Demented D's Somewhat Interesting, But Not Really Profile
This profile really, really sucks.. turn back now

Hey my freind, I am extremely bored, and so are you,
so read on.. mmk.. This profile is going to be uber
sucky.. So brace yourself for the worst experience of
your life.. Ok, maybe not that bad.. but this intro
could really suck.. Alot.. It seems to be dragging on,
Intros really shouldn't drag on.. That just gives a
bad presentation right at the start.. Well.. Now that
you have read that, you have been taken over by my
powers of subliminal control.. HA!

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Winamp Playlist - 8/17/03
Techno Launch Station
How to make a kitty pie.. mmm mmm
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How To Not Get Sued When File Sharing
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