screen name decemberinrome
The Band in General
Our email address is